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Journal Articles

Relativistic downshift frequency effects on electron cyclotron emission measurement; Measurements of electron density in tokamak and electron temperature in LHD

Sato, Masayasu; Isayama, Akihiko; Inagaki, Shigeru*; Nagayama, Yoshio*; Kawahata, Kazuo*; Iwama, Naofumi*

Proceedings of 13th Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating, p.89 - 94, 2005/00

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Effects of relativistic frequency downshift on measurements of electron cyclotron emission in Large Helical Device plasma

Sato, Masayasu; Isayama, Akihiko; Inagaki, Shigeru*; Nagayama, Yoshio*; Kawahata, Kazuo*; Iwama, Naofumi*

Review of Scientific Instruments, 75(10), p.3819 - 3821, 2004/10

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.01(Instruments & Instrumentation)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Fast ion loss measurement by IRTV in a reduced ripple experiment with ferritic inserts on JFT-2M

Kawashima, Hisato; Tsuzuki, Kazuhiro; Tani, Takashi; Sato, Masayasu; Suzuki, Sadaaki; Kimura, Haruyuki

Purazuma, Kaku Yugo Gakkai-Shi, 78(9), p.935 - 940, 2002/09

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Journal Articles

A 20-channel electron cyclotron emission detection system for a grating polychromator in JT-60U

Isayama, Akihiko; Isei, Nobuaki; Ishida, Shinichi; Sato, Masayasu

Review of Scientific Instruments, 73(3), p.1165 - 1168, 2002/03

 Times Cited Count:12 Percentile:55.18(Instruments & Instrumentation)

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports


JNC TN1400 2001-013, 70 Pages, 2001/08


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Journal Articles

On the proposal of quantitative temperature measurement by using three-color technique combined with several infrared sensors having different detecton wavelength bands

Inagaki, Terumi*; Ishii, Toshimitsu

Infrared Physics & Technology, 41(6), p.325 - 337, 2000/12

 Times Cited Count:21 Percentile:72.62(Instruments & Instrumentation)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

A Filter bank system for scatteted spectrum analysis in collective Thomson scattering diagnostic on JT-60U

Lee, S.; Kondoh, Takashi; Yonemoto, Y.*; Miura, Yukitoshi

Review of Scientific Instruments, 71(12), p.4445 - 4448, 2000/12

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:44.10(Instruments & Instrumentation)

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

JOYO MK-II core plant characteristics test data

JNC TN9410 2000-010, 72 Pages, 2000/03


The experimental fast reactor JOYO served as the MK-II irradiation bed core for testing fuel and material for FBR development for 16 years from 1982 to 1997. During the MK-II core operation, extensive data were accumulated from the plant characteristic tests. Tests conducted at JOYO included operating characteristic tests for confirming operational safety, performance tests for confirming design performance of the MK-II core, and special tests for research and development ofthe plant. In this report, the outline and the results of each test item are shown. These test data can be provided by the magnet-optical disk.

JAEA Reports

JOYO coolant sodium and cover gas purity control database (MK-II core)

; Nemoto, Masaaki; Saikawa, Takuya*; Sukegawa, Kazuya*

JNC TN9410 2000-008, 66 Pages, 2000/03


The experimental fast reactor "JOYO" served as the MK-II irradiation bed core for testing fuel and material for FBR development for 15 years from 1982 to 1997. During the MK-II operation, impurities concentrations in the sodium and the argon gas were determined by 67 samples of primary sodium, 81 samples of secondary sodium, 75 samples of primary argon gas, 89 samples of secondary argon gas (the overflow tank) and 89 samples of secondary argon gas (the dump tank). The sodium and the argon gas purity control data were accumulated from in thirty-one duty operations, thirteen special test operations and eight annual inspections. These purity control results and related plant data were compiled into database, which were recorded on CD-ROM for user convenience. Purity control data include concentration of oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, chlorine, iron, nickel and chromium in sodium, concentration of oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane and helium in argon gas with the reactor condition.

JAEA Reports

Pu(IV) Nitrate crystallization behavior confirmation experiment

; ; ;

JNC TJ8400 2000-061, 92 Pages, 2000/03


Crystallization procedure is considered to have an advantage in recovering rather pure uranium from contaminated uranium solution and to be applicable for a new reprocessing process. It was confirmed until last year that the reprocessing process with crystallization procedure has a sufficient advantage. But the data for Pu crystallization is very rare. although it is necessary for design of the process with crystallization procedure. In this study, a beaker scale plutonium test was performed in AEA Technology Harwell Laboratory to confirm a behavior of Pu (IV) nitrate under crystallization condition. The results were examined by Mitsubishi Materials Corporation. Test item was a measurement of temperature in case of Pu (IV) nitrate crystallization or freezing of the solution in the following six parameters. (Pu(g/L):200, 100, 50, HNO$$_{3}$$(m):6, Pu valence:4). (Pu(g/L):200, 100, 50, HNO$$_{3}$$(m):4, Pu valence:4). Test results were as follows. (1)Pu(IV) nitrate crystallization was not observed even in the case 200g Pu/L and HNO$$_{3}$$ 6M and 4M which were considered to the best condition but crystal of H$$_{2}$$O and HNO$$_{3}$$ $$cdot$$ 3H$$_{2}$$O were observed. (2)Similar results were obtained for the other parameter with lower Pu concentration. (3)We can estimate that Pu(IV) nitrate crystallization will not occurred in the reprocessing process with crystallization procedure. (4)The solubility data of Pu(NO$$_{3}$$)$$_{4}$$ - HNO$$_{3}$$-H$$_{2}$$O system was obtained.

