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Journal Articles

Si-addition contributes to overcoming the strength-ductility trade-off in high-entropy alloys

Wei, D.*; Gong, W.; Tsuru, Tomohito; Lobzenko, I.; Li, X.*; Harjo, S.; Kawasaki, Takuro; Do, H.-S.*; Bae, J. W.*; Wagner, C.*; et al.

International Journal of Plasticity, 159, p.103443_1 - 103443_18, 2022/12

 Times Cited Count:86 Percentile:99.65(Engineering, Mechanical)

Journal Articles

Metalloid substitution elevates simultaneously the strength and ductility of face-centered-cubic high-entropy alloys

Wei, D.*; Wang, L.*; Zhang, Y.*; Gong, W.; Tsuru, Tomohito; Lobzenko, I.; Jiang, J.*; Harjo, S.; Kawasaki, Takuro; Bae, J. W.*; et al.

Acta Materialia, 225, p.117571_1 - 117571_16, 2022/02

 Times Cited Count:88 Percentile:99.68(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Effect of the difference in strength of hard and soft components on the synergetic strengthening of layered materials

Kim, J. G.*; Bae, J. W.*; Park, J. M.*; Woo, W.*; Harjo, S.; Lee, S.*; Kim, H. S.*

Metals and Materials International, 27(2), p.376 - 383, 2021/02

 Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:47.11(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

On the phase transformation and dynamic stress-strain partitioning of ferrous medium-entropy alloy using experimentation and finite element method

Bae, J. W.*; Jung, J.*; Kim, J. G.*; Park, J. M.*; Harjo, S.; Kawasaki, Takuro; Woo, W.*; Kim, H. S.*

Materialia, 9, p.100619_1 - 100619_15, 2020/03

Journal Articles

Synergetic strengthening of layered steel sheet investigated using an ${it in situ}$ neutron diffraction tensile test

Kim, J. G.*; Bae, J. W.*; Park, J. M.*; Woo, W.*; Harjo, S.; Chin, K.-G.*; Lee, S.*; Kim, H. S.*

Scientific Reports (Internet), 9, p.6829_1 - 6829_7, 2019/05

 Times Cited Count:15 Percentile:50.80(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

Journal Articles

${it In situ}$ neutron diffraction study of phase stress evolution in a ferrous medium-entropy alloy under low-temperature tensile loading

Bae, J. W.*; Kim, J. G.*; Park, J. M.*; Woo, W.*; Harjo, S.; Kim, H. S.*

Scripta Materialia, 165, p.60 - 63, 2019/05

 Times Cited Count:35 Percentile:85.06(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)

Journal Articles

Characteristics of global energy confinement in KSTAR L- and H-mode plasmas

Kim, H.-S.*; Jeon, Y. M.*; Na, Y.-S.*; Ghim, Y.-C.*; Ahn, J.-W.*; Yoon, S. W.*; Bak, J. G.*; Bae, Y. S.*; Kim, J. S.*; Joung, M.*; et al.

Nuclear Fusion, 54(8), p.083012_1 - 083012_11, 2014/08

 Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:39.59(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

We evaluate the characteristics of global energy confinement in KSTAR ($$tau_{E, rm KSTAR}$$) quantitatively by comparing it with multi-machine scalings, by deriving multiple regression equations for the L- and the H-mode plasmas, and evaluating confinement enhancement of the H-mode phase compared with the L-mode phase in each discharge. From the KSTAR database, $$tau_{E, rm KSTAR}$$ of L-mode plasmas exhibits $$sim 0.04$$ s to $$sim 0.16$$ s and $$tau_{E, rm KSTAR}$$ of H-mode plasmas $$sim 0.06$$ s to $$sim 0.19$$ s. The multiple regression equations derived by statistical analysis present the similar dependency on PL and slightly higher dependency on IP compared with the multi-machine scalings, however the dependency on elongation $$kappa$$ in both L- and H-mode plasmas draw the negative power dependency of $$kappa^{-0.68}$$ and $$kappa^{-0.76}$$ for H-mode and for L- mode database, respectively on the contrary to the positive dependency in all multi-machine empirical scalings. Although the reason is not clear yet, two possibilities are addressed. One is that the wall condition of KSTAR was not clean enough. The other is that striking points on the divertor plate were uncontrolled. For these reasons, as $$kappa$$ increases, the impurities from the wall can penetrate into plasmas easily. As a consequence, the confinement is degraded on the contrary to the expectation of multi-machine scalings.

