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Wakabayashi, Yuki*; Krockenberger, Y.*; Yamagami, Kohei*; Wadachi, Hiroki*; Shibata, Goro; Fujimori, Atsushi*; Kawamura, Naomi*; Suzuki, Motohiro*; Taniyasu, Yoshitaka*; Yamamoto, Hideki*
SPring-8/SACLA Riyo Kenkyu Seikashu (Internet), 12(5), p.291 - 293, 2024/10
no abstracts in English
Sakamoto, Kan*; Adachi, Mika*; Tokushima, Kazuyuki*; Aomi, Masaki*; Shibata, Hiroki; Nagae, Yuji; Kurata, Masaki
Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry; 20th International Symposium (ASTM STP 1645), p.411 - 432, 2023/11
Wei, D.*; Gong, W.; Tsuru, Tomohito; Lobzenko, I.; Li, X.*; Harjo, S.; Kawasaki, Takuro; Do, H.-S.*; Bae, J. W.*; Wagner, C.*; et al.
International Journal of Plasticity, 159, p.103443_1 - 103443_18, 2022/12
Times Cited Count:86 Percentile:99.65(Engineering, Mechanical)Wang, Y.*; Kajihara, Shun*; Matsuoka, Hideki*; Saika, B. K.*; Yamagami, Kohei*; Takeda, Yukiharu; Wadachi, Hiroki*; Ishizaka, Kyoko*; Iwasa, Yoshihiro*; Nakano, Masaki*
Nano Letters, 22(24), p.9964 - 9971, 2022/12
Times Cited Count:26 Percentile:91.63(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)Chiera, N. M.*; Sato, Tetsuya; Eichler, R.*; Tomitsuka, Tomohiro; Asai, Masato; Adachi, Sadia*; Dressler, R.*; Hirose, Kentaro; Inoue, Hiroki*; Ito, Yuta; et al.
Angewandte Chemie; International Edition, 60(33), p.17871 - 17874, 2021/08
Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:22.30(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)The formation and the chemical characterization of single atoms of dubnium (Db, element 105), in the form of its volatile oxychloride, was investigated using the on-line gas phase chromatography technique, in the temperature range 350 - 600 C. Under the exact same chemical conditions, comparative studies with the lighter homologs of group-5 in the Periodic Table clearly indicate the volatility sequence being NbOCl
. From the obtained experimental results, thermochemical data for DbOCl
were derived. The present study delivers reliable experimental information for theoretical calculations on the chemical properties of transactinides.
Suzuki, Shintaro*; Takubo, Ko*; Kuga, Kentaro*; Higemoto, Wataru; Ito, Takashi; Tomita, Takahiro*; Shimura, Yasumichi*; Matsumoto, Yosuke*; Bareille, C.*; Wadachi, Hiroki*; et al.
Physical Review Research (Internet), 3(2), p.023140_1 - 023140_12, 2021/05
We report our experimental discovery of the transition temperature reaching 20 K in a Yb-based compound at ambient pressure. The Mn substitution at the Al site in an intermediate valence state of -YbAlB
not only induces antiferromagnetic transition at a record high temperature of 20 K but also transforms the heavy-fermion liquid state in
into a highly resistive metallic state proximate to a Kondo insulator.
Matsuoka, Hideki*; Barnes, S. E.*; Ieda, Junichi; Maekawa, Sadamichi; Bahramy, M. S.*; Saika, B. K.*; Takeda, Yukiharu; Wadachi, Hiroki*; Wang, Y.*; Yoshida, Satoshi*; et al.
Nano Letters, 21(4), p.1807 - 1814, 2021/02
Times Cited Count:18 Percentile:76.40(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)Nakano, Masaki*; Wang, Y.*; Yoshida, Satoshi*; Matsuoka, Hideki*; Majima, Yuki*; Ikeda, Keisuke*; Hirata, Yasuyuki*; Takeda, Yukiharu; Wadachi, Hiroki*; Kohama, Yoshimitsu*; et al.
