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Ying, H.*; Yang, X.*; He, H.*; Yan, A.*; An, K.*; Ke, Y.*; Wu, Z.*; Tang, S.*; Zhang, Z.*; Dong, H.*; et al.
Scripta Materialia, 250, p.116181_1 - 116181_7, 2024/09
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:63.56(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)Nanoscale chemical fluctuations and their effect on the deformation behavior of CrFeCoNi-based high-entropy alloys (HEAs) were investigated using small-angle scattering and in situ neutron diffraction measurements. Small-angle scattering results demonstrated the presence of nano (10 nm) chemical fluctuations in the as-prepared CrFeCoNiPd HEAs, which was attributed to the negative mixing of enthalpy and the significant atomic radius difference between Pd and the constituent elements in the CrFeCoNi-based alloys. Subsequent tensile tests demonstrated that the yield and tensile strengths of the as-prepared CrFeCoNiPd HEA surpass those of the as-prepared CrMnFeCoNi HEA. Neutron diffraction data analysis revealed an anomalous response of dislocation evolution with the strain.
Zhou, L.*; Zhang, H.*; Qin, T. Y.*; Hu, F. F.*; 徐 平光; Ao, N.*; Su, Y. H.; He, L. H.*; Li, X. H.*; Zhang, J. R.*; et al.
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 55(7), p.2175 - 2185, 2024/07
被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:81.14(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)High-speed railway S38C axles undergo surface induction hardening for durability, but are susceptible to fatigue cracks from foreign object impact. The neutron diffraction method was employed to measure the residual strain in S38C axles, obtaining microscopic lattice distortion data, for the gradient layer at a depth of 8 mm under the surface. The results showed that after induction-hardening, the microscopic lattice distortion had a gradient distribution, decreasing with the distance from the surface. However, in the case of impacting speed of 600 km/m, the average microscopic lattice distortion increased with the distance from the surface, reaching a maximum augmentation of 55 pct. These findings indicate a strong experimental basis, and improve our understanding of the relationship between macroscopic residual stress and decision-making, in regard to operation and maintenance.
Li, P. J.*; Beaumel, D.*; Lee, J.*; Assi, M.*; Chen, S.*; Franchoo, S.*; Gibelin, J.*; Hammache, F.*; Harada, T.*; 延与 佳子*; et al.
Physical Review Letters, 131(21), p.212501_1 - 212501_7, 2023/11
被引用回数:12 パーセンタイル:90.93(Physics, Multidisciplinary)Beのクラスター構造を(
He, H.*; Naeem, M.*; Zhang, F.*; Zhao, Y.*; Harjo, S.; 川崎 卓郎; Wang, B.*; Wu, X.*; Lan, S.*; Wu, Z.*; et al.
Nano Letters, 21(3), p.1419 - 1426, 2021/02
被引用回数:65 パーセンタイル:96.34(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)In CrCoNi, a so-called medium-entropy alloy, an fcc-to-hcp phase transformation has long been anticipated. Here, we report an in situ loading study with neutron diffraction, which revealed a bulk fcc-to-hcp phase transformation in CrCoNi at 15 K under tensile loading. By correlating deformation characteristics of the fcc phase with the development of the hcp phase, it is shown that the nucleation of the hcp phase was triggered by intrinsic stacking faults. The confirmation of a bulk phase transformation adds to the myriads of deformation mechanisms available in CrCoNi, which together underpin the unusually large ductility at low temperatures.
Khuyagbaatar, J.*; Yakushev, A.*; Dllmann, Ch. E.*; Ackermann, D.*; Andersson, L.-L.*; 浅井 雅人; Block, M.*; Boll, R. A.*; Brand, H.*; Cox, D. M.*; et al.
Physical Review C, 102(6), p.064602_1 - 064602_9, 2020/12
被引用回数:68 パーセンタイル:98.90(Physics, Nuclear)原子番号119及び120を持つ超重元素の合成を目指した探索実験を、それぞれTi+
Cf核融合-粒子蒸発反応を用いて、ガス充填型反跳分離装置TASCAにて実施した。4ヶ月間におよぶビーム照射実験を行ったが、どちらの元素も検出されず、その生成断面積の上限値は65fb及び200fbであった。119, 120番元素が観測されなかった理由について、安定の島領域の超重元素の核分裂障壁の高さを予測する様々な理論計算値を用いて、核融合-粒子蒸発反応の概念を用いて議論した。
Naeem, M.*; He, H.*; Harjo, S.; 川崎 卓郎; Zhang, F.*; Wang, B.*; Lan, S.*; Wu, Z.*; Wu, Y.*; Lu, Z.*; et al.
