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Journal Articles

Detection of fast neutron by storage phosphors with low $$gamma$$-ray sensitivity

Sakasai, Kaoru; Iwamoto, Yosuke; Soyama, Kazuhiko

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 55(4), p.2352 - 2356, 2008/08

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:34.89(Engineering, Electrical & Electronic)

Storage phosphors such as SrBPO$$_{5}$$:Eu$$^{2+}$$ with low $$gamma$$-ray sensitivity were applied to fast neutron detection using polyethylene (PE) sheets as a proton generator that were set in front of the phosphors. The maximum PSL yields were obtained at a PE thickness of 0.3 mm. These experimental results well agreed with those by Monte Carlo simulation using PHITS code. Estimated PSL yields by $$gamma$$-ray associated with fast neutron fields were negligible in case of SrBPO$$_{5}$$:Eu$$^{2+}$$ sheets but were about 26 % of the maximum PSL yields in case of commercial available imaging plates. This high $$gamma$$-ray sensitivity of the imaging plates may give rise to some degradation of the image quality. However, the imaging methods using such storage phosphors with low $$gamma$$-ray sensitivity did not have any $$gamma$$-ray influences and will be used for fast neutron imaging.

Journal Articles

Measurement of the mass attenuation coefficients of Ge and BGO for high-energy $$gamma$$-rays

Harada, Hideo; Kitatani, Fumito; Hara, Kaoru; Toyokawa, Hiroyuki*; Kaihori, Takeshi*; Utsunomiya, Hiroaki*

2007 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record (CD-ROM), p.669 - 672, 2007/00

The $$gamma$$-ray mass attenuation coefficients of important materials for $$gamma$$-ray detection have been measured using the laser-Compton backscattering $$gamma$$-rays (LCS $$gamma$$-rays) and the high-resolution high-energy photon spectrometer (HHS). The preliminary results performed for materials (Ge and BGO) are presented for $$gamma$$-ray energy of 5.1 MeV. The measured data are compared with tabulated theoretical calculations.

Oral presentation

Measurement of the mass attenuation coefficient of Ge and BGO for high-energy $$gamma$$-rays

Harada, Hideo; Kitatani, Fumito; Hara, Kaoru; Toyokawa, Hiroyuki*; Kaihori, Takeshi*; Utsunomiya, Hiroaki*

no journal, , 

Recently various kinds of $$gamma$$-ray spectroscopic methods have been developed especially using high-energy $$gamma$$-rays. In these $$gamma$$-ray spectroscopic studies, precise response functions of $$gamma$$-ray detectors are required. In order to calculate the response functions, the precise photo-atomic cross sections are used. Recently, the nuclear photo-absorption measurement system using the laser-Compton backscattering $$gamma$$-rays (LCS $$gamma$$-rays) and the high-resolution high-energy photon spectrometer (HHS) was developed and used for the measurements of photo-nuclear absorption cross sections. We have utilized the system to measure the $$gamma$$-ray mass attenuation coefficients of important materials (Ge and BGO) for $$gamma$$-ray detection.

Oral presentation

Development of a $$gamma$$-ray detector array for multiple prompt $$gamma$$-ray analysis

Oshima, Masumi; Toh, Yosuke; Murakami, Yukihiro*; Koizumi, Mitsuo; Furutaka, Kazuyoshi; Kin, Tadahiro; Kimura, Atsushi; Goto, Jun*

no journal, , 

Prompt $$gamma$$-ray analysis (PGA) is a versatile element quantification method with non-destructive, rapid, high-precision and multi-element determination. PGA usually utilizes a single detector to measure $$gamma$$-rays depopulating a neutron-captured state. Since the number of $$gamma$$-rays from the sample with multiple elements often exceeds one thousand, the energy resolution is not sufficient and it is impossible to resolve all the $$gamma$$ rays. To meet this situation, we try to apply the $$gamma$$-ray coincidence measurement method to PGA (Multiple Prompt $$gamma$$-ray Analysis, MPGA). We have constructed a new $$gamma$$-ray detector array for MPGA at a cold neutron beam line in Japan Research Reactor, JRR-3M, at Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). It is one of the most efficient $$gamma$$-ray detector array composed of high resolution Ge detectors at present. A new analysis method of triple $$gamma$$ coincidence has been attempted together with the present double $$gamma$$ coincidence. The results of Ir concentration in rock samples in NAA and also of Cd concentration in foods in MPGA will be presented at the conference.

4 (Records 1-4 displayed on this page)
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