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Journal Articles

The Precipitation and redistribution of alloying element in Zircaloy-4 cladding tube oxidized in high-temperature steam

Amaya, Masaki

High Temperature Corrosion of Materials, 101(3), p.455 - 469, 2024/06

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering)

Journal Articles

Engineering formulation of the irradiation growth behavior of zirconium-based alloys for light water reactors

Kakiuchi, Kazuo; Amaya, Masaki; Udagawa, Yutaka

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 573, p.154110_1 - 154110_7, 2023/01

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:19.69(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Mechanical property evaluation with nanoindentation method on Zircaloy-4 cladding tube after LOCA-simulated experiment

Kakiuchi, Kazuo; Yamauchi, Akihiro*; Amaya, Masaki; Udagawa, Yutaka; Kitano, Koji*

Proceedings of TopFuel 2022 (Internet), p.409 - 418, 2022/10

Journal Articles

Irradiation growth behavior and effect of hydrogen absorption of Zr-based cladding alloys for PWR

Kakiuchi, Kazuo; Amaya, Masaki; Udagawa, Yutaka

Annals of Nuclear Energy, 171, p.109004_1 - 109004_9, 2022/06

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:72.25(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Journal Articles

Development of fission gas release model for MOX fuel pellets with treatment of heterogeneous microstructure

Tasaki, Yudai; Udagawa, Yutaka; Amaya, Masaki

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 59(3), p.382 - 394, 2022/03

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Journal Articles

Radiochemical analysis of the drain water sampled at the exhaust stack shared by Units 1 and 2 of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

Shimada, Asako; Taniguchi, Yoshinori; Kakiuchi, Kazuo; Ohira, Saki; Iida, Yoshihisa; Sugiyama, Tomoyuki; Amaya, Masaki; Maruyama, Yu

Scientific Reports (Internet), 12(1), p.2086_1 - 2086_11, 2022/02

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:38.50(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

OECD/NEA benchmark on pellet-clad mechanical interaction modelling with fuel performance codes; Influence of pellet geometry and gap size

Soba, A.*; Prudil, A.*; Zhang, J.*; Dethioux, A.*; Han, Z.*; Dostal, M.*; Matocha, V.*; Marelle, V.*; Lasnel-Payan, J.*; Kulacsy, K.*; et al.

Proceedings of TopFuel 2021 (Internet), 10 Pages, 2021/10

Journal Articles

Mechanical failure of high-burnup fuel rods with stress-relieved annealed and recrystallized M-MDA cladding under reactivity-initiated accident conditions

Mihara, Takeshi; Udagawa, Yutaka; Sugiyama, Tomoyuki; Amaya, Masaki

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 58(8), p.872 - 885, 2021/08

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:24.93(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Journal Articles

Fission gas release from irradiated mixed-oxide fuel pellet during simulated reactivity-initiated accident conditions; Results of BZ-3 and BZ-4 tests

Kakiuchi, Kazuo; Udagawa, Yutaka; Amaya, Masaki

Annals of Nuclear Energy, 155, p.108171_1 - 108171_11, 2021/06

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:24.93(Nuclear Science & Technology)

JAEA Reports

Technical basis of ECCS acceptance criteria for light-water reactors and applicability to high burnup fuel

Nagase, Fumihisa; Narukawa, Takafumi; Amaya, Masaki

JAEA-Review 2020-076, 129 Pages, 2021/03


Each light-water reactor (LWR) is equipped with the Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) to maintain the coolability of the reactor core and to suppress the release of radioactive fission products to the environment even in a loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) caused by breaks in the reactor coolant pressure boundary. The acceptance criteria for ECCS have been established in order to evaluate the ECCS performance and confirm the sufficient safety margin in the evaluation. The limits defined in the criteria were determined in 1975 and reviewed based on state-of-the-art knowledge in 1981. Though the fuel burnup extension and necessary improvements of cladding materials and fuel design have been conducted, the criteria have not been reviewed since then. Meanwhile, much technical knowledge has been accumulated regarding the behavior of high-burnup fuel during LOCAs and the applicability of the criteria to the high-burnup fuel. This report provides a comprehensive review of the history and technical bases of the current criteria and summarizes state-of-the-art technical findings regarding the fuel behavior during LOCAs. The applicability of the current criteria to the high-burnup fuel is also discussed.

JAEA Reports

Interim activity status report of "the group for investigation of reasonable safety assurance based on graded approach" (from September, 2019 to September, 2020)

Yonomoto, Taisuke; Nakashima, Hiroshi*; Sono, Hiroki; Kishimoto, Katsumi; Izawa, Kazuhiko; Kinase, Masami; Osa, Akihiko; Ogawa, Kazuhiko; Horiguchi, Hironori; Inoi, Hiroyuki; et al.

