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Journal Articles

First application of the dispersive optical model to ($$p$$,$$2p$$) reaction analysis within the distorted-wave impulse approximation framework

Yoshida, Kazuki; Atkinson, M. C.*; Ogata, Kazuyuki*; Dickhoff, W. H.*

Physical Review C, 105(1), p.014622_1 - 014622_7, 2022/01

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:47.44(Physics, Nuclear)

We apply the dispersive optical model (DOM) wave functions to the traditional ($$p$$,$$2p$$) analysis and investigate the consistency of the DOM spectroscopic factor that describes the ($$e$$,$$e'p$$) cross section with the result of the ($$p$$,$$2p$$) analysis. DOM + distorted wave impulse approximation analysis on $$^{40}$$Ca($$p$$,$$2p$$)$$^{39}$$K data generates a proton $$0d_{3/2}$$ spectroscopic factor of 0.560, which is meaningfully smaller than the DOM value of 0.71 shown to be consistent with the ($$e$$,$$e'p$$) analysis. The inconsistency in the spectroscopic factor suggests there is urgent need for improving the description of $$p$$-$$p$$ scattering in a nucleus.

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