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Journal Articles

Study on oxidation behavior of cladding for accident conditions in spent fuel pool

Nemoto, Yoshiyuki; Kaji, Yoshiyuki; Ogawa, Chihiro; Nakashima, Kazuo*; Tojo, Masayuki*; Goto, Daisuke*

Fushoku Boshoku Kyokai Dai-62-Kai Zairyo To Kankyo Toronkai Koenshu (CD-ROM), p.23 - 24, 2015/11

In order to clarify the air oxidation behavior of the cladding at high temperatures for study on improvement of safety for accident conditions in spent fuel pool, the oxidation tests for both small specimens under constant temperature conditions and long specimens under loss of coolant simulated temperature conditions were carried out, and the knowledge for influence of both temperature gradient and preoxide film on oxidation behavior of the cladding were obtained in this study.

Oral presentation

Effect of tungstate inhibitor and molybdate-containing mixed phosphate-based inhibitor on corrosion of PCV steel in diluted sea water

Kaneko, Tetsuji*; Tanaka, Norihiko*; Kawaharada, Yoshiyuki*; Fujii, Kazumi*; Iwanami, Masaru*; Ishioka, Shinichi*; Yokoyama, Yutaka*; Umehara, Ryuji*; Kato, Chiaki; Ueno, Fumiyoshi; et al.

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Effect of $$gamma$$-ray irradiation on inhibition of steel corrosion in diluted sea water

Sato, Tomonori; Kato, Chiaki; Motooka, Takafumi; Ueno, Fumiyoshi; Nakano, Junichi; Kaneko, Tetsuji*; Tanaka, Norihiko*; Kawaharada, Yoshiyuki*; Fujii, Kazumi*; Iwanami, Masaru*; et al.

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Corrosion behavior of reactor core spray pipe steel in flowing water, 2

Yokoyama, Yutaka*; Umehara, Ryuji*; Tanaka, Norihiko*; Kawaharada, Yoshiyuki*; Kaneko, Tetsuji*; Fujii, Kazumi*; Iwanami, Masaru*; Ishioka, Shinichi*; Kato, Chiaki; Ueno, Fumiyoshi; et al.

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Oral presentation

In-situ measurement of solution electrical conductivity within crevice of SUS316L stainless steel in high temperature pure water

Soma, Yasutaka; Kato, Chiaki; Ueno, Fumiyoshi

no journal, , 

To understand the effect of crevice solution chemistry on stress corrosion cracking of stainless steel in high temperature pure water, local solution electrical conductivity was measured using artificial crevice with small sensors. If the crevice gap was narrow enough, local solution electrical conductivity increased more than 100 times than that of bulk pure water and intergranular corrosion occurred.

Oral presentation

Influence of reduced pressure with boiling on stainless steel corrosion in simulated high-level radioactive liquid west

Irisawa, Eriko; Ueno, Fumiyoshi; Abe, Hitoshi

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Chemical redox reaction simulation of metallic ions in nitric acid solution

Igarashi, Takahiro; Kato, Chiaki; Irisawa, Eriko; Ueno, Fumiyoshi

no journal, , 

It is known that corrosion rate of stainless steel in nitric acid solution is affected by the valence change of oxidizing metallic ions. In this study, we conducted redox reaction analyses using chemical reaction calculation model to clarify the mechanism of valence change. We obtained that the oxidization of metallic ions in the solution is not only caused by nitrus acid but also nitrogen oxides.

Oral presentation

Corrosion monitoring of carbon steel in bentonite at deep underground

Taniguchi, Naoki; Kawasaki, Manabu; Nakayama, Masashi; Sugita, Yutaka; Tachi, Yukio; Honda, Akira

no journal, , 

In previous study, a corrosion sensor has been developed and its appicability to monitoring of the corrosion behavior of carbon steel overpack has been confirmed. In this study, a simulated overpack was placed with buffer material composed mainly of bentonite in test tunnel of 350m deep underground constructed at Horonobe underground research laboratory. The corrosion monitoring was performed by AC impedance method using the corrosion sensors embeded in the buffer material.

Oral presentation

Effect of mixed phosphate corrosion inhibitor on corrosion of PCV steel in diluted sea water

Fujii, Kazumi*; Iwanami, Masaru*; Ishioka, Shinichi*; Kaneko, Tetsuji*; Tanaka, Norihiko*; Kawaharada, Yoshiyuki*; Yokoyama, Yutaka*; Umehara, Ryuji*; Kato, Chiaki; Ueno, Fumiyoshi; et al.

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Effect on oxide film generation for Zr SCC in boiling nitric acid solution

Ishijima, Yasuhiro; Ueno, Fumiyoshi

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

11 (Records 1-11 displayed on this page)
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