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Kawae, Tatsuya*; Koga, Mikito*; Sato, Yoshiaki*; Makiyama, Shun*; Inagaki, Yuji*; Tateiwa, Naoyuki; Fujiwara, Tetsuya*; Suzuki, Hiroyuki*; Kitai, Tetsuo*
JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 3, p.012030_1 - 012030_6, 2014/06
We measure the temperature dependence of the nonlinear susceptibility in PrLaPb. reflects the fluctuation of the quadrupolar moments. Non-Fermi liquid behavior of with -dependence is detected below 2.5 K, suggesting that the screening of the quadrupolar moments is responsible for the anomalous behavior at low temperatures. These results provide a direct evidence for the crucial role of the quadrupolar moments in PrLaPb.
Kawae, Tatsuya*; Koga, Mikito*; Sato, Yoshiaki*; Makiyama, Shun*; Inagaki, Yuji*; Tateiwa, Naoyuki; Fujiwara, Tetsuya*; Suzuki, Hiroyuki*; Kitai, Tetsuo*
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 82(7), p.073701_1 - 073701_4, 2013/07
Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:55.00(Physics, Multidisciplinary)We measure the temperature dependence of the nonlinear susceptibility , which reflects the fluctuation of quadrupolar moments in, PrLaPb which a non-Kramers doublet in the crystal-electric-field ground state to provide evidence of the quadrupolar Kondo effect. Non-Fermi liquid behavior of with a - ln dependence is detected in the [100] and [110] directions below 2.5 K, suggesting the screening of quadrupolar moments. In contrast, in the [111] direction becomes constant below 3 K. The observed features indicate that a low-lying doublet plays a crucial role in the anomalous properties of PrLaPb.
Kitawaki, Shinichi; Nakayoshi, Akira; Fukushima, Mineo; Sakamura, Yoshiharu*; Murakami, Tsuyoshi*; Akiyama, Naoyuki*
Proceedings of International Conference on Toward and Over the Fukushima Daiichi Accident (GLOBAL 2011) (CD-ROM), 5 Pages, 2011/09
In the FaCT project, the metal fuel cycle including metal fuel fast reactor and pyrochemical reprocessing has been being developed. JAEA and CRIEPI have continued a collaborative study on pyrochemical reprocessing. In the pyrochemical reprocessing, actinides in the spent fuels dissolve anodically in the LiCl-KCl, and U is collected selectively on a solid cathode, Pu and MA are recovered simultaneously in a liquid Cd cathode. In the previous electrorefining tests, at the anode Zr was allowed to dissolve into the electrolyte salt together with U, Pu and MA. The Zr co-dissolution may cause some problems. In this study, through the anode dissolution test of U-Pu-Zr alloy fuel, the controlling the dissolution of the Zr and the improvement of dissolution ratio of U, Pu were studied. The U-Pu alloy was prepared from MOX pellets by using the electrochemical reduction method. U-Pu-Zr ternary alloy was produced by alloying the obtained U-Pu alloy and prepared U-Zr alloy. U-Pu-Zr ternary alloy was immersed into electrolyte salt, and electrolysis test was carried out.
Murakami, Tsuyoshi*; Sakamura, Yoshiharu*; Akiyama, Naoyuki*; Kitawaki, Shinichi; Nakayoshi, Akira; Fukushima, Mineo
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 414(2), p.194 - 199, 2011/07
Times Cited Count:17 Percentile:76.29(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)An electrorefining is one of the main steps of pyrochemical reprocessing of spent metallic fuels (U-Zr, U-Pu-Zr). The electrorefining is carried out dissolving a portion of Zr together with actinides to accomplish a high dissolution ratio of actinides. However, the electrorefining with Zr co-dissolution should bring some practical problems in the pyrochemical reprocessing. Therefore, electrorefining tests of non-irradiated U-Pu-Zr alloy were performed with minimizing the amount of Zr dissolved in LiCl-KCl-(U, Pu, Am)Cl melts at 773 K. The tests were performed both by potentiostatic electrolysis at -1.0 V (Ag/Ag) that was more negative than the Zr dissolution potential and by galvanostatic electrolysis with a limited amount of Zr dissolution. The ICP-AES analysis of the anode residues confirmed that a high dissolution ratio of actinides (U; 99.6%, Pu; 99.9%) was successfully demonstrated at both electrolyses.
