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Journal Articles

An Automatic liquid-nitrogen filling system for multiple Ge detectors

Koizumi, Mitsuo; Oshima, Masumi; Toh, Yosuke; Kimura, Atsushi; Kin, Tadahiro; Furutaka, Kazuyoshi; Murakami, Yukihiro*; Osa, Akihiko; Ando, Shingo*

Review of Scientific Instruments, 80(1), p.016102_1 - 016102_3, 2009/01

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:12.46(Instruments & Instrumentation)

In order to reduce time and effort of the daily task of refilling Dewar vessels of Ge detectors with LN$$_2$$, we have developed an automatic LN$$_2$$ filling system equipped with an LN$$_2$$ plant. With the system, our multiple Ge detector system became almost maintenance free. Such an LN$$_2$$ filling system is useful for moderate-scale Ge detector arrays consisting of less than 20 Ge detectors.

Oral presentation

A Basic study of stabilization process of low-level radioactive waste using borate matrix

Saito, Akihito*; Ando, Masumi*; Arai, Tsuyoshi*; Horiguchi, Kenichi; Sugaya, Atsushi

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

2 (Records 1-2 displayed on this page)
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