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Observation of nuclear-spin Seebeck effect

吉川 貴史*; Reitz, D.*; 伊藤 宏陽*; 巻内 崇彦*; 杉本 宜陽*; 恒川 翔*; 大門 俊介*; 大柳 洸一*; Ramos, R.*; 高橋 三郎*; et al.

Nature Communications (Internet), 12, p.4356_1 - 4356_7, 2021/07

 被引用回数:19 パーセンタイル:87.09(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

Thermoelectric effects have been applied to power generators and temperature sensors that convert waste heat into electricity. The effects, however, have been limited to electrons to occur, and inevitably disappear at low temperatures due to electronic entropy quenching. Here, we report thermoelectric generation caused by nuclear spins in a solid: nuclear-spin Seebeck effect. The sample is a magnetically ordered material MnCO$$_3$$ having a large nuclear spin $$(I=5/2)$$ of $$^{55}$$Mn nuclei and strong hyperfine coupling, with a Pt contact. In the system, we observe low-temperature thermoelectric signals down to 100 mK due to nuclear-spin excitation. Our theoretical calculation in which interfacial Korringa process is taken into consideration quantitatively reproduces the results. The nuclear thermoelectric effect demonstrated here offers a way for exploring thermoelectric science and technologies at ultralow temperatures.


Tunable magnonic thermal Hall effect in skyrmion crystal phases of ferrimagnets

Kim, S. K.*; 仲田 光樹; Loss, D.*; Tserkovnyak, Y.*

Physical Review Letters, 122(5), p.057204_1 - 057204_6, 2019/02


 被引用回数:53 パーセンタイル:93.63(Physics, Multidisciplinary)



Spin-current probe for phase transition in an insulator

Qiu, Z.*; Li, J.*; Hou, D.*; Arenholz, E.*; N'Diaye, A. T.*; Tan, A.*; 内田 健一*; 佐藤 浩司*; 岡本 聡*; Tserkovnyak, Y.*; et al.

Nature Communications (Internet), 7, p.12670_1 - 12670_6, 2016/08

 被引用回数:144 パーセンタイル:97.15(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

Spin fluctuation and transition have always been one of the central topics of magnetism and condensed matter science. Experimentally, the spin fluctuation is found transcribed onto scattering intensity in the neutron-scattering process, which is represented by dynamical magnetic susceptibility and maximized at phase transitions. Importantly, a neutron carries spin without electric charge, and therefore it can bring spin into a sample without being disturbed by electric energy. However, large facilities such as a nuclear reactor are necessary. Here we show that spin pumping, frequently used in nanoscale spintronic devices, provides a desktop microprobe for spin transition; spin current is a flux of spin without an electric charge and its transport reflects spin excitation. We demonstrate detection of antiferromagnetic transition in ultra-thin CoO films via frequency-dependent spin-current transmission measurements, which provides a versatile probe for phase transition in an electric manner in minute devices.

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