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石澤 明宏*; 井戸村 泰宏; 今寺 賢志*; 糟谷 直宏*; 菅野 龍太郎*; 佐竹 真介*; 龍野 智哉*; 仲田 資季*; 沼波 政倫*; 前山 伸也*; et al.

プラズマ・核融合学会誌, 92(3), p.157 - 210, 2016/03



Dynamics of multiple flux tubes in sawtoothing KSTAR plasmas heated by electron cyclotron waves, 2; Theoretical and numerical analysis

Bierwage, A.; Yun, G. S.*; Choe, G. H.*; Nam, Y.*; Lee, W.*; Park, H. K.*; Bae, Y.-S.*

Nuclear Fusion, 55(1), p.013016_1 - 013016_17, 2015/01

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:18.25(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

The dynamics of multiple flux tubes in the core of a sawtoothing tokamak plasma are studied numerically. This is motivated by observations of long-lived hot spots in the ECE images of KSTAR plasmas with ECH. Using a empirical source term in a reduced set of MHD equations, it is shown that flux tubes with helicity h=1 are easily produced and survive for the observed time intervals only if the safety factor q is close to unity and the magnetic shear is small. It is shown that under these conditions the spatial localization of ECH may allow it to actively induce the formation of the tubes. Using simulations, we examine how the flux tubes merge and annihilate, and how their dynamics depend on the strength of the drive. We conclude that flux tubes play an important role for the dynamic competition between sources and sinks of thermal and magnetic energy during the sawtooth ramp phase. The development of self-consistent simulation models is motivated and directions for experiments are given.


Alfv$'{e}$n acoustic channel for ion energy in high-beta tokamak plasmas

Bierwage, A.; 相羽 信行; 篠原 孝司

Physical Review Letters, 114(1), p.015002_1 - 015002_5, 2015/01

 被引用回数:10 パーセンタイル:58.15(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

When the plasma beta (ratio of thermal to magnetic pressure) in the core of a tokamak is raised to values of several percent, as required for a thermonuclear fusion reactor, continuous spectra of long-wavelength slow magnetosonic waves enter the frequency band occupied by continuous spectra of shear Alfv$'{e}$n waves. It is found that these two branches can couple strongly, so that Alfv$'{e}$n modes that are resonantly driven by suprathermal ions transfer some of their energy to sound waves. Since sound waves are heavily damped by thermal ion Landau resonances, these results reveal a new energy channel that contributes to the damping of Alfv$'{e}$nic instabilities and the noncollisional heating of bulk ions, with potentially important consequences for confinement and fusion performance.


Alfv$'{e}$n acoustic channel for ion energy in high-beta tokamak plasmas revisited with a linear gyrokinetic model (LIGKA)

Bierwage, A.; Lauber, P.*; 相羽 信行; 篠原 孝司; 矢木 雅敏

Proceedings of 14th IAEA Technical Meeting on Energetic Particles in Magnetic Confinement Systems (Internet), 8 Pages, 2015/00

A recently proposed Alfv$'{e}$n acoustic self-heating channel for burning plasmas - where fast-ion-driven shear Alfv$'{e}$n waves transfer energy to sound waves which then heat the bulk ions - is reexamined using a linear gyrokinetic model. A local eigenvalue analysis shows that the ion sound branches required for such a self-heating channel are so strongly damped that they are effectively non-existent when $$T_{rm e} approx 1.7times T_{rm i}$$. However, when $$T_{rm e}$$ is increased by a factor 2.8, low-frequency sound continua in the range of beta-induced Alfv$'{e}$n acoustic eigenmodes (BAAE) are recovered and their excitation becomes feasible. This raises the question whether higher-frequency sound branches in the frequency range of beta-induced Alfv$'{e}$n continuum modes (BACM) and the associated self-heating channels may exist under reactor-relevant conditions. Moreover, it is shown that modifications of the continuous spectra by fast ions may need to be taken into account.