Nano Letters, 19(12), p.8806 - 8810, 2019/12
Times Cited Count:60 Percentile:91.34(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)Yoshimatsu, Kohei*; Ishimaru, Junya*; Watarai, Keisuke*; Yamamoto, Kohei*; Hirata, Yasuyuki*; Wadachi, Hiroki*; Takeda, Yukiharu; Horiba, Koji*; Kumigashira, Hiroshi*; Sakata, Osami*; et al.
Physical Review B, 99(23), p.235129_1 - 235129_8, 2019/06
Times Cited Count:14 Percentile:56.29(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)Matsuno, Jobu*; Ihara, Kota*; Yamamura, Shugen*; Wadachi, Hiroki*; Ishii, Kenji; Shankar, V.*; Kee, H.-Y.*; Takagi, Hidenori*
Physical Review Letters, 114(24), p.247209_1 - 247209_5, 2015/06
Times Cited Count:161 Percentile:97.72(Physics, Multidisciplinary)Okamoto, Jun*; Nakao, Hironori*; Yamasaki, Yuichi*; Wadachi, Hiroki*; Tanaka, Arata*; Kubota, Masato; Horigane, Kazumasa*; Murakami, Yoichi*; Yamada, Kazuyoshi*
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 83(4), p.044705_1 - 044705_6, 2014/04
Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:54.12(Physics, Multidisciplinary)Sato, Takahiro*; Iwasaki, Atsushi*; Ishibashi, Kazuki*; Okino, Tomoya*; Yamanouchi, Kaoru*; Adachi, Junichi*; Yagishita, Akira*; Yazawa, Hiroki*; Kannari, Fumihiko*; Aoyama, Makoto; et al.
Europhysics News, 42(5), P. 10, 2011/09
The resonant and non-resonant two-photon single ionization processes of He were investigated using intense free electron laser light in the extreme ultraviolet (XUV) region (53.4-61.4 nm) covering the 1s-2p and 1s-3p resonant transitions of He. On the basis of the dependences of the yield of He on the XUV light-field intensity at 53.4, 58.4, 56.0 and 61.4 nm, the absolute values of the two-photon ionization cross sections of He at the four different wavelengths and their dependence on the light-field intensity were determined for the first time.
Sato, Takahiro*; Iwasaki, Atsushi*; Ishibashi, Kazuki*; Okino, Tomoya*; Yamanouchi, Kaoru*; Adachi, Junichi*; Yagishita, Akira*; Yazawa, Hiroki*; Kannari, Fumihiko*; Aoyama, Makoto; et al.
Journal of Physics B; Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 44(16), p.161001_1 - 161001_5, 2011/08
Times Cited Count:39 Percentile:84.17(Optics)The resonant and non-resonant two-photon single ionization processes of He were investigated using intense free electron laser light in the extreme ultraviolet (XUV) region (53.4-61.4 nm) covering the 1s-2p and 1s-3p resonant transitions of He. On the basis of the dependences of the yield of He on the XUV light-field intensity at 53.4, 58.4, 56.0 and 61.4 nm, the absolute values of the two-photon ionization cross sections of He at the four different wavelengths and their dependence on the light-field intensity were determined for the first time.
Yoshikawa, Hiroshi; Sakaki, Hironao; Sako, Hiroyuki; Takahashi, Hiroki; Shen, G.; Kato, Yuko; Ito, Yuichi; Ikeda, Hiroshi*; Ishiyama, Tatsuya*; Tsuchiya, Hitoshi*; et al.
Proceedings of International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems (ICALEPCS '07) (CD-ROM), p.62 - 64, 2007/10
J-PARC is a large scale facility of the proton accelerators for the multi-purpose of scientific researches in Japan. This facility consists of three accelerators and three experimental stations. Now, J-PARC is under construction, and LINAC is operated for one year, 3GeV synchrotron has just started the commissioning in this October the 1st. The completion of this facility will be next summer. The control system of accelerators established fundamental performance for the initial commissioning. The most important requirement to the control system of this facility is to minimize the activation of accelerator devices. In this paper, we show that the performances of each layer of this control system have been achieved in the initial stage.