Journal Articles

Development of high voltage power supply for the KSTAR 170 GHz ECH and CD system

Jeong, J. H.*; Bae, Y. S.*; Joung, M.*; Kim, H. J.*; Park, S. I.*; Han, W. S.*; Kim, J. S.*; Yang, H. L.*; Kwak, J. G.*; Sakamoto, Keishi; et al.

Fusion Engineering and Design, 88(5), p.380 - 387, 2013/06

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:31.16(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Journal Articles

First neutral beam injection experiments on KSTAR tokamak

Jeong, S. H.*; Chang, D. H.*; Kim, T. S.*; In, S. R.*; Lee, K. W.*; Jin, J. T.*; Chang, D. S.*; Oh, B. H.*; Bae, Y. S.*; Kim, J. S.*; et al.

Review of Scientific Instruments, 83(2), p.02B102_1 - 02B102_3, 2012/02

 Times Cited Count:25 Percentile:70.38(Instruments & Instrumentation)

The first NB (neutral beam) injection system of the KSTAR tokamak was partially completed in 2010 with only 1/3 of its full design capability, and NB heating experiments were carried out during the 2010 KSTAR operation campaign. The ion source is composed of a JAEA bucket plasma generator and a KAERI large multi-aperture accelerator assembly. Before the beam injection experiments, characteristics of the ion source were investigated. A minimum beam divergence angle was 0.8 $$^{circ}$$. The ion species ratio was D$$^{+}$$:D$$_{2}$$$$^{+}$$:D$$_{3}$$$$^{+}$$=75:20:5. The arc efficiency is more than 1.0 A/kW. In the 2010 KSTAR campaign, the deuterium NB power of 0.7-1.5 MW was successfully injected into the KSTAR plasma with the beam energy of 70-90 keV. L-H transitions were observed within a wide range of beam powers relative to a threshold value. In every deuterium NB injection, a burst of D-D neutrons was recorded, and increases in the ion temperature and the plasma stored energy were found.

Journal Articles

Characteristics of the first H-mode discharges in KSTAR

Yoon, S. W.*; Ahn, J.-W.*; Jeon, Y. M.*; Suzuki, Takahiro; Hahn, S. H.*; Ko, W. H.*; Lee, K. D.*; Chung, J. I.*; Nam, Y. U.*; Kim, J.*; et al.

Nuclear Fusion, 51(11), p.113009_1 - 113009_9, 2011/11

 Times Cited Count:34 Percentile:78.53(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

Typical ELMy H-mode discharges have been achieved on the KSTAR tokamak with the combined auxiliary heating of NBI and ECRH. The minimum external heating power required is about 1.1 MW at a line-averaged density higher than 1.4$$times$$10$$^{19}$$ m$$^{-3}$$ and a toroidal field of 2 T. There is a clear indication of the increase of the L-H threshold power at densities lower than $$1.4times 10^{19} {rm m}^{-3}$$. The initial analysis of energy confinement time ($$tau$$$$_{E}$$) predicted that $$tau$$$$_{E}$$ was higher than the prediction of multi-machine scaling laws by a factor 1.4-1.6. However, when the contribution of fast ion confinement to the total energy was taken into account, $$tau$$$$_{E}$$ better agreed with the scaling results. A clear increase of electron and ion temperature in the pedestal was observed in the H-mode phase but the core ion temperature did not change significantly. On the other hand, the toroidal rotation also increased over all radii in the H-mode phase. The measured ELM frequency was from 30-50 Hz and the drop of total energy appeared to be less than 5%. Between large ELM spikes, small/grassy ELMs were also identified when mixed heating of NBI and ECRH was applied.

