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清水 友介*; 藤田 隆明*; 有本 英樹*; 仲野 友英; 星野 一生; 林 伸彦
Plasma and Fusion Research (Internet), 10(Sp.2), p.3403062_1 - 3403062_4, 2015/07
In JT-60U, it has been observed that accumulation of tungsten is enhanced with increasing the toroidal rotation in the opposite direction (CTR-rotation) to the plasma current in H-mode plasmas. Two models for convective transport, pinch due to the toroidal rotation (PHZ pinch) and the radial electric field (Er pinch) were proposed. We introduce these two pinch models into integrated transport code TOTAL, and study dependence of the tungsten accumulation on the toroidal rotation. In the high toroidal rotation velocity, we obtained the tungsten accumulation four times as large as in the low one. The model reproduces the trend observed in the experiment.
清水 友介*; 藤田 隆明*; 有本 英樹*; 仲野 友英; 星野 一生; 林 伸彦
no journal, ,
清水 友介*; 藤田 隆明*; 有本 英樹*; 仲野 友英; 星野 一生; 林 伸彦
no journal, ,
In JT-60U, it has been observed that accumulation of tungsten is enhanced with increasing the toroidal rotation in the opposite direction (CTR-rotation) to the plasma current in H-mode plasmas. Two models for convective transport, pinch due to the toroidal rotation (PHZ pinch) and the radial electric field (Er pinch) were proposed. We introduce these two pinch models into integrated transport code TOTAL, and study dependence of the tungsten accumulation on the toroidal rotation. In the high toroidal rotation velocity, we obtained the tungsten accumulation four times as large as in the low one. The model reproduces the trend observed in the experiment.
清水 友介*; 藤田 隆明*; 岡本 敦*; 有本 英樹*; 林 伸彦; 星野 一生; 仲野 友英; 本多 充
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