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Journal Articles

Inelastic X-ray scattering of $$RT$$Al$$_3$$ ($$R$$ = La, Ce, $$T$$ = Cu, Au)

Tsutsui, Satoshi*; Kaneko, Koji; Pospisil, J.; Haga, Yoshinori

Physica B; Condensed Matter, 536, p.24 - 27, 2018/05

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:15.20(Physics, Condensed Matter)

Journal Articles

Impurity effects in the microscopic elastic properties of polycrystalline Mg-Zn-Y alloys with a synchronised long-period stacking ordered phase

Hosokawa, Shinya*; Kimura, Koji*; Yamasaki, Michiaki*; Kawamura, Yoshihito*; Yoshida, Koji*; Inui, Masanori*; Tsutsui, Satoshi*; Baron, A. Q. R.*; Kawakita, Yukinobu; Ito, Shinichi*

Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 695, p.426 - 432, 2017/02

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:16.35(Chemistry, Physical)

Journal Articles

Momentum dependence of Mott gap excitations in optimally doped YBa$$_2$$Cu$$_3$$O$$_{7-delta}$$ studied by resonant inelastic X-ray scattering

Ishii, Kenji; Tsutsui, Kenji*; Endo, Yasuo*; Toyama, Takami*; Kuzushita, Kaori; Inami, Toshiya; Owada, Kenji; Maekawa, Sadamichi*; Masui, Takahiko*; Tajima, Setsuko*; et al.

AIP Conference Proceedings 850, p.445 - 446, 2006/09

Mott gap excitations in the optimally doped high-$$T_{c}$$ superconductor YBa$$_2$$Cu$$_3$$O$$_{7-delta}$$ ($$T_{c}$$ = 93 K) have been studied by the resonant inelastic X-ray scattering method. Anisotropic spectra in the $$ab$$-plane are observed in a twin-free crystal. The excitation from the one-dimensional CuO chain is enhanced at 2 eV near the zone boundary of the $$b^{*}$$ direction, while the excitation from the CuO$$_2$$ plane is broad at 1.5-4 eV and almost independent of the momentum transfer. Theoretical calculation based on the one-dimensional and two-dimensional Hubbard model reproduces the observed spectra when different values of the on-site Coulomb energy are assumed. The Mott gap of the CuO chain site is found to be much smaller than that of the CuO$$_2$$ plane site.

Journal Articles

Doping Momentum dependence of charge dynamics in Nd$$_{2-x}$$Ce$$_{x}$$CuO$$_4$$ (x=0, 0.075, and 0.15) studied by Resonant inelastic X-ray scattering

Ishii, Kenji; Tsutsui, Kenji*; Endo, Yasuo*; Toyama, Takami*; Maekawa, Sadamichi*; Hoesch, M.; Kuzushita, Kaori; Inami, Toshiya; Tsubota, Masami; Yamada, Kazuyoshi*; et al.

AIP Conference Proceedings 850, p.403 - 404, 2006/09

We report a resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) study of charge excitations in the electron-doped high-$$T_{c}$$ superconductor Nd$$_{1.85}$$Ce$$_{0.15}$$CuO$$_4$$. The intraband and interband excitations across the Fermi energy are separated for the first time by tuning the experimental conditions properly to measure charge excitations at low energy. A dispersion relation with $${mathbf q}$$-dependent width emerges clearly in the intraband excitation, while the intensity of the interband excitation is concentrated around 2 eV near the zone center. The experimental results are consistent with theoretical calculation of the RIXS spectra based on the Hubbard model.

Journal Articles

Electronic excitations in hole-doped La$$_{1-x}$$Sr$$_{x}$$MnO$$_{3}$$ studied by resonant inelastic X-ray scattering

Ishii, Kenji; Inami, Toshiya; Owada, Kenji; Kuzushita, Kaori; Mizuki, Junichiro; Murakami, Yoichi; Ishihara, Sumio*; Endo, Yasuo*; Maekawa, Sadamichi*; Hirota, Kazuma*; et al.

Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 66(12), p.2157 - 2162, 2005/12

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

We have studied electronic excitations of hole-doped manganese oxides La$$_{1-x}$$Sr$$_x$$MnO$$_3$$ ($$x=0.2$$ and $$0.4$$) by resonant inelastic X-ray scattering at Mn K absorption edge. We observed in the excitation spectra that the Mott gap of La$$_{0.6}$$Sr$$_{0.4}$$MnO$$_{3}$$ was filled by hole-doping. In La$$_{0.8}$$Sr$$_{0.2}$$MnO$$_{3}$$, which shows a metal-insulator transition, we found that temperature dependence of scattering intensity is different between two scattering vectors. It may reflects a anisotropic electronic structure which originates from the orbital degrees of freedom in manganese oxides.

Journal Articles

Momentum dependence of charge excitations in the electron-doped superconductor Nd$$_{1.85}$$Ce$$_{0.15}$$CuO$$_4$$; A Resonant inelastic X-ray scattering study

Ishii, Kenji; Tsutsui, Kenji*; Endo, Yasuo*; Toyama, Takami*; Maekawa, Sadamichi*; Hoesch, M.; Kuzushita, Kaori; Tsubota, Masami; Inami, Toshiya; Mizuki, Junichiro; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 94(20), p.207003_1 - 207003_4, 2005/05

 Times Cited Count:72 Percentile:89.15(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

We report a resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) study of charge excitations in the electron-doped high-$$T_{c}$$ superconductor Nd$$_{1.85}$$Ce$$_{0.15}$$CuO$$_4$$. The intraband and interband excitations across the Fermi energy are separated for the first time by tuning the experimental conditions properly to measure charge excitations at low energy. A dispersion relation with $${mathbf q}$$-dependent width emerges clearly in the intraband excitation, while the intensity of the interband excitation is concentrated around 2 eV near the zone center. The experimental results are consistent with theoretical calculation of the RIXS spectra based on the Hubbard model.