Tanaka, Kenji*; Takenaga, Hidenobu; Muraoka, Katsunori*; Michael, C.*; Vyacheslavov, L. N.*; Yokoyama, Masayuki*; Yamada, Hiroshi*; Oyama, Naoyuki; Urano, Hajime; Kamada, Yutaka; et al.
Proceedings of 22nd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2008) (CD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2008/10
Comparative studies were carried out in LHD heliotron and JT-60U tokamak plasmas to elucidate the most essential parameter(s) for control of density profiles in toroidal systems. A difference in the collisionality dependence was found between the two devices. In LHD, the density peaking factor decreased with decrease of the collisionality at the magnetic axis position (R) 3.6 m, while the density peaking factor gradually increased with a decreased of collisionality at R = 3.5 m. On the other hand, in JT-60U, the density peaking factor clearly increased with a decrease of the collisionality. The difference in the collisionality dependence between R = 3.5 and R = 3.6 m is likely due to the contribution of the anomalous transport. At R = 3.5 m, larger anomalous transport caused a similar collisionality dependence. Change of the fluctuation property was observed with different density profiles in the plasma core region on both devices. In JT-60U, the increase of the radial coherence was observed with higher density peaking profile suggesting enhanced diffusion and inward directed pinch. For a magnetic axis positions (R) at 3.6 m in LHD, the increase of the fluctuation power with an increase in P was observed for a hollow density profile suggesting an increase on diffusion due to anomalous processes. Change of density profiles from peaked to hollow indicates change in the convection direction. This is due to increase in neoclassical processes. The reduction of the density peaking factor with increase of P in LHD is partly due to the neoclassical effect and partly due to the anomalous effect.
Yamasaki, Chisato*; Murakami, Katsuhiko*; Fujii, Yasuyuki*; Sato, Yoshiharu*; Harada, Erimi*; Takeda, Junichi*; Taniya, Takayuki*; Sakate, Ryuichi*; Kikugawa, Shingo*; Shimada, Makoto*; et al.
Nucleic Acids Research, 36(Database), p.D793 - D799, 2008/01
Times Cited Count:52 Percentile:71.02(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)Here we report the new features and improvements in our latest release of the H-Invitational Database, a comprehensive annotation resource for human genes and transcripts. H-InvDB, originally developed as an integrated database of the human transcriptome based on extensive annotation of large sets of fulllength cDNA (FLcDNA) clones, now provides annotation for 120 558 human mRNAs extracted from the International Nucleotide Sequence Databases (INSD), in addition to 54 978 human FLcDNAs, in the latest release H-InvDB. We mapped those human transcripts onto the human genome sequences (NCBI build 36.1) and determined 34 699 human gene clusters, which could define 34 057 protein-coding and 642 non-protein-coding loci; 858 transcribed loci overlapped with predicted pseudogenes.
Sakamura, Yoshiharu*; Murakami, Tsuyoshi*; Akiyama, Naoyuki*; Kitawaki, Shinichi; Nakayoshi, Akira; Fukushima, Mineo
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Sakamura, Yoshiharu*; Murakami, Tsuyoshi*; Akiyama, Naoyuki*; Iizuka, Masatoshi*; Kitawaki, Shinichi; Nakayoshi, Akira
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Kitawaki, Shinichi; Nakayoshi, Akira; Fukushima, Mineo; Murakami, Tsuyoshi*; Sakamura, Yoshiharu*; Akiyama, Naoyuki*
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Murakami, Tsuyoshi*; Sakamura, Yoshiharu*; Akiyama, Naoyuki*; Kitawaki, Shinichi; Nakayoshi, Akira; Koyama, Tadafumi*
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Kitawaki, Shinichi; Nakayoshi, Akira; Sakamura, Yoshiharu*; Akiyama, Naoyuki*
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Kitawaki, Shinichi; Nakayoshi, Akira; Sakamura, Yoshiharu*; Akiyama, Naoyuki*
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Tanaka, Kenji*; Takenaga, Hidenobu; Muraoka, Katsunori*; Michael, C.*; Vyacheslavov, L. N.*; Yokoyama, Masayuki*; Yamada, Hiroshi*; Murakami, Sadayoshi*; Wakasa, Arimitsu*; Kawahata, Kazuo*; et al.
