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$$^{149}$$Sm synchrotron-radiation-based M$"{o}$ssbauer spectroscopy of Sm-based heavy fermion compounds

筒井 智嗣; 東中 隆二*; 水牧 仁一朗*; 小林 義男*; 中村 仁*; 伊藤 孝; 依田 芳卓*; 松田 達磨*; 青木 勇二*; 佐藤 英行*

Interactions (Internet), 245(1), p.9_1 - 9_10, 2024/12

$$^{149}$$Sm synchrotron-radiation-based M$"{o}$ssbauer spectroscopy has been applied to Sm-based heavy fermion intermetallics, Sm$$Tr_2$$Al$$_{20}$$ ($$Tr$$ = Ti, V and Cr) and SmOs$$_{4}$$Sb$$_{12}$$. The isomer shifts obtained demonstrate that the Sm valence states in these compounds are intermediate. Since the difference of the isomer shifts in 22.502 keV $$^{149}$$Sm M$"{o}$ssbauer effect between Sm$$^{2+}$$ and Sm$$^{3+}$$ state is comparable to the 2nd order Doppler shift, consideration of the 2nd order Doppler shift is required to precisely discuss Sm valence state through the shifts of the M$"{o}$ssbauer spectra. In addition, the plots of the isomer shifts obtained by the M$"{o}$ssbauer spectroscopy against the Sm valence states estimated from Sm L-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy exhibit a linear correlation except for that in SmOs$$_4$$Sb$$_{12}$$. This implies that the origin of the intermediate valence state in SmOs$$_4$$Sb$$_{12}$$ differs from that in Sm$$Tr_2$$Al$$_{20}$$ ($$Tr$$ = Ti, V and Cr).


$$^{241}$$Am neutron capture cross section measurement using the NaI(Tl) spectrometer of the ANNRI beamline of J-PARC

Rovira Leveroni, G.; 木村 敦; 中村 詔司; 遠藤 駿典; 岩本 修; 岩本 信之; 片渕 竜也*; 児玉 有*; 中野 秀仁*; 佐藤 八起*

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 61(4), p.459 - 477, 2024/04

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.01(Nuclear Science & Technology)

The neutron capture cross-section of $$^{241}$$Am was measured from 10 meV to about 1 MeV using the NaI(Tl) spectrometer of the Accurate Neutron-Nucleus Reaction Measurement Instrument (ANNRI) beamline in the Materials and Life Science (MLF) facility of the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC). The total energy detection principle was applied in conjunction with the pulse-height weighting technique to derive the neutron capture yield. The present cross-section results were normalized using a $$^{197}$$Au sample measurement by applying the saturated resonance method. The thermal cross section was measured to be 708 $$pm$$ 22 b, in agreement within uncertainties to the present evaluation in JENDL-5 of 709 b. Moreover, the results of a shape resonance analysis of the resolved resonance region are also provided in the present dissertation.


Recent improvements of the Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System; PHITS version 3.33

佐藤 達彦; 岩元 洋介; 橋本 慎太郎; 小川 達彦; 古田 琢哉; 安部 晋一郎; 甲斐 健師; 松谷 悠佑; 松田 規宏; 平田 悠歩; et al.

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 61(1), p.127 - 135, 2024/01

 被引用回数:8 パーセンタイル:99.39(Nuclear Science & Technology)

放射線挙動解析コードPHITSは、モンテカルロ法に基づいてほぼ全ての放射線の挙動を解析することができる。その最新版であるPHITS version 3.31を開発し公開した。最新版では、高エネルギー核データに対する親和性や飛跡構造解析アルゴリズムなどが改良されている。また、PHIG-3DやRT-PHITSなど、パッケージに組み込まれた外部ソフトウェアも充実している。本論文では、2017年にリリースされたPHITS3.02以降に導入された新しい機能について説明する。


Status of the laser stripping of H$$^{-}$$ beam at J-PARC RCS

Saha, P. K.; 原田 寛之; 米田 仁紀*; 道根 百合奈*; 佐藤 篤*; 柴田 崇統*; 金正 倫計

Proceedings of 20th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (インターネット), p.59 - 63, 2023/11

