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Journal Articles

Oxidation mechanisms of hafnium overlayers deposited on an Si(111) substrate

Kakiuchi, Takuhiro*; Matoba, Tomoki*; Koyama, Daisuke*; Yamamoto, Yuki*; Yoshigoe, Akitaka

Langmuir, 38(8), p.2642 - 2650, 2022/03

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:12.61(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

0xidation processes at the interface and the surface of Si(111) substrate with thin Hf films were studied using photoelectron spectroscopy in conjunction with supersonic oxygen molecular beams (SOMB). The oxidation starts at the outermost Hf layers and produces stoichiometric HfO$$_{2}$$. Hf silicates (Hf-O-Si configuration) were generated in the vicinity of the HfO$$_{2}$$/Si interface in the case of the irradiation of 2.2 eV SOMB. The oxidation of the Si substrate takes place to generate SiO$$_{2}$$ compounds. Si atoms were emitted from the SiO$$_{2}$$/Si interface region underneath the HfO$$_{2}$$ overlayers to release the stress generated within the strained Si layers. The emitted Si atoms can pass through the HfO$$_{2}$$ overlayers and react with the impinging O$$_{2}$$ gas.

Oral presentation

Analysis of thermal stability of graphene thin layers on silicon oxide films

Ogawa, Arata*; Ono, Shinya*; Yoshigoe, Akitaka

no journal, , 

Graphene is an attracting material for future electronic devices. In this conference, we report the study on the analysis of thermal stability of graphene thin layers on silicon oxide films. Photoemission experiments of CVD graphene grown on oxidized silicon substrates using surface chemistry apparatus at BL23SU in SPring-8 were conducted to measure C1s, O1s and Si2p. Temperature dependence of graphene structures was observed to suggest attached graphene monolayer at room temperature, whereas floated graphene monolayer seems to be formed when the substrate temperature increases.

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