Orbit-based analysis of resonant excitations of Alfv$'e$n waves in tokamaks

Bierwage, A.; 篠原 孝司

Physics of Plasmas, 21(11), p.112116_1 - 112116_21, 2014/11

 被引用回数:23 パーセンタイル:73.04(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

The resonant interactions between shear Alfv$'e$n waves and resonant fast ions are analyzed numerically in realistic geometry and with a realistic particle distribution for a JT-60U plasma driven by two 400 keV N-NBs. In order to deal with the large magnetic drifts of the fast ions, a new orbit-based resonance analysis (ORA) method is developed and applied. The ORA method uses mappings that allows us to unify resonance conditions for trapped and passing particles, determine which harmonics are driven, and which orders of the resonance are involved. After analyzing the resonance conditions, the effects of wave-particle trapping, kinetic compression and linear resonance overlap are examined. Finally, we discuss the implications for frequency chirping, convective amplification, the long-time evolution of the system in the presence of a fast ion source, and for the interpretation of experimental observations.


Dynamics of low-$$n$$ shear Alfv$'e$n modes driven by energetic N-NB ions in JT-60U

Bierwage, A.; 藤堂 泰*; 相羽 信行; 篠原 孝司

Nuclear Fusion, 54(10), p.104001_1 - 104001_14, 2014/10

 被引用回数:18 パーセンタイル:64.78(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

Dynamics of fast ions and shear Alfv$'e$n waves are simulated using MEGA, a global nonlinear hybrid code. The scenario is based on JT-60U shot E039672, driven by strong negative-ion-based neutral beams (N-NB), just before the onset of a so-called Abrupt Large Event (ALE). It is found that modes with toroidal mode numbers $$n$$ = 2, 3, 4 can be destabilized, besides the $$n$$ = 1 mode studied previously. The properties of the modes with n $$>$$ 1 are sensitive to the value of the plasma beta and the form of the fast ion distribution, so simulation conditions are set up as realistically as possible. When the fast ion drive exceeds a certain threshold, the $$n$$ = 3 mode is enhanced through a convective amplification process while following fast ions that were displaced by the field fluctuations. The fast ion transport in several cases is analyzed and implications of the results for the explanation of ALEs are discussed.


Multi-phase simulation of fast ion profile flattening due to Alfv$'e$n eigenmodes in a DIII-D experiment

藤堂 泰*; Van Zeeland, M. A.*; Bierwage, A.; Heidbrink, W. W.*

Nuclear Fusion, 54(10), p.104012_1 - 104012_13, 2014/10

 被引用回数:47 パーセンタイル:90.30(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

The hybrid code MEGA, which simulates the interaction between fast ions and an MHD fluid, is extended with realistic beam deposition profile and collisions. It is used for multi-phase simulations, where classical simulations (fast ion source + collisions) and hybrid simulations (source + collisions + MHD) are run alternatingly. In a multi-phase simulation of DIII-D discharge 142111, it is found that the stored beam ion energy is saturated due to toroidal Alfv$'e$n eigenmodes (TAE) at a level lower than in the purely classical simulation. This is consistent with the experimental observation. After the stored fast ion energy is saturated, it is demonstrated by hybrid simulations that the fast ion spatial profile is significantly flattened due to the interaction with the multiple TAEs with amplitude $$v$$/$$v$$$$_{rm A}$$ and $$delta$$$$B$$/$$B$$ of order 10e-4. The temperature fluctuations caused by TAEs are of the order of 1% of the equilibrium temperature. This is also comparable with ECE measurements in the experiment.


MHD instability excited by interplay between resistive wall mode and stable MHD modes in rotating tokamak plasmas

相羽 信行; 廣田 真*; 松山 顕之; 白石 淳也; Bierwage, A.