Journal Articles

Mott gap excitations in twin-free YBa$$_2$$Cu$$_3$$O$$_{7-delta}$$ ($$T_{c}$$ = 93 K) studied by resonant inelastic X-ray scattering

Ishii, Kenji; Tsutsui, Kenji*; Endo, Yasuo*; Toyama, Takami*; Kuzushita, Kaori; Inami, Toshiya; Owada, Kenji; Maekawa, Sadamichi*; Masui, Takahiko*; Tajima, Setsuko*; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 94(18), p.187002_1 - 187002_4, 2005/05

 Times Cited Count:40 Percentile:80.82(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Mott gap excitations in the optimally doped high-$$T_{c}$$ superconductor YBa$$_2$$Cu$$_3$$O$$_{7-delta}$$ ($$T_{c}$$ = 93 K) have been studied by the resonant inelastic X-ray scattering method. Anisotropic spectra in the $$ab$$-plane are observed in a twin-free crystal. The excitation from the one-dimensional CuO chain is enhanced at 2 eV near the zone boundary of the $$b^{*}$$ direction, while the excitation from the CuO$$_2$$ plane is broad at 1.5-4 eV and almost independent of the momentum transfer. Theoretical calculation based on the one-dimensional and two-dimensional Hubbard model reproduces the observed spectra when different values of the on-site Coulomb energy are assumed. The Mott gap of the CuO chain site is found to be much smaller than that of the CuO$$_2$$ plane site.

Journal Articles

Doping dependence of softening in the bond-stretching phonon mode of La$$_{2-x}$$Sr$$_x$$CuO$$_4$$ (0$$leq x leq$$0.29)

Fukuda, Tatsuo; Mizuki, Junichiro; Ikeuchi, Kazuhiko*; Yamada, Kazuyoshi*; Baron, A. Q. R.*; Tsutsui, Satoshi*

Physical Review B, 71(6), p.060501_1 - 060501_4, 2005/02

 Times Cited Count:58 Percentile:86.15(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Phonons along the [100] direction, in particular the highest energy Cu-O bond-stretching LO mode, of La$$_{2-x}$$Sr$$_x$$CuO$$_4$$ have been studied by inelastic X-ray scattering experiments. The LO phonon mode in the $$x$$ = 0.12 sample shows significant softening similar to early neutron studies. We show here a recovery of the softening was found in the $$x$$ = 0.29 sample, where superconductivity degrades and normal metallic conductivity dominates. The results suggest one-to-one correspondence between the softening of this LO phonon and the superconductivity.

Journal Articles

Analysis of resonant inelastic X-ray scattering in La$$_2$$CuO$$_4$$

Nomura, Takuji; Igarashi, Junichi*

Physical Review B, 71(3), p.035110_1 - 035110_5, 2005/01

 Times Cited Count:47 Percentile:82.39(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

The experimental result of resonant inelastic X-ray scattering in La$$_2$$CuO$$_4$$ is theoretically analyzed. The ground state of the system is described within the Hartree-Fock approximation, and the electronic excitation processes are taken account of within the random phase approximation. In the experiment, the spectral shape shows a strong dependence on the transferred momentum of the photon. We have succeeded in reproducing theoretically this dependence quantitatively.

Journal Articles

Resonant inelastic X-ray scattering study of the hole-doped manganites La$$_{1-x}$$Sr$$_x$$MnO$$_3$$ ($$x=0.2$$, $$0.4$$)

Ishii, Kenji; Inami, Toshiya; Owada, Kenji; Kuzushita, Kaori; Mizuki, Junichiro; Murakami, Yoichi; Ishihara, Sumio*; Endo, Yasuo*; Maekawa, Sadamichi*; Hirota, Kazuma*; et al.

Physical Review B, 70(22), p.224437_1 - 224437_6, 2004/12

 Times Cited Count:19 Percentile:64.23(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Electronic excitations in the hole doped manganese oxides (La$$_{1-x}$$Sr$$_x$$MnO$$_3$$, $$x=0.2$$ and $$0.4$$) have been elucidated by using the resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) method. A doping effect in the strongly correlated electron systems has been observed for the first time. The scattering spectra show that a salient peak appears in low energies indicating the persistence of the Mott gap. At the same time, the energy gap is partly filled by doping holes and the spectral weight energy shifts toward lower energies. The excitation spectra show little change in the momentum space as is in undoped LaMnO$$_3$$. On the other hand, the scattering intensities in the low energy excitations of $$x=0.2$$ are anisotropic in temperature dependence, which indicates an anisotropy of magnetic interaction and underlying effect of the orbital.

Journal Articles

Theoretical study on resonant inelastic X-ray scattering in quasi-one-dimensional cuprates

Nomura, Takuji; Igarashi, Junichi*

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 73(7), p.1677 - 1680, 2004/07

 Times Cited Count:26 Percentile:73.56(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

We study theoretically the resonant inelastic X-ray scattering in quasi-one-dimensional insulating copper oxides, where the incident photon energy is tuned to the Cu1$$s$$-4$$p$$ absorption energy. Our attention is focused particularly on the strong momentum-transfer dependence of the spectral shape observed in recent experiments. We describe the antiferromagnetic ground state within the Hartree-Fock theory, and consider charge excitations from the ground state within the random phase approximation. By taking account of the electron correlation effects perturbatively, we obtain detailed momentum-transfer dependence of the spectra in a semiquantitative agreement with the experiments.

11 (Records 1-11 displayed on this page)
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