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Gyrokinetic simulations of turbulent transport; Size scaling and chaotic behaviour

Villard, L.*; Bottino, A.*; Brunner, S.*; Casati, A.*; Chowdhury, J.*; Dannert, T.*; Ganesh, R.*; Garbet, X.*; G$"o$rler, T.*; Grandgirard, V.*; et al.

Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 52(12), p.124038_1 - 124038_18, 2010/11

 被引用回数:20 パーセンタイル:60.27(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

This paper presents some of the main recent advances in gyrokinetic theory and computing of turbulence. A past controversy regarding the finite size (finite $$rho^*$$) effect in ITG turbulence has now been resolved. Now, both Eulerian and Lagrangian global codes are shown to agree and to converge to the flux-tube result in the $$rho^*$$ $$rightarrow$$ 0 limit. It is found, however, that an appropriate treatment of geometrical terms is necessary. Turbulent processes are characterized by a chaotic behavior, often accompanied by bursts and avalanches. Performing ensemble averages of statistically independent simulations, starting from different initial conditions, is presented as a way to assess the intrinsic variability of turbulent fluxes and obtain reliable estimates of the standard deviation.


Global nonlinear electromagnetic simulations of tokamak turbulence

Bottino, A.*; Scott, B. D.*; Brunner, S.*; McMillan, B. F.*; Tran, T. M.*; Vernay, T.*; Villard, L.*; Jolliet, S.; Hatzky, R.*; Peeters, A. G.*

IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 38(9), p.2129 - 2135, 2010/09

 被引用回数:26 パーセンタイル:69.17(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

The particle-in-cell code ORB5 is a global gyrokinetic turbulence simulation code in tokamak geometry. It solves the gyrokinetic equation in the whole plasma core, including the magnetic axis. A field-aligned filtering procedure and sophisticated noise/control and heating operators allow for accurate simulations. Recently, the code ORB5 has been extended to include self-consistent perpendicular magnetic field perturbations. The inclusion of magnetic perturbations allows for a comprehensive study of finite $$beta$$ effects on microinstability. In this paper, we present the first linear and nonlinear code results concerning electromagnetic effects on tokamak microinstabilities.


A Global collisionless PIC code in magnetic coordinates

Jolliet, S.*; Bottino, A.*; Angelino, P.*; Hatzky, R.*; Tran, T. M.*; McMillan, B. F.*; Sauter, O.*; Appert, K.*; 井戸村 泰宏; Villard, L.*

Computer Physics Communications, 177(5), p.409 - 425, 2007/09

 被引用回数:183 パーセンタイル:98.53(Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications)



First principles based simulations of instabilities and turbulence

Villard, L.*; Angelino, P.*; Bottino, A.*; Allfrey, S. J.*; Hatzky, R.*; 井戸村 泰宏; Sauter, O.*; Tran, T. M.*

Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 46(12B), p.B51 - B62, 2004/12

 被引用回数:29 パーセンタイル:66.78(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)



Recent advances in nonlinear gyrokinetic PIC simulations in tokamak geometry

Bottino, A.*; Angelino, P.*; Allfrey, S. J.*; Brunner, S.*; Hatzky, R.*; 井戸村 泰宏; Jolliet, S.*; Sauter, O.*; Tran, T. M.*; Villard, L.*

Theory of Fusion Plasmas, ISPP21, p.75 - 86, 2004/00


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