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石塚 悦男; 北岸 茂; 青山 征司; 川又 一夫; 長尾 美春; 石原 正博; 河村 弘
Proceedings of 1st Asian Symposium on Material Testing Reactors (ASMTR 2011), p.111 - 115, 2011/02
Because of the lack of engineers for construction of global nuclear power plant, the nuclear Human Resource Development (HRD) is addressed one of urgent issues. In this situation, the JMTR is expected the role of HRD by a research and On-Job-Training (OJT) from the Japanese user and government. Overall research and OJT are possible because the JMTR is one of the largest testing reactor in Asia, and is connected to JMTR Hot-laboratory. HRD programs by research and OJT are customized for each person, and are available through the visiting researcher program of JAEA, the MEXT nuclear researchers exchange program, the nuclear HRD initiative program sponsored by the MEXT, etc.. From the viewpoints of encouragement of the study on nuclear science/technology and establishment of the friendly relations between Asian countries and Japan, the training program of Asian university students will start from 2011 F.Y. in the JAEA. This program will be supported by Nuclear Human Resource Development Center, Neutron Irradiation and Testing Reactor Center, etc. in JAEA. About 15 students will be accepted in every year.
田邉 一裕*; 柳原 敏*; 井口 幸弘; 瀧谷 啓晃; 成川 薫*; 小橋 宏昭*; 青山 善春*; 飯田 桂一*; 柳田 顕宏*; 村山 一成*; et al.
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これから本格化する廃止措置プロジェクトに対して、より安全で合理的な取り組みが可能となるよう、保守, 解体作業含めたこれまでの経験と実績, 知見の整理を行い、基本的な問題点について評価をまとめた。