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Parallel filtering in global gyrokinetic simulations

Jolliet, S.; McMillan, B. F.*; Villard, L.*; Vernay, T.*; Angelino, P.*; Tran, T. M.*; Brunner, S.*; Bottino, A.*; 井戸村 泰宏

Journal of Computational Physics, 231(3), p.745 - 758, 2012/02

 被引用回数:13 パーセンタイル:60.62(Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications)

In this work, a Fourier solver is implemented in the global Eulerian gyrokinetic code GT5D and in the global Particle-In-Cell code ORB5 in order to reduce the memory of the matrix associated with the field equation. This scheme is verified with linear and nonlinear simulations of turbulence. It is demonstrated that the straight-field-line angle is the coordinate that optimizes the Fourier solver, that both linear and nonlinear turbulent states are unaffected by the parallel filtering, and that the $$k_parallel$$ spectrum is independent of plasma size at fixed normalized poloidal wave number.


Gyrokinetic simulations of turbulent transport; Size scaling and chaotic behaviour

Villard, L.*; Bottino, A.*; Brunner, S.*; Casati, A.*; Chowdhury, J.*; Dannert, T.*; Ganesh, R.*; Garbet, X.*; G$"o$rler, T.*; Grandgirard, V.*; et al.

Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 52(12), p.124038_1 - 124038_18, 2010/11

 被引用回数:20 パーセンタイル:60.27(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

This paper presents some of the main recent advances in gyrokinetic theory and computing of turbulence. A past controversy regarding the finite size (finite $$rho^*$$) effect in ITG turbulence has now been resolved. Now, both Eulerian and Lagrangian global codes are shown to agree and to converge to the flux-tube result in the $$rho^*$$ $$rightarrow$$ 0 limit. It is found, however, that an appropriate treatment of geometrical terms is necessary. Turbulent processes are characterized by a chaotic behavior, often accompanied by bursts and avalanches. Performing ensemble averages of statistically independent simulations, starting from different initial conditions, is presented as a way to assess the intrinsic variability of turbulent fluxes and obtain reliable estimates of the standard deviation.


Global nonlinear electromagnetic simulations of tokamak turbulence

Bottino, A.*; Scott, B. D.*; Brunner, S.*; McMillan, B. F.*; Tran, T. M.*; Vernay, T.*; Villard, L.*; Jolliet, S.; Hatzky, R.*; Peeters, A. G.*

IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 38(9), p.2129 - 2135, 2010/09

 被引用回数:26 パーセンタイル:69.17(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

The particle-in-cell code ORB5 is a global gyrokinetic turbulence simulation code in tokamak geometry. It solves the gyrokinetic equation in the whole plasma core, including the magnetic axis. A field-aligned filtering procedure and sophisticated noise/control and heating operators allow for accurate simulations. Recently, the code ORB5 has been extended to include self-consistent perpendicular magnetic field perturbations. The inclusion of magnetic perturbations allows for a comprehensive study of finite $$beta$$ effects on microinstability. In this paper, we present the first linear and nonlinear code results concerning electromagnetic effects on tokamak microinstabilities.


Global nonlinear particle-in-cell simulations of trapped-electron-mode turbulence

Jolliet, S.; McMillan, B. F.*; Bottino, A.*; Angelino, P.*; Lapillonne, X.*; Vernay, T.*; 井戸村 泰宏; Villard, L.*

no journal, , 

The global Particle-In-Cell ORB5 code [Jolliet, CPC, 2007] has been extended to include the kinetic response of trapped electrons. The gyrokinetic model is explained and a linear benchmark is presented. Nonlinear simulations show that, for the set of parameters considered, the influence of the zonal flows on Trapped-Electron-Mode turbulence is weak. These results are in agreement with previous results obtained with the flux-tube PIC code GEM [Lang, POP, 2008].


Collisions in global gyrokinetic particle-in-cell code ORB5

Vernay, T.*; Brunner, S.*; Villard, L.*; Jolliet, S.; McMillan, B. F.*; Lapillonne, X.*

no journal, , 

In this work, a Lorentz collision operator using a random walk over the pitch angle, as well as a full, linearized self-collision operator including a random walk in velocity space and a background reaction acting on the weights, are implemented in a simple 1D Particle-In-Cell (PIC) code simulating Langmuir waves with a 2 weights scheme. The crucial conservation properties of the discretized collision operators are explained. In a second step, the implementations of the 2 weights scheme and such operators in the global gyrokinetic PIC code ORB5 are presented. Some results concerning the effects of collisions on micro-instabilities and neoclassical transport are studied.

5 件中 1件目~5件目を表示
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