Scripta Materialia, 188, p.21 - 25, 2020/11
被引用回数:81 パーセンタイル:98.01(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)The deformation behavior of CrMnFeCoNi high entropy alloy was investigated by in situ neutron diffraction at an ultralow temperature of 15 K. Analysis of the diffraction peak widths showed an extremely high dislocation density at 15 K, reaching 10
. In addition, the dislocation density was found to closely follow the development of texture caused by deformation. In contrast to deformation by dislocation slip at room temperature, the ultralow-temperature deformation also involved stacking faults, twinning and serrations. The deformation pathway at ultralow temperature is outlined which is responsible for the extraordinary strength-ductility combination.
Naeem, M.*; He, H.*; Zhang, F.*; Huang, H.*; Harjo, S.; 川崎 卓郎; Wang, B.*; Lan, S.*; Wu, Z.*; Wang, F.*; et al.
Science Advances (Internet), 6(13), p.eaax4002_1 - eaax4002_8, 2020/03
被引用回数:207 パーセンタイル:99.24(Multidisciplinary Sciences)High-entropy alloys exhibit exceptional mechanical properties at cryogenic temperatures, due to the activation of twinning in addition to dislocation slip. The coexistence of multiple deformation pathways raises an important question regarding how individual deformation mechanisms compete or synergize during plastic deformation. Using in situ neutron diffraction, we demonstrate the interaction of a rich variety of deformation mechanisms in high-entropy alloys at 15 K, which began with dislocation slip, followed by stacking faults and twinning, before transitioning to inhomogeneous deformation by serrations. Quantitative analysis showed that the cooperation of these different deformation mechanisms led to extreme work hardening. The low stacking fault energy plus the stable face-centered cubic structure at ultralow temperatures, enabled by the high-entropy alloying, played a pivotal role bridging dislocation slip and serration.
Al-Shayeb, B.*; Sachdeva, R.*; Chen, L.-X.*; Ward, F.*; Munk, P.*; Devoto, A.*; Castelle, C. J.*; Olm, M. R.*; Bouma-Gregson, K.*; 天野 由記; et al.
Nature, 578(7795), p.425 - 431, 2020/02
被引用回数:268 パーセンタイル:99.46(Multidisciplinary Sciences)Phage typically have small genomes and depend on their bacterial hosts for replication. We generated metagenomic datasets from many diverse ecosystems and reconstructed hundreds of huge phage genomes, between 200 kbp and 716 kbp in length. Thirty four genomes were manually curated to completion, including the largest phage genomes yet reported. Expanded genetic repertoires include diverse and new CRISPR-Cas systems, tRNAs, tRNA synthetases, tRNA modification enzymes, initiation and elongation factors and ribosomal proteins. Phage CRISPR have the capacity to silence host transcription factors and translational genes, potentially as part of a larger interaction network that intercepts translation to redirect biosynthesis to phage-encoded functions. Some phage repurpose bacterial systems for phage-defense to eliminate competing phage. We phylogenetically define seven major clades of huge phage from human and other animal microbiomes, oceans, lakes, sediments, soils and the built environment. We conclude that large gene inventories reflect a conserved biological strategy, observed across a broad bacterial host range and resulting in the distribution of huge phage across Earth's ecosystems.
Li, X.*; Liu, P.-F.*; Zhao, E.*; Zhang, Z.*; Guide, T.*; Le, M. D.*; Avdeev, M.*; 池田 一貴*; 大友 季哉*; 古府 麻衣子; et al.