To overcome the issues and practical limitations associated with the stripper foil used for the charge-exchange injection (CEI) of H$$^{-}$$ beam for high-intensity proton accelerators, we are studying a foil-less H$$^{-}$$ CEI by using only lasers at J-PARC RCS. To establish our principle, we are preparing for a POP (proof-of-principle) demonstration of 400 MeV H$$^{-}$$ stripping to proton by using lasers. We will use both IR and UV lasers in the process of H$$^{-}$$ stripping to protons. A prototype YAG laser system has been developed through experimental studies of 3 MeV H$$^{-}$$ neutralization. We have also developed a multi-reflection laser cavity system to sufficiently reduce the seed laser energy. We have succeeded for 32 reflections to gain on the laser energy up to 16 to obtain a neutralization fraction of 25%. To realize a perfect benefit of the cavity, we also recently developed higher efficient vacuum windows by which we can achieve the laser energy gain to almost 32, proportional to the number of reflections. As a result, the average power of the seed laser can be reduced to 1/32, which is more useful for the UV laser. The laser setup at the 400 MeV beam line is in progress to start POP experimental studies in 2024.


One-dimensional band structure in quasi-two-dimensional $$eta$$-Mo$$_4$$O$$_{11}$$ revealed by angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy and first-principles calculation

角田 一樹; 檜垣 聡太*; 佐藤 仁*; 水流 大地*; 宮本 幸治*; 奥田 太一*; 黒岩 芳弘*; 森吉 千佳子*; 高瀬 浩一*; 小口 多美夫*; et al.

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 92(8), p.084706_1 - 084706_6, 2023/08

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

We investigated the electronic structure of $$eta$$-Mo$$_4$$O$$_{11}$$ bulk crystal in the whole Brillouin zone at a normal metallic state by utilizing resonant and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopies and first-principles calculations. Mo 4$$p$$-4$$d$$ resonant photoelectron experiment revealed that the Mo 4$$d$$ electrons of MoO$$_6$$ octahedra mainly contributed to the electrical conductivity. We also demonstrated that the free electron-like band dispersions along $$k_b$$ axis, consisting of Mo 4$$d_{xy}$$ electrons, do not show clear $$k_a$$ and $$k_c$$ dependences and formed a one-dimensional Fermi surface even at the normal state. The observed low-dimensional and anisotropic band structures are expected to induce exotic physical properties such as quantized bulk Hall effect, charge density wave transitions, and Luttinger liquid behavior.


Case study activities for nuclear security culture development in JAEA

天野 宰; 芝田 陵大; 佐藤 義治; 山崎 勝幸; 白茂 英雄; 中村 仁宣

Proceedings of INMM & ESARDA Joint Annual Meeting 2023 (Internet), 6 Pages, 2023/05



Fast-neutron capture cross section data measurement of minor actinides for development of nuclear transmutation systems

片渕 竜也*; 岩本 修; 堀 順一*; 木村 敦; 岩本 信之; 中村 詔司; Rovira Leveroni, G.; 遠藤 駿典; 芝原 雄司*; 寺田 和司*; et al.

EPJ Web of Conferences, 281, p.00014_1 - 00014_4, 2023/03

Long-lived minor actinides (MA) in nuclear waste from nuclear power plants are a long-standing issue to continue nuclear energy production. To solve the issue, researchers have suggested nuclear transmutation, in which long-lived radionuclides are transmuted into stable or shorter-life nuclides via neutron-induced nuclear reactions. Development of nuclear transmutation systems as an accelerator-driven system requires accurate neutron nuclear reaction data. The present research project entitled "Study on accuracy improvement of fast-neutron capture reaction data of long-lived MAs for development of nuclear transmutation systems" have been conducted as a joint collaboration, including Tokyo Tech, Japan Atomic Energy Agency and Kyoto University. This project focuses on the neutron capture reaction of MAs, especially $$^{237}$$Np, $$^{241}$$Am and $$^{243}$$Am, in the fast neutron energy region. The final goal of this project is to improve the accuracies of the neutron capture cross sections of $$^{237}$$Np, $$^{241}$$Am and $$^{243}$$Am employing a high-intensity neutron beam from a spallation source of the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) that reduces uncertainties of measurement. To achieve the goal, a neutron beam filter system in J-PARC, sample characteristic assay, and theoretical reaction model study were developed. In this contribution, the overview and results of the project will be presented.


