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Iron-induced association between selenium and humic substances in groundwater from deep sedimentary formations

寺島 元基; 遠藤 貴志*; 紀室 辰伍; 別部 光里*; 根本 一昭*; 天野 由記

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 60(4), p.374 - 384, 2023/04

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:48.47(Nuclear Science & Technology)

For better understanding of impact of natural organic matters (NOM) on facilitating migration of $$^{79}$$Se in underground environments, association mechanism between Se and humic substance (HS) in groundwater was investigated by incubation experiments using groundwater sample under abiotic and biotic conditions and speciation analyses by an isolation technique with DAX-8 resin and a size exclusion chromatography coupled on-line to UV-Vis and ICP-MS detection (SEC-UV-ICP-MS). Selenite added into the groundwater was reduced to elemental Se only when microbial activity was stimulated by a nutrient. The speciation analysis by the isolation technique showed the presence of Se associated with HS and that proportion of the associate to total dissolved Se is highest in the reducing condition. The SEC-UV-ICP-MS analyses of alkaline extracts from the DAX-8 resin showed that Se was coeluted with Fe as well as HS, regardless of microbial activity and redox conditions. Logarithmic peak areas of Se and Fe coeluted with HS in the SEC chromatograms was linearly correlated in the moderately oxidizing condition (r = 0.947, p $$leq$$ 0.01 with addition of Se; r = 0.995, p $$<$$ 0.01 without the addition of Se). The SEC chromatogram of Se coeluted with HS in the reducing condition was well matched with those of Se-Fe-HS ternary complex in the moderately oxidizing condition. Therefore, these suggest that the association between Se and HS in groundwaters can be dominated by a formation of Se-Fe-HS ternary complex.



遠藤 貴志*; 舘 幸男; 石寺 孝充; 寺島 元基

日本原子力学会和文論文誌, 20(1), p.9 - 22, 2021/03

デンドリマーを用いた圧縮ベントナイト中のコロイドの拡散・ろ過挙動の評価手法を構築した。サイズが5.7$$sim$$7.2nmのPAMAMデンドリマーコロイドの拡散・ろ過挙動を、塩濃度0.005$$sim$$0.5mol/L NaCl溶液で飽和させた乾燥密度0.8Mg/m$$^{3}$$のベントナイトを対象に、透過拡散試験によって調査した。得られた破過データと内部プロファイルから、デンドリマーコロイドの実効拡散係数とろ過率を導出した。取得された実効拡散係数は、塩濃度とともに増加する傾向を、ろ過率は逆に塩濃度とともに減少する傾向を確認した。これらの傾向は、先行研究で得られたイオンやコロイドの拡散データと整合するほか、塩濃度の変化に伴う間隙構造や静電的相互作用等から推定される傾向と一致するものであり、ここで構築したコロイドの拡散・ろ過挙動の有効性が確認された。


Determination of humic substances in deep groundwater from sedimentary formations by the carbon concentration-based DAX-8 resin isolation technique

寺島 元基; 遠藤 貴志*; 宮川 和也

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 57(4), p.380 - 387, 2020/04

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:20.94(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Concentrations of humic substance (HS) in deep sedimentary groundwater were determined by the carbon concentration-based DAX-8 resin isolation technique. The groundwater samples were collected from test galleries at different depths in the Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory (URL) of Hokkaido, and two subsidence observation wells of Niigata in Japan. The analytical condition was optimized for the groundwater samples with a high salinity and a high concentration of DOM. The analytical results showed that the HS concentrations vary with the depth and the area. The HS proportions to DOM slightly varied with the depth. The regression analysis showed that the HS concentrations are positively correlated with the DOM concentrations. The low deviation of the HS proportions from the slope in the regression equation indicated that the slight variation of HS proportion can be trivial in the prediction of the concentration of HS. These results can provide a useful information on the HS concentration and its prediction from the DOM concentration in sedimentary groundwater.