Proceedings of 25th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2014) (CD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2014/10



Multi-time-scale energetic particle dynamics in JT-60U simulated with MHD activity, sources and collisions

Bierwage, A.; 篠原 孝司; 藤堂 泰*; 矢木 雅敏

Proceedings of 25th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2014) (CD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2014/10

The global nonlinear hybrid code MEGA was extended with a fast ion source and a collision model, so that the formation of the fast ion slowing-down distribution (long time scale, 1ms-1s) and the interaction between the fast ions and MHD waves (short time scale, 0.001-1ms) can be simulated simultaneously. This self-consistent approach, without artificial interfaces, allows to simulate meso-time-scale dynamics (0.1-10ms), such as recurring bursts of MHD activity and the resulting relaxations of the fast ion distribution. When applied to a JT-60U plasma driven by 400 keV negative-ion-based neutral beams (N-NB), the code successfully reproduced experimentally observed bursts of chirping modes. Thus validated, the new multi-time-scale simulations allows for the first time to study the physics of burstiness and frequency chirping in a realistic setting, and first results are presented and discussed. The advances made constitute an important step towards predictive simulations.


Role of convective amplification of $$n$$=1 energetic particle modes for N-NB ion dynamics in JT-60U

Bierwage, A.; 篠原 孝司; 相羽 信行; 藤堂 泰*

Nuclear Fusion, 53(7), p.073007_1 - 073007_12, 2013/07

 被引用回数:18 パーセンタイル:61.83(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

The hybrid code MEGA is used to simulate an Abrupt Large-amplitude Event (ALE) in JT-60U. The goal is to look for a threshold with respect to the fast ion beta beyond which Energetic Particle Modes (EPM) undergo convective amplification and cause significant fast ion transport. This is motivated by the hypothesis that such a threshold may work as a trigger mechanism for relaxation events, such as ALE. In order to facilitate quantitative comparisons with the experiment, a realistic geometry, bulk pressure and fast ion distribution are used. Consistently with the experiment, the simulation predicts a burst time of about 0.3 ms and peak magnetic fluctuation levels $$delta$$$$beta$$$$_{vartheta}$$/$$beta$$$$<$$10$$^{-3}$$ at the plasma boundary. As $$beta$$$$_{h0}$$ is increased, a gradual (not sharp) increase in the convective amplification of the EPM and in the convective transport is found. It is concluded that the onset of convective amplification does not suffice as a trigger mechanism for ALE.


Nonlinear simulation of energetic particle modes in JT-60U

Bierwage, A.; 相羽 信行; 篠原 孝司; 藤堂 泰*; Deng, W.*; 石川 正男; 松永 剛; 矢木 雅敏

Proceedings of 24th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2012) (CD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2012/10

Energetic particle mode (EPM) dynamics are simulated using a global nonlinear hybrid code (MEGA). The scenario considered is based on JT-60U shot E039672, just before the onset of a so-called Abrupt Large Event (ALE). The simulation model is gradually extended towards a more realistic representation of the JT-60U plasma, including realistic geometry, realistic pressure, and realistic fast ion distributions. It is found that the mode structure and frequency of the EPM is very robust and can be reproduced by simple models. In contrast, accurate prediction of the growth rate, fluctuation amplitude and fast ion transport may require realistic models. The progress made - in particular, the use of realistic geometry and a realistic fast ion distribution computed by an orbit-following Monte-Carlo code - constitutes an important step forward towards predictive simulations and integrated modelling of energetic particle dynamics in burning plasmas, such as in ITER and DEMO.


