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渡部 創; 高畠 容子; 小木 浩通*; 大杉 武史; 谷口 拓海; 佐藤 淳也; 新井 剛*; 梶並 昭彦*
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 585, p.154610_1 - 154610_6, 2023/11
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)Treatment of spent scintillation cocktail generated by analysis of radioactivity is one of important tasks for management of nuclear laboratories. This study proposed a procedure consists of adsorption of radioactivity and solidification of residual liquid wastes, and fundamental performance of each step was experimentally tested. Batch-wise adsorption showed excellent adsorption performance of Ni onto silica-based adsorbent, and chelate reaction was suggested as the adsorption mechanism by EXAFS analysis. Alkaline activate material successfully solidified the liquid waste, and TG/DTA and XRD analyses revealed that the organic compounds exist inside the matrix. Only 1% of the loaded organic compounds were leaked from the matrix by a leaching test, and most of the organic compounds should be stably kept inside the matrix.
吉松 公平*; 石丸 純也*; 渡会 啓介*; 山本 航平*; 平田 靖透*; 和達 大樹*; 竹田 幸治; 堀場 弘司*; 組頭 広志*; 坂田 修身*; et al.
Physical Review B, 99(23), p.235129_1 - 235129_8, 2019/06
被引用回数:14 パーセンタイル:56.29(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)We report on magnetic and electronic properties of the B-site-ordered double-perovskite LaCrMnO
films grown by pulsed-laser deposition. The magnetic-field dependence of magnetization curves showed hysteresis at low temperatures regardless of the degree of Cr/Mn order and the saturation magnetization became smaller for the higher-Cr/Mn-ordered film. The X-ray absorption spectroscopy and X-ray magnetic circular dichroism measurements suggested antiferromagnetic coupling between Cr
and Mn
ions, resulting in ferrimagnetism of the B-site-ordered double-perovskite La
. A band structure was established by combining these results together with the synchrotron-radiation photoemission and optical spectra. We discuss the magnetic states among the
-site-ordered La
transition-metal elements from V to Ni) being basically consistent with the Kanamori-Goodenough rule.
徳久 淳師*; 新井 淳也*; 城地 保昌*; 大野 善之*; 亀山 豊久*; 山本 啓二*; 畑中 正行*; Gerofi, B.*; 島田 明男*; 黒川 原佳*; et al.
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 20(6), p.899 - 904, 2013/11
被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:28.23(Instruments & Instrumentation)Single-particle coherent X-ray diffraction imaging using X-ray free electron laser has potential to reveal a three-dimensional structure of a biological supra-molecule at sub-nano meter resolution. In order to realize this method, it is necessary to analyze as many as one million noisy X-ray diffraction patterns, each for an unknown random target orientation. To cope with the severe quantum noise we need to classify patterns according to their similarities and average similar patterns to improve the S/N ratio. We developed a high-speed scalable scheme to carry out classification on the K computer, a 10PFLOPS supercomputer at RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science. It is designed to work on the real time basis with the experimental diffraction pattern collection at the X-ray free electron laser facility SACLA so that the result of classification can be feed-backed to optimize experimental parameters during the experiment. We report the present status of our effort of developing the system and also a result of application to a set of simulated diffraction patterns. We succeeded in classification of about one million diffraction patterns by running 255 separate one-hour jobs on 385-node mode.
渡辺 勇輔; 寺島 元基; 松枝 誠; 小荒井 一真; 青木 譲; 井上 準也
no journal, ,
In the safety assessment of radioactive waste disposal, understanding the migration behaviour of radionuclides near the surface environment is important for assessing exposure in the biosphere. After radionuclides migrate from the subsurface to the biosphere via groundwater to aquatic environments such as well water and river water, their concentrations are controlled by dilution by surface water and adsorption to soil and sediments. A more realistic assessment of the amount of radionuclides emerging to the surface and their subsequent mobility and bio-transferability requires an understanding of the processes that groundwater may be subjected to immediately after emerging to the surface. At Ningyo-toge Environmental Engineering Center, JAEA in Okayama Prefecture, heavy metals such as U and As are leached by groundwater from a sedimentation site where residues after U extraction from uranium ore are disposed, and JAEA manages the quality of these waters and discharges them into an off-site river. The groundwater immediately after passing through the sedimentation site is considered to contain high concentrations of divalent iron, but during a certain period of storage iron oxidation forms iron hydroxide minerals, which are deposited in the mill tailing pond. In this study, this anoxic groundwater and the water that subsequently migrated to the mill tailing pond and in situ sediments were sampled to investigate the trace element compositions and mineral compositions of the sediments. The results showed that trace elements such as REEs, As and U in the groundwater after the upwelling decreased with change of redox condition of water. Geochemical modeling based on these results showed that changes in the concentrations of these elements can be explained by adsorption reactions on iron hydroxide produced by the oxidation of divalent iron present in groundwater.