JAEA Reports

Coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Experiment at Kamaishi Mine Technical Note 15-99-02, Experimental results

Chijimatsu, Masakazu*; Sugita, Yutaka; Fujita, Tomoo; Amemiya, Kiyoshi*

JNC TN8400 99-034, 177 Pages, 1999/07


It is an important part of the near field perfformance assessment of nuclear waste disposal to evaluate coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical (T-H-M) phenomena, e.g., thermal effects on groundwater flow through rock matrix and water seepage into the buffer material, the generation of swelling pressure of the buffer material, and thermal stresses potentially affecting porosity and fracture apertures of the rock. An in-situ T-H-M experiment named 'Engineered Barrier Experiment' has been conducted at the Kamaishi Mine, of which host rock is granodiorite, in order to establish conceptual models of the coupled T-H-M processes and to build confidence in mathematical models and computer codes. In 1995, fourteen boreholes were excavated in order to install the various sensors. After the hydraulic tests, mechanical tests were carried out to obtain the rock properties. After that, a test pit, 1.7m in diameter and 5.0m in depth, was excavated. During the excavation, the change of pore pressure, displacement and temperature of rock mass were measured. In 1996, the buffer material and heater were set up in the test pit, and then coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical test was started. The duration of heating phase was 250 days and that of cooling phase was 180 days. The heater surface was controlled to be 100$$^{circ}$$C during heating phase. Measurment, was carried out by a number pf sensors installed in both buffer and rock mass during the test. The field experiment leads to a better understanding of the behavior of the coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical phenomena in the near field.

JAEA Reports

Thermal striping; an experimental investigation on mixing of jets; Part III Remaining hydrodynamic results from initial experiments

Tokuhiro, Akira; Kimura, Nobuyuki;

JNC TN9400 2000-014, 86 Pages, 1999/06


Experiments were performed using the WAJECO facility to investigate the thermohydraulic mixing of multiple jets flowing out of a LMFBR core. Mixing is the root of the thermal striping problem. The multiple jets are typically at different velocities and temperatures and may induce thermal stresses upon components they impinge. In our study we modeled the mixing of three vertical jets, the central at a lower temperature than the two adjacent jets at equal temperatures. The jets are quasi-planar. The parameters were the average exit jet velocities (Uo,av) and the temperature difference between the "cold" and "hot" jets ($$Delta$$Thc=Thot-Tcold). Measurements of the liquid velocity, initially using laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV) and later ultrasound Doppler velocimetry (UDV), for both our reference single-jet and the triple-jet configuration, comprised Phase I of the experiments (up to 1994). Two reports (TN9410 96-181 and TN9410 96-296; in Japanese) reported on the hydraulic and heat tra

JAEA Reports

Investigation on the sodium leak accident of Monju; Research report on the damaged thermocouple well at the outlet of the IHX (Except the Fractured Surface)

Aoto, Kazumi; ; ; ; ; Hirakawa, Yasushi

PNC TN9420 97-007, 786 Pages, 1997/06


The results of the research on the damaged thermocouple well which caused the sodium leak accident at the outlet of the C-loop intermidiate heat exchanger (IHX) of the secondary heat transfer system of the prototype fast breeder reactor Monju are described in this report. A lot of tests, inspections, observations and measurements were carried out to confirm that the thermocouple well and its attachments to the pipe including welded part are normal by checking the possibility of weld failure or corrosion at the clearance which may cause the damage of the thermocouple well, and to get information of the dimensions relating the estimation of the leaked sodium volume and the leakage path, etc. These tests, etc., were performed for the thermocouple well except the fractured surface, the thermocouple well, the welded parts between the thermocouple well and the attachment, and between the attachment and the outlet pipe, etc., as written below. (1)Accurate measurement of the dimension. (2)Inspection to check the fixing condition between the thermocouple well and the attachment. (3)Measurement of the residual stress. (4)Non destructive testing at some points. (5)Chemical composition analysis. (6)Microscopic observation of metalogical structure at the welded part. (7)Hardness test. (8)Research on corrosion at the clearance. (9)Structure strength test of the thermocouple well. (10)Bending test of the thermocouple's sheath at high temperature.

JAEA Reports


Shimoyama, Kazuhito; Usami, Masayuki; Miyake, Osamu; ; ; Tanabe, Hiromi

PNC TN9450 97-007, 81 Pages, 1997/03



JAEA Reports


Kawada, Koji; ; Tanabe, Hiromi; ; Miyake, Osamu

PNC TN9450 97-005, 145 Pages, 1997/03



Journal Articles

Measurements and analysis of electron cyclotron emission in JT-60U

Sato, Masayasu; Ishida, Shinichi; Isei, Nobuaki; Isayama, Akihiko; Shirai, Hiroshi; T.Oyevaar*; ; ;

Fusion Engineering and Design, 34-35, p.477 - 481, 1997/00

 Times Cited Count:14 Percentile:72.15(Nuclear Science & Technology)

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Journal Articles

Temperature dependency of optical properties of thermochromic materials

Kubo, Shinji; Akino, Norio; Akiyama, Mitsunobu*;

Netsu Bussei, 11(2), p.39 - 45, 1997/00

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Journal Articles

Measurement of optical characteristics on thermochromic solutions

Kubo, Shinji; Akino, Norio; Akiyama, Mitsunobu*;

Kashika Joho Gakkai-Shi, 15(SUPPL.1), p.63 - 66, 1995/07

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Journal Articles

Relativistic down-shift frequency effect on the application of electron cyclotron emission measurements to medium temperature tokamak plasmas

Sato, Masayasu; Isei, Nobuaki; Ishida, Shinichi

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 34(6A), p.L708 - L711, 1995/06

 Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:50.16(Physics, Applied)

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Journal Articles

36 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)