Nature Communications (Internet), 11, p.942_1 - 942_9, 2020/02
被引用回数:54 パーセンタイル:92.41(Multidisciplinary Sciences)高性能の熱電材料実現には低熱伝導率が必要であり、その機構としてはフォノンの非調和によるもの、あるいは、結晶構造の動的な乱れによるフォノンの散乱によるものがあげられ、どちらも中性子散乱でその現象が明らかにされている。我々は中性子散乱と第一原理計算を組み合わせ、-MgAgSbにおいて、静的な結晶構造の乱れとフォノンの非調和性が組み合わされて極端に低い熱伝導率が実現されているということを見いだしたので、これを報告する。
河野 俊彦*; Cho, Y. S.*; Dimitriou, P.*; Filipescu, D.*; 岩本 信之; Plujko, V.*; Tao, X.*; 宇都宮 弘章*; Varlamov, V.*; Xu, R.*; et al.
Nuclear Data Sheets, 163, p.109 - 162, 2020/01
被引用回数:110 パーセンタイル:99.65(Physics, Nuclear)We report our coordinated efforts to address these data needs such as radiation shielding design and radiation transport analyses, and present the results of the new evaluations of more than 200 nuclides included in the new updated IAEA Photonuclear Data Library, where the photon energy goes up to 200 MeV. We discuss the new assessment method and make recommendations to the user community in cases where the experimental data are discrepant and the assessments disagree. In addition, in the absence of experimental data, we present model predictions for photon-induced reaction cross section on nuclides of potential interest to medical radioisotope production.
Barzakh, A. E.*; Cubiss, J. G.*; Andreyev, A. N.; Seliverstov, M. D.*; Andel, B.*; Antalic, S.*; Ascher, P.*; Atanasov, D.*; Beck, D.*; Biero, J.*; et al.
Physical Review C, 99(5), p.054317_1 - 054317_9, 2019/05
被引用回数:12 パーセンタイル:72.85(Physics, Nuclear)Hyperfine-structure parameters and isotope shifts for the 795-nm atomic transitions in At have been measured at CERN-ISOLDE, using the in-source resonance-ionization spectroscopy technique. Magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole moments, and changes in the nuclear mean-square charge radii, have been deduced. A large inverse odd-even staggering in radii, which may be associated with the presence of octupole collectivity, has been observed. Namely, the radius of the odd-odd isotope
At has been found to be larger than the average.
Khuyagbaatar, J.*; Yakushev, A.*; Dllmann, Ch. E.*; Ackermann, D.*; Andersson, L.-L.*; 浅井 雅人; Block, M.*; Boll, R. A.*; Brand, H.*; Cox, D. M.*; et al.
Physical Review C, 99(5), p.054306_1 - 054306_16, 2019/05
被引用回数:31 パーセンタイル:92.76(Physics, Nuclear)Ca+
Wo, H.*; Wang, Q.*; Shen, Y.*; Zhang, X.*; Hao, Y.*; Feng, Y.*; Shen, S.*; He, Z.*; Pan, B.*; Wang, W.*; et al.
Physical Review Letters, 122(21), p.217003_1 - 217003_5, 2019/05
被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:44.25(Physics, Multidisciplinary)We report neutron scattering measurements of single-crystalline YFeGe
in the normal state, which has the same crystal structure as the 122 family of iron pnictide superconductors. YFe
does not exhibit long-range magnetic order but exhibits strong spin fluctuations. Like the iron pnictides, YFe
displays anisotropic stripe-type antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations at (
). More interesting, however, is the observation of strong spin fluctuations at the in-plane ferromagnetic wave vector (
). These ferromagnetic spin fluctuations are isotropic in the (
) plane, whose intensity exceeds that of stripe spin fluctuations. Both the ferromagnetic and stripe spin fluctuations remain gapless down to the lowest measured energies. Our results naturally explain the absence of magnetic order in YFe
and also imply that the ferromagnetic correlations may be a key ingredient for iron-based materials.
Flavigny, F.*; Doornenbal, P.*; Obertelli, A.*; Delaroche, J.-P.*; Girod, M.*; Libert, J.*; Rodriguez, T. R.*; Authelet, G.*; 馬場 秀忠*; Calvet, D.*; et al.
Physical Review Letters, 118(24), p.242501_1 - 242501_6, 2017/06
被引用回数:40 パーセンタイル:86.66(Physics, Multidisciplinary)The first -ray spectroscopy of very neutron rich
Kr isotopes was carried out at the RIBF at RIKEN Nishina center. Excited states in these isotopes were populated via (p,2p) reactions using radioactive
Rb beams accelerated to 220 MeV/nucleon. The new data show a significant increase in deformation beyond N=60, as well as competing configurations (shape-coexistence) at low energy. The data were compared with beyond-mean-field calculations which predict level energies in good agreement with observation, and suggest oblate-prolate shape coexistence.