Nonlinear simulation of energetic particle modes in high-beta tokamak plasma

Bierwage, A.; 相羽 信行; 藤堂 泰*; Deng, W.*; 石川 正男; 松永 剛; 篠原 孝司; 矢木 雅敏

Plasma and Fusion Research (Internet), 7(Sp.1), p.2403081_1 - 2403081_4, 2012/07

The global hybrid code MEGA is used to study the dynamics of energetic particle modes (EPM) in parameter regimes close to the onset of ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) ballooning instability. This work is motivated by observations of energetic-particle-driven modes in the wall-stabilized regime (so called EWM) in JT-60U, the physics of which have not been fully understood yet. In this study, nonlinear simulations of energetic particle modes (EPM, high frequency, 40-60 kHz) are carried out under conditions, where EWM (low frequency, 1-3 kHz) are observed. Although, EPM are unlikely to interact with EWM directly, the energetic particle transport caused by EPM may affect the total pressure profile and, hence, the stability of kink-ballooning modes, which are thought to be the fundamental modes underlying EWM. The dynamics of EPM near ideal MHD ballooning stability boundary is examined for the first time.


Orbit-based representation of equilibrium distribution functions for low-noise initialization of kinetic simulations of toroidal plasmas

Bierwage, A.; Di Troia, C.*; Briguglio, S.*; Vlad, G.*

Computer Physics Communications, 183(5), p.1107 - 1123, 2012/05

 被引用回数:11 パーセンタイル:55.57(Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications)

This work deals with the initial loading of phase space markers for global gyrokinetic particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations of plasmas that are magnetically confined in a toroidally axisymmetric configuration. A method is presented, which allows to prepare a marker distribution that is independent of time. This is achieved by loading markers on the toroidal surfaces of unperturbed guiding center orbits, where they are distributed uniformly in time. This allows to initialize global PIC codes with an accurate equilibrium distribution function and facilitates simulations with minimal noise-signal correlation. The concrete problem considered is the representation of energetic ions in tokamaks, which are characterized by large drifts across magnetic surfaces.


Observation of energetic particle driven axisymmetric mode in the JT-60U tokamak

松永 剛; 神谷 健作; 篠原 孝司; 宮戸 直亮; 小島 有志; Bierwage, A.; JT-60チーム

Europhysics Conference Abstracts (Internet), 36F, p.P2.062_1 - P2.062_4, 2012/00

In the JT-60U experimental operations with high normalized beta $$beta_mathrm{N}$$ or high bootstrap fraction $$f_mathrm{BS}$$, magnetic fluctuations with multiple peaks in the geodesic acoustic mode (GAM) frequency range are observed. These peaks appear just after tangential NB injection with 90 keV beam energy in L-mode phase to form weak/strong reversed magnetic shear plasmas. Observed magnetic fluctuations have $$n$$ = 0 axisymmetric toroidal mode structures and $$m$$ = 2 poloidal ones, where $$n$$ and $$m$$ are the toroidal and poloidal mode number, respectively. Interestingly, the poloidal mode structure sometimes behaves like standing wave. Usually, the standing wave nodes are located around the inboard and outboard midplanes, and the top and bottom of plasmas. Namely, these modes have $$m$$ = 2 components in both ion and electron diamagnetic directions. We will report the detail of the observed $$n$$ = 0 axisymmetric modes in the JT-60U tokamak.


Nonlinear hybrid simulations of energetic particle modes in realistic tokamak flux surface geometry

Bierwage, A.; 藤堂 泰*; 相羽 信行; 篠原 孝司; 石川 正男; 矢木 雅敏

Plasma and Fusion Research (Internet), 6, p.2403109_1 - 2403109_5, 2011/08

The nonlinear dynamics of energetic particles in tokamak plasmas and their interaction with MHD modes have previously been studied using models which include only the most essential ingredients in order to understand the fundamental processes. Work is now underway to carry out simulations with more detailed models in order to enhance our predictive capabilities with respect to the excitation of MHD modes and energetic particle transport, which is expected to play an important role in burning plasmas. The present work focuses on the role of the equilibrium geometry, comparing results obtained for circular and for realistic flux surface geometry. For this purpose, earlier studies of so-called Abrupt Large-amplitude Events (ALE) in JT-60U are revisited. The simulations are carried out with the hybrid code MEGA. For the simple geometry, results obtained with another hybrid code, HMGC, serve as a benchmark, which may show how the choice of the numerical implementation affects the results.


