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Fujimoto, Nozomu; Nojiri, Naoki; Ando, Hiroei*; Yamashita, Kiyonobu*
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 233(1-3), p.23 - 36, 2004/10
Times Cited Count:13 Percentile:63.04(Nuclear Science & Technology)In the nuclear design of the HTTR, the reactivity balance is planned so that the design requirements are fully satisfied. Moreover, the reactivity coefficients are evaluated to confirm the safety characteristics of the reactor. The power distribution in the core was optimized by changing the uranium enrichment to maintain the fuel temperature at less than the limit (1600C). Deviation from the optimized distribution due to the burnup of fissile materials was avoided by flattening time-dependent changes in local reactivities. Flattening was achieved by optimizing the specifications of the burnable poisons. The original nuclear design model had to be modified based on the first critical experiments. The Monte Carlo code MVP was also used to predict criticality of the initial core. The predicted excess reactivities are now in good agreement with the experimental results.
Fujimoto, Nozomu; Nojiri, Naoki; Yamashita, Kiyonobu; Shimakawa, Satoshi; Ando, Hiroei; Mori, Takamasa
Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai Monte Karuro Ho Ni Yoru Ryushi Shimyureshon No Genjo To Kadai, p.201 - 210, 2002/01
no abstracts in English
Mori, Takamasa; Okumura, Keisuke; Nagaya, Yasunobu; Ando, Hiroei
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 83, p.283 - 284, 2000/00
no abstracts in English
Nojiri, Naoki; Nakano, Masaaki; Ando, Hiroei; Fujimoto, Nozomu; Takeuchi, Mitsuo; Fujisaki, Shingo; Yamashita, Kiyonobu
JAERI-Tech 98-032, 59 Pages, 1998/08
no abstracts in English
Yamashita, Kiyonobu; Sawa, Kazuhiro; Ando, Hiroei; ;
Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 40(1), p.65 - 69, 1998/00
Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:48.75(Nuclear Science & Technology)no abstracts in English
Yamashita, Kiyonobu; Nojiri, Naoki; Fujimoto, Nozomu; Nakano, Masaaki*; Ando, Hiroei; Nagao, Yoshiharu; Nagaya, Yasunobu; Akino, Fujiyoshi; Takeuchi, Mitsuo; Fujisaki, Shingo; et al.
Proc. of IAEA TCM on High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor Applications and Future Prospects, p.185 - 197, 1998/00
no abstracts in English
Yamashita, Kiyonobu; Ando, Hiroei; Nojiri, Naoki; Fujimoto, Nozomu; Nakata, Tetsuo*; Watanabe, Takashi*; Yamane, Tsuyoshi; Nakano, Masaaki*
Proc. of SARATOGA 1997, 2, p.1557 - 1566, 1997/00
no abstracts in English
Hoshiya, Taiji; Goto, Ichiro; Omi, Masao; Ando, Hiroei; ;
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 212-215, p.818 - 822, 1994/00
Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:35.60(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)no abstracts in English
Hoshiya, Taiji; Goto, Ichiro; Omi, Masao; Ando, Hiroei; ;
Shape Memory Materials and Hydrides (Trans. of Materials Research Soc. Jpn., Vol. 18B), 0, p.1025 - 1028, 1994/00
no abstracts in English
Matsumoto, Mikio; Endo, Yasuichi; ; Itabashi, Yukio; ; Yokouchi, Iichiro; Ando, Hiroei
JAERI-M 92-212, 62 Pages, 1993/01
no abstracts in English
; Kaminaga, Masanori; ; Ando, Hiroei; ; Sudo, Yukio;
ANL/RERTR/TM-18, CONF-9009108, 0, p.241 - 248, 1993/00
no abstracts in English
Ishitsuka, Etsuo; Kawamura, Hiroshi; ; ; ; Ando, Hiroei;
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 191-194, p.183 - 185, 1992/00
no abstracts in English
Hoshiya, Taiji; ; Ando, Hiroei
Nihon Kinzoku Gakkai-Shi, 56(7), p.741 - 746, 1992/00
no abstracts in English
Hoshiya, Taiji; ; Omi, Masao; Goto, Ichiro; Ando, Hiroei
Nihon Kinzoku Gakkai-Shi, 56(5), p.502 - 508, 1992/00
no abstracts in English
Hoshiya, Taiji; ; Katsuta, Hiroji; Ando, Hiroei
Nihon Kinzoku Gakkai-Shi, 56(7), p.747 - 756, 1992/00
no abstracts in English
Sato, Takeshi; ; Nagaoka, Yoshiharu; ; Saito, Junichi; Ishitsuka, Etsuo; Ando, Hiroei; Saito, Minoru;
UTNL-R-0274, p.1-1 - 1-11, 1992/00
no abstracts in English
Saito, Junichi; ; ; Ando, Hiroei
JAERI-M 91-065, 42 Pages, 1991/04
no abstracts in English
; ; Ando, Hiroei; Saito, Minoru; Oyamada, Rokuro
11th Int. Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors, 18 Pages, 1991/00
no abstracts in English
; Kaminaga, Masanori; ; Ando, Hiroei; Sudo, Yukio; Saito, Minoru;
Proc. of the Asian Symp. on Research Reactor, p.1 - 8, 1991/00
no abstracts in English
; ; Saito, Junichi; Komukai, Bunsaku; Ando, Hiroei; ; ; ; Saito, Minoru;
Proc. on 12th Int. Meeting,Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors, p.269 - 280, 1991/00
no abstracts in English