Paul, N.*; Corsi, A.*; Obertelli, A.*; Doornenbal, P.*; Authelet, G.*; 馬場 秀忠*; Bally, B.*; Bender, M.*; Calvet, D.*; Chteau, F.*; et al.
Physical Review Letters, 118(3), p.032501_1 - 032501_7, 2017/01
被引用回数:46 パーセンタイル:88.80(Physics, Multidisciplinary)The first measurement of rays emitted by the very neutron rich nuclei
Mo (Z=42) and
Zr (Z=40) was carried out at the RIBF facility at RIKEN. These data shine light on the postulated N=70 harmonic oscillator shell. If the spin-orbit splitting which gives rise to the N=82 shell gap is reduced in very neutron-rich nuclei, the harmonic oscillator gap at N=70 should open instead. However, both the measured energy of the first excited state
Mo and
Zr, respectively 235(7) keV and 185(11) keV, and their E(4
) ratio, indicate that these nuclei are good rotors, and exclude the shell stabilization scenario at Z=40 and N=70. These results were compared to state-of-the-art density functional theoretical calculations using Gogny and Skyrme effective interactions.
Forsberg, U.*; Rudolph, D.*; Andersson, L.-L.*; Di Nitto, A.*; Dllmann, Ch. E.*; Fahlander, C.*; Gates, J. M.*; Golubev, P.*; Gregorich, K. E.*; Gross, C. J.*; et al.
Nuclear Physics A, 953, p.117 - 138, 2016/09
被引用回数:53 パーセンタイル:95.32(Physics, Nuclear)Ca +
Truesdale, V. L.*; Andreyev, A. N.; Ghys, L.*; Huyse, M.*; Van Duppen, P.*; Sels, S.*; Andel, B.*; Antalic, S.*; Barzakh, A.*; Capponi, L.*; et al.
Physical Review C, 94(3), p.034308_1 - 034308_11, 2016/09
被引用回数:11 パーセンタイル:61.06(Physics, Nuclear)A nuclear-decay spectroscopy study of the neutron-deficient isotope At is reported where an isotopically pure beam was produced using the selective Resonance Ionization Laser Ion Source and On-Line Isotope Mass Separator (CERN). The fine-structure
decay of
At allowed the low-energy excited states in the daughter nucleus
Bi to be investigated. A
-delayed fission study of
At was also performed. A mixture of symmetric and asymmetric fission-fragment mass distributions of the daughter isotope
Po (populated by
decay of
At) was deduced based on the measured fission-fragment energies. A
DF probability
At) = 9(1)
was determined.
Rudolph, D.*; Forsberg, U.*; Golubev, P.*; Sarmiento, L. G.*; Yakushev, A.*; Andersson, L.-L.*; Di Nitto, A.*; Dllmann, Ch. E.*; Gates, J. M.*; Gregorich, K. E.*; et al.
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 303(2), p.1185 - 1190, 2015/02
被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:48.66(Chemistry, Analytical)115番元素の崩壊連鎖を30事象観測し、過去に
Khuyagbaatar, J.*; Yakushev, A.*; Dllmann, Ch. E.*; Ackermann, D.*; Andersson, L.-L.*; 浅井 雅人; Block, M.*; Boll, R. A.*; Brand, H.*; Cox, D. M.*; et al.
Physical Review Letters, 112(17), p.172501_1 - 172501_5, 2014/05
被引用回数:222 パーセンタイル:98.39(Physics, Multidisciplinary)ドイツ重イオン研究所のガス充填型反跳核分離装置TASCAを用いてCa +
Forsberg, U.*; Rudolph, D.*; Golubev, P.*; Sarmiento, L. G.*; Yakushev, A.*; Andersson, L.-L.*; Di Nitto, A.*; Dllmann, Ch. E.*; Gates, J. M.*; Gregorich, K. E.*; et al.
EPJ Web of Conferences, 66, p.02036_1 - 02036_4, 2014/03
被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:87.89(Physics, Nuclear)115番元素の崩壊連鎖測定に使用した焦点面Si検出器のセットアップと検出器プリアンプ出力のデジタル波形解析の結果及び検出器不感層による