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Arii, Yoshio
Dai-26-Kai Genshiryoku Shisetsu Dekomisshoningu Gijutsu Koza Tekisuto, p.53 - 70, 2013/10
no abstracts in English
Numata, Kazuyuki*; Sato, Wakaei*; ; Arii, Yoshio
JNC TN9410 99-015, 136 Pages, 1999/07
The material composition of JOYO Mk-Il core components in its initial core was reevaluated as a part of the effort for developing a standard data base for FBR core nuclear design. The special feature of the reevaluation is to treat the decay of Pu-241 isotope, so that the atomic number densities of Pu-241 and Am-241 in fuel assemblies can be exactly evaluated on the initial critical date, Nov.22nd, 1982. Further, the atomic number densities of other core components were also evaluated to improve the analytical accuracy. Those include the control rods which were not so strictly evaluated in the past, and the dummy fuels and the neutron sources which were not treated in the analytical model so far. The results of the present reevaluation were as follows: (1)The changes of atomic number densities of the major nuclides such as Pu-239, U-235 and U-238 were about 0.2 to 0.3%. On the other hand, the number density of Pu-241, which was the motivation of the present work, was reduced by 12%. From the fact, the number densities in the past analysis may be based on the isotope measurement of the manufacturing point of time without the decay of Pu-241. (2)As the other core components, the number densities of control rods and outer reflector-type A were largely improved.
Arii, Yoshio
32nd Annual Meeting, 0 Pages, 1999/00
Aoyama, Takafumi; Torimaru, Tadahiko; ; Arii, Yoshio;
Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 41(9), p.946 - 953, 1999/00
Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:12.91(Nuclear Science & Technology)None
Arii, Yoshio; Aoyama, Takafumi; Suzuki, Soju
Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 39(4), p.315 - 325, 1997/00
Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:42.45(Nuclear Science & Technology)None
Arii, Yoshio; ; ; ; Ito, Hideaki; Tobita, Koichi;
Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 38(7), p.577 - 584, 1996/00
Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)None
Arii, Yoshio; ; ;
Proceedings of International Conference on the Physics of Reactors (PHYSOR '96), 0 Pages, 1996/00
Arii, Yoshio; ; Aoyama, Takafumi; Suzuki, Soju
Proceedings of International Conference on the Physics of Reactors (PHYSOR '96), 0 Pages, 1996/00
; Arii, Yoshio; Aoyama, Takafumi; Suzuki, Soju
Vol.3 I-p28, I-p28 Pages, 1996/00
; Arii, Yoshio
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 204, p.252 - 260, 1993/09
Times Cited Count:23 Percentile:87.20(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)None
; Arii, Yoshio; ; Suzuki, Soju;
3rd Asian Symposium on Research Reactor, 0 Pages, 1991/00
Odo, Toshihiro; Arii, Yoshio*; ; ; ; Sone, Toru;
PNC TN9410 89-118, 153 Pages, 1989/08
This report summarizes results on experiments, analyses and evaluations performed by Reactor Technology Section, Experimental Reactor Division during April through June, 1989. Each result described in this report was reported as the internal memoranda of Reactor Technology Section, for further analyses, evaluations, and/or discussions. This report contains the following items. (1)Results of measurements, analyses and evaluations for nuclear characteristics of JOYO. (2)Results of measurements and analyses for the plant characteristics of JOYO. (3)Results of measurements and analyses of neutron flux, gamma ray and decay heat of JOYO. (4)Preparation of Construction Permit Amendment for the operational reliability tests of FBR fuel assembly. (5)Preparation of Construction Permit Amendment for spent fuel strage facility. (6)Results of study and development for analytical technic. (7)Production and/or arrangements of analyses codes and their manual. (8)Analyses and evaluations on MK-III Core. (9)Miscellaneous results. The final report will be published for each program after further discussions, analyses and evaluations.
Odo, Toshihiro; Arii, Yoshio*; ; ; ; Sone, Toru;
PNC TN9410 89-089, 185 Pages, 1989/05
This report summarizes results on experiments, analyses and evaluations performed by Reactor Technology Section, Experimental Reactor Division during January through March, 1989. Each result described in this report was reported as the internal memoranda of Reactor Technology Section, for further analyses, evaluations, and/or discussions. This report contains the following items. (1)Results of measurements, analyses and evaluations for nuclear characteristics of JOY0. (2)Results of analyses and evaluations for core mechanics. (3)Results of measurements and analyses for the plant characteristics of JOYO. (4)Results of measurements and analyses of neutron flux, gamma ray and decay heat of JOYO. (5)Preparation of Construction permit Amendment for the operational reliability tests of FBR fuel assembly. (6)Preparation of Construction Permit Amendment for spent fuel strage facility. (7)Results of study and development for analytical technic. (8)Production and/or arrangements of analyses codes and their manual. (9)Analyses and evaluations oh MK-III Core. (10)Miscellaneous results. The final report will be published for each program after further discussions, analyses and evaluations.
; ; ; Miyakawa, Shunichi; ; Arii, Yoshio*;
PNC TN944 80-02, 47 Pages, 1980/04
This report describes the progress made in Irradiation Test Engineering at the JOYO Experimental Fast Reactor Division during the period Apri1 1 - September 30, 1979. Highlights of the activities performed are summarized below. (1)A report on the Irradiation Rig Assembling Facility (IRAF) was submitted to the government to support the granting of a Construction Permit. Simultaneously, an explanation was presented to officials of the district government, Ibaraki prefecture, and Oarai town. (2)Purchase specifications of the IRAF building structures and internal equipments were completed based on the conceptual design work performed last fiscal year. Bids are now being evaluated. (3)In accodance with the JOYO irradiation test plan, fourteen core components have been sent to the post Irradiation Examination (PIE) facilities. These include six (6) core fuel subassemblies, two (2) blanket subassemblies, four (4) regulating rods, one (1) neutron source and one (1) pile oscillator rod. (4)The JOYO MK-II irradiation test plan was reviewed and updated. Some modifications were made in the reactivity estimation and the fuel fabrication schedule. (5)A detail design report and purchase specification for the MK-II irradiation test subassembly B type was campleted. Contracts for fabrication of parts and materials are being evaluated. (6)In accordance with the PNC/DOE Dosimetry Exchange Agreement, PNC dosimeter sets were sent to EBR-II for irradiation. Similar dosimeter sets which are to be irradiated in JOYO during the first 75 MWt duty cycle have been encapsulated and sent to the irradiation rig manufacturer. (7)Neutronic irradiation condition data have been established for the standard equilibrium core of the JOYO MK-II configuration. The data package will be published this autumn in a special publication. The package includes the axial distribution of neutron flux, fission and absorption rates, and gamma and neutron heat rate in each row.