板垣 亘; 野口 好一; 遠藤 紀生; 中村 俊之; 芦田 貴志; 齊藤 隆一; 染谷 博之*; 遠峰 洋*; 加藤 淳*; 郡司 雅勝*

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寺島 元基; 遠藤 貴志*; 紀室 辰伍; 宮川 和也

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Microbial populations stimulated by lanthanoids in groundwater of Pliocene diatomaceous mudstone of northernmost Japan

天野 由記; 遠藤 貴志; 根本 一昭; 舘 幸男

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本研究では、天然環境においてアクチノイドのアナログ元素となるランタノイドに活性化される微生物群集に関する調査を行った。幌延深地層研究センター地下施設内に掘削されたボーリング孔から地下水を採取し、地下水中に存在する微生物を嫌気条件下でランタノイドとともに培養した。培養試験中、添加したランタノイド元素, 鉄, 硫黄の濃度を吸光光度法およびICP-MSを用いて測定するとともに、微生物群集組成について次世代シーケンサーを用いた解析を行った。その結果、初期の地下水と培養後の地下水中の微生物群集組成は異なることが示され、培養前の地下水はFirmicutes, Proteobacteria,およびChloroflexi等が優占する多様な微生物群で構成されていたのに対し、ランタノイド添加後の地下水は、金属還元能力を有することで知られているChlostridium, GeorgfuchsiaもしくはRodobacter spp.に近縁な種が増殖していることが明らかになった。これらの結果は、高レベル放射性廃棄物の地層処分システムにおいて、微生物とアクチノイドの相互作用が起こる可能性を示唆している。


Existence and the role of subsurface biofilm in the deep sedimentary rock environment of the Horonobe area, Hokkaido, Japan

天野 由記; 別部 光里*; 遠藤 貴志*; 根本 一昭*; 佐藤 智文*; Thomas, B. C.*; Banfield, J. F.*

no journal, , 

We investigated the geochemical and microbial properties of groundwater samples and the habitat of biofilm collected from a borehole drilled in the Horonobe Underground Research Laboratories (Horonobe URL) at Horonobe area, Hokkaido, Japan. Samples were collected from a borehole at 140 m below the surface in the Horonobe URL, and the time series changes of geochemistry, microbial abundance, and microbial diversity were monitored for four days. To understand the ecological role of the biofilm in the deep subsurface, we analyzed metagenomically derived genome data from the groundwater samples. From the results of microscopic observation, it is indicated that abundant biofilm were collected in the groundwater samples. Analysis of 16S rRNA gene by next generation sequencing indicates that the biofilms were dominated by Candidatus Altiarchaeales (SM1 Euryarchaeon) in the methane- carbonate-rich groundwater. The genomes encode autotrophic metabolism that fix CO$$_{2}$$ via the Wood-Ljungdahl pathway and reductive tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycles. The genes for polysaccharide biosynthesis were detected in the SM1 genomes. Biofilm phase were also characterized with accumulation/sorption of heavy metals such as Cr, Fe, Ni, Cu, Pb, Ce, Nd, U and Th. From the calculation of the bioaccumulation factor for the concentration of heavy metals, it is possible that the biofilms selectively accumulate heavy metals according to their metabolic activity. Hence, it is necessary to evaluate mechanisms of interaction between heavy metals, microbial community structure and metabolic activities of biofilms. The biofilm-mineral interaction provides an implication for the possible retardation of radionuclide migration in subsurface hydrology, which is of practical interest in geological disposal systems for high-level radioactive waste.



寺島 元基; 斉藤 拓巳*; 赤木 洋介*; 遠藤 貴志*

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Distribution coefficients of rare earth elements to microorganisms including uncultivated species in deep sedimentary groundwater

寺島 元基; 別部 光里*; 遠藤 貴志*; 根本 一昭*; 天野 由記

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圧縮ベントナイトコロイドろ過性能の評価; デンドリマーを用いた検討

遠藤 貴志*; 石寺 孝充; 寺島 元基; 舘 幸男

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遠藤 貴志; 天野 由記; 根本 一昭; 伊藤 剛志; 舘 幸男

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