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Emulsification of low viscosity oil in alkali-activated materials

Reeb, C.*; Davy, C. A.*; Pierlot, C.*; Bertin, M.*; Cantarel, V.; Lambertin, D.*

Cement and Concrete Research, 162, p.106963_1 - 106963_16, 2022/12

 被引用回数:9 パーセンタイル:56.77(Construction & Building Technology)

Significant amounts of low viscosity mineral oil (20 %vol) are successfully immobilized in alkali-activated materials (AAM), either based on metakaolin or blast furnace slag. Surfactants are required to stabilize of the oil emulsion. Visual observation, torque measurement and rheology evidence two distinct groups of surfactants. One group contributes to structuring the oil/AAM fresh mix, with greater torque and viscosity than without surfactant; the other includes non-structuring surfactants, without change in torque or viscosity. Each group depends on the AAM considered. Whatever the AAM and the surfactant, the interfacial tension between oil/activating solution and the oil droplet size decrease significantly. Therefore, although contributing to stabilize the emulsion, interfacial tension alone does not explain the two distinct behaviors. Characterization of diluted ternary suspensions (solid particles-oil-AS) relates the structuring effect to interactions between oil and solid particles, through the surfactant polar head groups and non-polar hydrocarbon tails. An original mechanism explaining structuration is discussed.


Online measurement of the atmosphere around geopolymers under gamma irradiation

Cantarel, V.; Lambertin, D.*; Labed, V.*; 山岸 功

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 58(1), p.62 - 71, 2021/01

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:45.87(Nuclear Science & Technology)



Water permeability of geopolymers emulsified with oil

Planel, B.*; Davy, C. A.*; Adler, P. M.*; Hauss, G.*; Bertin, M.*; Cantarel, V.; Lambertin, D.*

Cement and Concrete Research, 135, p.106108_1 - 106108_14, 2020/09

 被引用回数:12 パーセンタイル:43.84(Construction & Building Technology)

Recently, geopolymer (GP) cements have proven adequate to immobilize oil emulsions as GEOIL composites. When used for radioactive waste storage, the vicinity of GEOIL with Portland Cement (PC) concretes may induce leaching by the PC pore water. This research identifies the preferential water flow pathways, and quantifies the water permeability of hardened GEOIL mortars using a typical PC pore water. Two alkali-activated GP cements are used, either made of 100% metakaolin (MK) or of 80%MK-20% slag, for oil proportions of 0, 20, 40 or 60%vol. For the identification of the preferential water flow pathways, two water flow scenarii are investigated numerically. Either water flows through the oil emulsion (Scenario 1) or water flows through the GP cement mortar pores (Scenario 2). The 3D structure of the oil emulsion is quantified by X Ray micro-computed tomography (X Ray micro CT), and the pore structure of GP cement mortars is identified by image analysis. Fluid pathways are predicted for both scenarii by 3D numerical simulations. Secondly, water permeability experiments are conducted on GEOIL mortars. Water permeability K$$_{water}$$ of highly alkaline PC water is deduced over several weeks. The results validate Scenario 2; for 20 or 40%vol oil, water flows preferentially through the GP cement mortar pores (at a permeability below 10$$^{-18}$$ m$$^{2}$$), instead of through the percolating oil emulsion.


3D X Ray micro-tomography as a tool to formulate metakaolin-based geopolymer-oil emulsions

Lambertin, D.*; Davy, C. A.*; Hauss, G.*; Planel, B.*; Marchand, B.*; Cantarel, V.

Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Innovation in Low-Carbon Cement and Concrete Technology (ILCCC 2019) (USB Flash Drive), 4 Pages, 2019/06

ジオポリマー(GP)セメントと有機液体からなる複合材料は、放射性有機液体廃棄物の管理のために、または相変化材料(PCM)として、多孔性制御媒体を合成するのに有用である。GPセメントは、大量の有機オイルをエマルションで新鮮なペーストに閉じ込めることができる。そのエマルション(GEOIL)は、GP硬化中は安定なままである。本報告では、1ミクロン$$^{3}$$ (= 1$$times$$10$$^{-6}$$m$$^{3}$$)のボクセルサイズの3D X線マイクロコンピューター断層撮影(マイクロCT)を使用することによって、GEOILペーストの3D油滴構造に対する調合パラメータ(油の割合, Si/Alモル比,界面活性剤)の影響を調べた。試料は新鮮な状態で乳し、硬化した状態で画像撮影した。気孔率,油滴サイズ分布、および油滴間の平均距離の全てを定量的に決定した。界面活性剤の存在により、著しく小さい油滴の形成が観察された。Si/Al比の増加も油滴サイズを減少させるが、その程度はより少ない。

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