Multi-time-scale energetic particle dynamics in JT-60U simulated with MHD activity, sources and collisions

Bierwage, A.; 篠原 孝司; 藤堂 泰*; 矢木 雅敏

no journal, , 

The excitation of resonant wave-packets known as Energetic Particle Modes (EPM) and their importance for regulating the distribution of fast ions in JT-60U plasmas driven by powerful Negative-ion-based Neutral Beams (N-NB) is demonstrated for the first time in self-consistent long-time simulations. The newly developed simulation framework is based on a nonperturbative multi-time-scale physics model, which allows to include and study the important meso-time-scale dynamics that connect the slow build-up of the fast ion population with the rapid time scale of Alfv$'e$nic fluctuations. Understanding this connection is crucial for answering the highly debated question whether fast ion transport caused by wave-particle interactions will be steady or bursty in a burning plasma. It is also essential for accurately computing the fast ion distribution, which is required to reliably predict fusion rates, heating and current drive.


Detailed analysis of resonant interactions between N-NB ions and Alfven waves in JT-60U

Bierwage, A.; 篠原 孝司

no journal, , 

The linear and nonlinear interactions between shear Alfv$'e$n waves and resonant fast ions are analyzed numerically in realistic geometry and with a realistic particle distribution for a JT-60U plasma driven by two 400 keV N-NBs. In order to deal with the large magnetic drifts of the fast ions, a new orbit-based resonance analysis (ORA) method is developed and applied. The ORA method uses mappings that allows us to unify resonance conditions for trapped and passing particles, determine which harmonics are driven, and which orders of the resonance are involved. After analyzing the resonance conditions, the effects of wave-particle trapping, kinetic compression and linear resonance overlap are examined. In the nonlinear regime, test particle dynamics during frequency chirping and convective amplification are analyzed. Finally, we discuss the implications for the long-time evolution of the system in the presence of a fast ion source, and for the interpretation of experimental observations.


Alfv$'{e}$n acoustic channel for ion energy in high-beta tokamak plasmas

Bierwage, A.; 相羽 信行; 篠原 孝司

no journal, , 

When the plasma beta in the core of a tokamak is raised to values of several percent, as required for a thermonuclear fusion reactor, continuous spectra of long-wavelength slow magnetosonic waves enter the frequency band occupied by continuous spectra of shear Alfv$'{e}$n waves. It is found that these two branches can couple strongly, so that Alfv$'{e}$n modes that are resonantly driven by suprathermal ions transfer some of their energy to sound waves. Since sound waves are heavily damped by thermal ion Landau resonances, these results reveal a new energy channel that contributes to the damping of Alfv$'{e}$nic instabilities and the noncollisional heating of bulk ions, with potentially important consequences for confinement and fusion performance.



相羽 信行; 廣田 真*; 松山 顕之; 白石 淳也; Bierwage, A.

no journal, , 



Modeling and simulation of ECH-induced multiple flux tubes in KSTAR core plasmas

Bierwage, A.

no journal, , 

The dynamics of multiple flux tubes in the core of a sawtoothing tokamak plasma are studied numerically. This is motivated by observations of long-lived hot spots in the ECE images of KSTAR plasmas with ECH. Using an empirical source term in a reduced set of MHD equations, it is shown that flux tubes with helicity h=1 are easily produced and survive for the observed time intervals only if the safety factor is close to unity and the magnetic shear is small. It is shown that under these conditions the spatial localization of ECH may allow it to actively induce the formation of the tubes. Using simulations, we examine how the flux tubes merge and annihilate, and how their dynamics depend on the strength of the drive. We conclude that flux tubes play an important role for the dynamic competition between sources and sinks of thermal and magnetic energy during the sawtooth ramp phase. The development of self-consistent simulation models is motivated and directions for experiments are given.

37 件中 1件目~20件目を表示