Lin, Y.-H.*; Terai, Kota*; Wadachi, Hiroki*; Kobayashi, Masaki*; Takizawa, Masaru*; Hwang, J. I.*; Fujimori, Atsushi; Nan, C.-W.*; Li, J.-F.*; Fujimori, Shinichi; et al.
Applied Physics Letters, 90(22), p.222909_1 - 222909_3, 2007/05
Times Cited Count:8 Percentile:32.78(Physics, Applied)Epitaxial BaSr
thin films were prepared on Nb-doped SrTiO
(100) substrates by the pulsed laser deposition technique and were studied by measuring the Ti 2p
3d resonant photoemission spectra in the valence-band region, both at room temperature and low temperature. The results demonstrated an abrupt variation in the spectral structures between 2.8 nm (
7 ML) and 2.0 nm (
5 ML) Ba
films, suggesting that there exists a critical thickness for phase change in the range of 2.0-2.8 nm.
Sato, Tetsuya; Chiera, N. M.*; Tomitsuka, Tomohiro; Tokoi, Katsuyuki*; Suzuki, Hayato*; Ito, Yuta; Asai, Masato; Shirai, Kaori*; Inoue, Hiroki*; Adachi, Sadia*; et al.
no journal, ,
The influence of strong relativistic effects on chemical properties has been interesting in the superheavy element region. Their chemical properties, however, have not been investigated sufficiently because of experimental difficulties owing to their low production rates and short half-lives. In order to elucidate the chemical properties of dubnium (Db, Z = 105), we have conducted on-line isothermal gas chromatographic experiments of oxychloride of group-5 elements. We confirmed the formation of volatile oxychlorides of Db and its lighter homologs Nb and Ta by using Db (half-life,
= 33.8 s),
Nb (
= 14.5 min.), and
Ta (
= 6.76 min.), respectively. We successfully determined the adsorption enthalpies of the oxychlorides of each element on the quartz surface from their isothermal gas chromatographic behavior. The obtained volatility sequence of the group-5 elements is found to be Nb
Wadachi, Hiroki*; Kunieda, Takekazu*; Sakashita, Tetsuya; Kawai, Kiyoshi*; Iwata, Kenichi*; Nakahara, Yuichi*; Hamada, Nobuyuki*; Koseki, Shigenobu*; Yamamoto, Kazutaka*; Kobayashi, Yasuhiko; et al.
no journal, ,
We studied the effects of the exposure of extreme environments on life-time and breeding ability of tardigrade to reveal the possibility of multi-cellular organism existences in the outerspace. A life time of animals is the shortest in the heavy-ion exposed animals than any other stressors. There were significant decrease in the number of egg-laying and hatching rate between irradiated and non-irradiated animals. However, we found the next generation in all experimental conditions. Our findings suggest that tardigrades exposed to even any extreme environments could have a descendant.
Wadachi, Hiroki*; Kunieda, Takekazu*; Abe, Wataru*; Nakahara, Yuichi*; Watanabe, Masahiko*; Sakashita, Tetsuya; Hamada, Nobuyuki*; Kobayashi, Yasuhiko; Higashi, Seigo*; Okuda, Takashi*
no journal, ,
We collected some kinds of tardigrade to develop multi-cellular model oraganism for extremotolerant. Among four kinds of collected tardigrade, we found that a tardigrade at Sapporo-city feeded
and could breed. The life-time of
in an artificial culture condition is about 35 days and 5.7 days for hatching. During the whole life-time, one animal laids 8 eggs. In addition, it was observed that
could enter an ametabolic dry state called anhydrobiosis in all stages of life-time. Furthermore, we observed a high surviving-rate even if
exposed in various kinds of extreme environments.