JAEA-Review 2020-056, 51 Pages, 2021/03


A group named as "The group for investigation of reasonable safety assurance based on graded approach", which consists of about 10 staffs from Sector of Nuclear Science Research, Safety and Nuclear Security Administration Department, departments for management of nuclear facility, Sector of Nuclear Safety Research and Emergency Preparedness, aims to realize effective graded approach (GA) about management of facilities and regulatory compliance of JAEA. The group started its activities in September, 2019 and has had discussions through 10 meetings and email communications. In the meetings, basic ideas of GA, status of compliance with new regulatory standards at each facility, new inspection system, etc were discussed, while individual investigation at each facility were shared among the members. This report is compiled with expectation that it will help promote rational and effective safety management based on GA by sharing contents of the activity widely inside and outside JAEA.

Journal Articles

Status of investigation to ensure applicability of ECCS acceptance criteria to high-burnup fuel

Ozawa, Masaaki*; Amaya, Masaki

Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai Wabun Rombunshi, 19(4), p.185 - 200, 2020/12

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

The Influence of specimen surface roughness and temperature of steam injection on breakaway oxidation behavior of Zry-4 fuel cladding in steam at 1273 K

Negyesi, M.; Amaya, Masaki

Oxidation of Metals, 94(3-4), p.283 - 299, 2020/10

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering)

Journal Articles

Evaluation of the maximum bending stress of pre-hydrided Zircaloy-4 cladding tube after simulated loss-of-coolant-accident test

Okada, Yuji; Amaya, Masaki

Annals of Nuclear Energy, 145, p.107539_1 - 107539_8, 2020/09

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Journal Articles

Effects of pre-crack depth and hydrogen absorption on the failure strain of Zircaloy-4 cladding tubes under biaxial strain conditions

Li, F.; Mihara, Takeshi; Udagawa, Yutaka; Amaya, Masaki

Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 2020) (Internet), 7 Pages, 2020/08

Journal Articles

Four-point-bend tests on high-burnup advanced fuel cladding tubes after exposure to simulated LOCA conditions

Narukawa, Takafumi; Amaya, Masaki

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 57(7), p.782 - 791, 2020/07

 Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:60.47(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Journal Articles

Fracture-mechanics-based evaluation of failure limit on pre-cracked and hydrided Zircaloy-4 cladding tube under biaxial stress states

Li, F.; Mihara, Takeshi; Udagawa, Yutaka; Amaya, Masaki

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 57(6), p.633 - 645, 2020/06

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:30.60(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Journal Articles

The Effect of base irradiation on failure behaviors of UO$$_{2}$$ and chromia-alumina additive fuels under simulated reactivity-initiated accidents; A Comparative analysis with FEMAXI-8

Udagawa, Yutaka; Mihara, Takeshi; Taniguchi, Yoshinori; Kakiuchi, Kazuo; Amaya, Masaki

Annals of Nuclear Energy, 139, p.107268_1 - 107268_9, 2020/05


 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:30.60(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Journal Articles

Analytical study of SPERT-CDC test 859 using fuel performance codes FEMAXI-8 and RANNS

Taniguchi, Yoshinori; Udagawa, Yutaka; Amaya, Masaki

Annals of Nuclear Energy, 139, p.107188_1 - 107188_7, 2020/05

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:10.11(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Journal Articles

Irradiation growth behavior of improved alloys for fuel cladding

Kakiuchi, Kazuo; Amaya, Masaki

Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai Wabun Rombunshi, 19(1), p.24 - 33, 2020/03

The irradiation growth behavior of the improved Zr alloys for light-water reactor fuel cladding was investigated. The coupon specimens, which were prepared from fuel cladding tubes with improved Zr alloys, had been irradiated in the Halden reactor in Norway at temperatures of 300 and 320$$^{circ}$$C under a typical water chemistry condition of PWR and 240$$^{circ}$$C under the coolant condition of the Halden reactor up to a fast neutron fluence of $$sim$$ 8$$times$$10$$^{21}$$ (n/cm$$^{2}$$, E $$>$$1 MeV). During and after the irradiation test, the amount of irradiation growth of each specimen was evaluated. The effect of the difference in alloy composition on irradiation growth behavior seemed insignificant if the other conditions e.g. the final heat treatment condition at fabrication, irradiation temperature and the amount of hydrogen pre-charged in the specimen were the same.

183 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)