Status of POP demonstration of 400 MeV H$$^{-}$$ laser stripping at J-PARC RCS

Saha, P. K.; 原田 寛之; 金正 倫計; 米田 仁紀*; 道根 百合奈*; 佐藤 篤*; 柴田 崇統*

Proceedings of 19th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (インターネット), p.272 - 276, 2023/01

To eliminate the issues and practical limitations associated with a stripper foil used in a proton accelerator for the charge-exchange injection of H$$^{-}$$ beam, we are preparing for a POP (proof-of-principle) demonstration of foil-less H$$^{-}$$ charge-exchange injection by using only lasers at J-PARC. A prototype YAG laser system has been developed and keep continuing its upgrade through experimental studies of 3 MeV H$$^{-}$$ neutralization. To sufficiently reduce the seed laser energy, we have also developed a multi-reflection laser cavity system, which has as many as 32 reflections overlapped at the interaction point of the ion beam. In 2022, we have obtained nearly 20% flat neutralization for over 40 $$mu$$s of the ion beam. In addition, the spot neutralization (estimated from the fraction overlap with the ion beam due to a tiny laser spot) was obtained to be nearly 100%. This implies the significant merit of the cavity to reduce the seed laser power. The POP demonstration of 400 MeV H$$^{-}$$ stripping will be started in 2023.



天野 宰; 佐藤 義治; 芝田 陵大; 山崎 勝幸; 白茂 英雄; 中村 仁宣

第43回日本核物質管理学会年次大会会議論文集(インターネット), 4 Pages, 2022/11



$$^{241}$$Am neutron capture cross section measurement and resonance analysis

Rovira Leveroni, G.; 木村 敦; 中村 詔司; 遠藤 駿典; 岩本 修; 岩本 信之; 片渕 竜也*; 児玉 有*; 中野 秀仁*; 佐藤 八起*

JAEA-Conf 2022-001, p.91 - 96, 2022/11

Neutron capture cross section measurements were performed in the Accurate Neutron Nucleus Reaction Measurement Instrument (ANNRI) at the Materials and Life Science Facility (MLF) of the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC). The time-of-flight (TOF) methodology was employed in a non-filter condition experiment to determine the neutron capture cross section from thermal to about 100 eV. Moreover, experiments were performed using the neutron filtering system to determine the neutron capture cross section at the energy of 23.5 keV using Fe as filter material. In this study, the preliminary results of the $$^{241}$$Am neutron capture cross section from 10 meV to about 100 eV determined in TOF experiments and at 23.5 keV from Fe filter experiments are presented. In the TOF experiments, the $$^{241}$$Am neutron capture cross section was normalized by means of the saturated resonance method using a Au sample with a mass of 1.5 g. In addition, for the Fe filter experiments, the capture cross section of $$^{241}$$Am at the energy of 23.5 keV was determined relative to the $$^{197}$$Au yield obtained from a measurement using the same Au sample. Moreover, early-stage results of a resonance analysis of the $$^{241}$$Am capture resonances are also presented.


Mesospheric ionization during substorm growth phase

村瀬 清華*; 片岡 龍峰*; 西山 尚典*; 西村 耕司*; 橋本 大志*; 田中 良昌*; 門倉 昭*; 冨川 喜弘*; 堤 雅基*; 小川 泰信*; et al.

Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate (Internet), 12, p.18_1 - 18_16, 2022/06

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:19.16(Astronomy & Astrophysics)



Benchmark study of particle and heavy-ion transport code system using shielding integral benchmark archive and database for accelerator-shielding experiments

岩元 洋介; 橋本 慎太郎; 佐藤 達彦; 松田 規宏; 国枝 賢; $c{C}$elik, Y.*; 古立 直也*; 仁井田 浩二*

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 59(5), p.665 - 675, 2022/05

 被引用回数:9 パーセンタイル:82.82(Nuclear Science & Technology)



KeV-neutron capture cross-section measurement of $$^{197}$$Au with a Cr-filtered neutron beam at the ANNRI beamline of MLF/J-PARC

Rovira Leveroni, G.; 木村 敦; 中村 詔司; 遠藤 駿典; 岩本 修; 岩本 信之; 片渕 竜也*; 児玉 有*; 中野 秀仁*; 佐藤 八起*; et al.

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 59(5), p.647 - 655, 2022/05

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:15.09(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Cr-filtered keV-neutron experiments were performed in the Accurate Neutron-Nucleus Reaction Measurement Instrument (ANNRI) beamline in the Materials and Life Science (MLF) facility of the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) to measure the neutron capture cross-section of $$^{197}$$Au. The energy range of the neutron filtering system at ANNRI was extended through the use of 15 cm of $$^{nat}$$Cr as filter material to tailor quasi-monochromatic neutron peaks with averaged neutron energies of 133.4 and 45.0 keV. The performance of the $$^{nat}$$Cr filter assembly was evaluated by means of experimental capture and transmission analyses, together with the use of Monte-Carlo simulations. The present $$^{197}$$Au neutron capture cross-section results provide agreement within uncertainties with the JENDL-4.0 standard evaluated library and the IAEA standard data library further demonstrating the capabilities of the neutron filtering system at ANNRI.