no journal, ,
In order to understand mechanisms for determining density profiles in toroidal plasmas, density profiles were compared in JT-60U tokamak and LHD helical plasmas. Transport theory indicates that neoclassical transport is enhanced in helical plasmas with low collisionality due to helical ripple. In JT-60U plasmas, density peaking increased with decreasing the collisionality. In LHD plasmas for magnetic axis (Rax) of 3.5m with small effective helical ripple, density peaking slightly increased with decreasing the collisionality as similar to that in tokamak plasmas. On the other hand, in LHD plasmas for Rax3.6m with relatively large effective helical ripple, density profile became hollow as the collisionality decreased. Different turbulence structures are observed for Rax=3.5m and Rax=3.6m in LHD plasmas. Turbulence propagated towards electron diamagnetic direction for Rax=3.5m and towards ion diamagnetic direction for Rax=3.6m. This difference could be related to the difference of density profiles, as well as difference of neoclassical transport. Furthermore, when density decreased in the core region due to increase of electron temperature, it was found that turbulence was first modified in the edge region and then in the core region.
Tanaka, Kenji*; Takenaga, Hidenobu; Muraoka, Katsunori*; Michael, C.*; Vyacheslavov, L. N.*; Mishchenko, A.*; Yokoyama, Masayuki*; Yamada, Hiroshi*; Oyama, Naoyuki; Urano, Hajime; et al.
no journal, ,
Comparative studies were carried out in LHD heliotron and JT-60U tokamak plasmas to elucidate effects of turbulence transport on density profiles in toroidal systems. A difference in the collisionality dependence was found between the two devices. In LHD, the density peaking factor decreased with decrease of the collisionality at the magnetic axis position (R) of 3.6 m. On the other hand, in JT-60U, the density peaking factor clearly increased with a decrease of the collisionality. For R=3.6 m in LHD, the increase of the fluctuation power with an increase in P was observed for a hollow density profile suggesting an increase on diffusion due to anomalous processes. In JT-60U, the increase of the radial coherence was observed with higher density peaking profile suggesting enhanced diffusion and inward directed pinch. The effects of curvature pinch on density profiles were also investigated in both devices. The curvature pinch produces a peaked density profile in JT-60U and a hollow density profile in LHD depending on their magnetic shear. However, these effects were too small to explain the density profiles observed in both devices.
Nakayoshi, Akira; Kitawaki, Shinichi; Kofuji, Hirohide; Sakamura, Yoshiharu*; Akiyama, Naoyuki*
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Tanaka, Kenji*; Takenaga, Hidenobu; Muraoka, Katsunori*; Yoshida, Maiko; Michael, C.*; Vyacheslavov, L. N.*; Mikkelsen, D. R.*; Yokoyama, Masayuki*; Oyama, Naoyuki; Urano, Hajime; et al.
no journal, ,
Density profile and turbulence was compared in JT-60U tokamak and LHD heliotron. Density peaking increases with decrease of collisionality in JT-60U. Density gradient predicted from zero flux condition agrees within factor 2 for Te/Ti=1, but large discrepancies are found for Te/Ti =0.5. In LHD, peaked profile and increase of density peaking with decrease of collisionality are found in strong magnetic hill configuration (Rax = 3.5 m). Hollowed-peaked density profile and increase of density peaking with increase of collisionality are found in weak magnetic hill configuration (Rax = 3.6 m). Fluctuation is localized in core gradient region and edge gradient region. Density gradient predicted from zero flux condition are compared. Then both cases agrees the sign and absolute values within factor 2.