普天間 章; 眞田 幸尚; 石崎 梓; 川崎 義晴*; 岩井 毅行*; 平賀 祥吾*; 佐藤 一彦*; 萩野谷 仁*; 松永 祐樹*; 菊池 陽*; et al.

JAEA-Technology 2021-029, 132 Pages, 2022/02





普天間 章; 眞田 幸尚; 佐々木 美雪; 川崎 義晴*; 岩井 毅行*; 平賀 祥吾*; 佐藤 一彦*; 萩野谷 仁*; 松永 祐樹*; 菊池 陽*; et al.

JAEA-Technology 2021-020, 138 Pages, 2021/11




Measurements of the neutron capture cross section of $$^{243}$$Am around 23.5 keV

児玉 有*; 片渕 竜也*; Rovira Leveroni, G.; 木村 敦; 中村 詔司; 遠藤 駿典; 岩本 信之; 岩本 修; 堀 順一*; 芝原 雄司*; et al.

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 58(11), p.1159 - 1164, 2021/11

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:54.16(Nuclear Science & Technology)

The neutron capture cross section of $$^{243}$$Am was measured with a pulsed neutron beam from a spallation neutron source of the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex. A Fe neutron beam filter was used to make the incident neutron beam mono-energetic around 23.5 keV. The neutron capture $$gamma$$-rays were detected with a NaI(Tl) detector. The pulse height weighting technique was employed to derive the neutron capture cross section from the pulse height spectrum. The cross section was determined relative to the capture cross section of $$^{197}$$Au of JENDL-4.0. The neutron capture cross section of $$^{243}$$Am was determined with a smaller uncertainty than previous measurements. The previous measurements and the JENDL-4.0 cross sections were found to be lower than the present result.


Recent progress of laser stripping POP demonstration study at J-PARC RCS

Saha, P. K.; 原田 寛之; 米田 仁紀*; 道根 百合奈*; 渕 葵*; 佐藤 篤*; 柴田 崇統*; 金正 倫計

Proceedings of 18th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (インターネット), p.656 - 660, 2021/10

We have significant progress on the preparation of POP (proof-of-principle) demonstration of 400 MeV H$$^{-}$$ stripping to proton by using only lasers at J-PARC RCS. The motivation of this research is to establish H$$^{-}$$ charge-exchange injection by using lasers instead of a stripper foil conventionally used at present. A short foil lifetime and residual radiation caused by the foil scattering beam loss are extremely serious issues, especially at high-intensity operation. The R&D of the laser system is in good progress through experimental studies for 3 MeV H$$^{-}$$ beam at present. We developed a multi-reflection laser cavity system to reduce the seed laser power, which was also successfully tested for 3 MeV H$$^{-}$$ beam neutralization in July, 2021. Further development of the whole laser system is continued to start the POP demonstration study in 2022.


Studies of laser power reduction for the laser stripping of 400 MeV $$H^{-}$$ beam at J-PARC RCS

Saha, P. K.; 原田 寛之; 金正 倫計; 米田 仁紀*; 道根 百合奈*; 渕 葵*; 佐藤 篤*; Liu, Y.*

JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 33, p.011025_1 - 011025_7, 2021/03


We proposed and also preparing for a POP (Proof-of-Principle) demonstration of a completely non-destructive H$$^{-}$$ stripping method by using only lasers at J-PARC. To reduce the laser power, which is one of the critical issues in this case, we have studied an extensive manipulations of the H$$^{-}$$ beam as well advanced uses of the lasers in this research. These includes utilizing a dispersion derivative of the H$$^{-}$$ beam to cope with its large momentum spread, while multi-pass laser system to utilize multiple interactions of the H$$^{-}$$ beam with lasers. We have estimated that the laser power can be reduced to more than one order of magnitude by applying a combination of these two methods. The detail simulation and experimental results of the H$$^{-}$$ beam manipulations as well as development status of the multi-pass laser system are presented in this paper.


Development of laser system for laser stripping injection

原田 寛之; Saha, P. K.; 米田 仁紀*; 道根 百合奈*; 渕 葵*; 佐藤 篤*; 金正 倫計

JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 33, p.011026_1 - 011026_6, 2021/03




普天間 章; 眞田 幸尚; 川崎 義晴*; 岩井 毅行*; 平賀 祥吾*; 佐藤 一彦*; 萩野谷 仁*; 松永 祐樹*; 菊池 陽*; 石崎 梓; et al.

JAEA-Technology 2020-019, 128 Pages, 2021/02



535 件中 1件目~20件目を表示