Journal Articles

Arc discharge characteristics of a long pulse ion source for the KSTAR neutral beam injector

Chang, D. H.*; Jeong, S. H.*; Jin, J. T.*; Chang, D. S.*; Kim, T. S.*; Lee, K. W.*; In, S. R.*; Oh, B. H.*; Bae, Y. S.*; Kim, J. S.*; et al.

Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 59(2), p.275 - 280, 2011/08

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:26.89(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

A long pulse ion source (LPIS) for the neutral beam injector (NBI) has been developed for the Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR) superconducting tokamak. The arc discharge characteristics of the ion source were investigated on the first KSTAR neutral beam injector (NBI-1). The ion source consists of a magnetic bucket plasma generator with multi-pole cusp fields and a set of prototype tetrode accelerators with circular apertures. Stable and efficient arc plasmas up to an arc power of 70 kW have been produced by using a constant power-mode operation of the arc power supply. The reliable operation region of the arc discharges has been investigated for various filament heating voltages, arc powers, and amounts of injected deuterium gas.

Journal Articles

Results of beam extraction performance for the KSTAR neutral beam injector

Chang, D. H.*; Jeong, S. H.*; Kim, T. S.*; Lee, K. W.*; In, S. R.*; Jin, J. T.*; Chang, D. S.*; Oh, B. H.*; Bae, Y. S.*; Kim, J. S.*; et al.

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 50(6), p.066302_1 - 066302_7, 2011/06

 Times Cited Count:12 Percentile:45.74(Physics, Applied)

A stable ion beam extraction of the LPIS-1 was achieved up to 85 kV/32 A for a 5 s pulse length and 80 kV/25 A for a 14 s pulse length. An optimum beam perveance of 1.15 $$mu$$perv was observed at an acceleration voltage of 60 kV. Neutralization efficiency was measured by a water-flow calorimetry (WFC) method using a calorimeter and the operation of a bending magnet. The full-energy species of ion beams were detected by using the diagnostic method of optical multichannel analyzer (OMA). An arc efficiency of the LPIS was 0.6-1.1 A/kW depending on the operating conditions of arc discharge. A neutral beam power of 1.0 MW must be sufficiently injected into the KSTAR plasmas from the LPIS-1 at a beam energy of 80 keV.

Journal Articles

Development of a plasma generator for a long pulse ion source for neutral beam injectors

Watanabe, Kazuhiro; Dairaku, Masayuki; Tobari, Hiroyuki; Kashiwagi, Mieko; Inoue, Takashi; Hanada, Masaya; Jeong, S. H.*; Chang, D. H.*; Kim, T. S.*; Kim, B. R.*; et al.

Review of Scientific Instruments, 82(6), p.063507_1 - 063507_6, 2011/06

 Times Cited Count:16 Percentile:57.75(Instruments & Instrumentation)

A long pulse plasma generator for neutral beam injectors has been developed. The plasma generator was designed to produce 65 A at 120 keV from a beam extraction area of 12 cm $$times$$ 46 cm. A type of the plasma generator is a multi-cusp plasma generator with SmCo permanent magnets. A long pulse test of the plasma generator was performed at the KSTAR NBI test stand in Korea under the Japan - Korea Fusion collaboration. It was successfully demonstrated of the long pulse operation of the plasma generator for 200 s at an arc discharge power of 70 kW which can produce 65 A beams. Plasma spatial uniformity at the beam extraction area was confirmed to be smaller than $$pm$$ 8% of the deviation from an averaged ion saturation current density. A high arc efficiency of 0.9-1.1 A/kW was obtained at the beam extraction with 73 keV, 41 A for 5 sec. From these experimental studies, a performance of this plasma generator for long pulse ion sources was confirmed.

Journal Articles

Commissioning results of the KSTAR neutral beam system

Bae, Y. S.*; Park, Y. M.*; Kim, J. S.*; Han, W. S.*; Kwak, S. W.*; Chang, Y. B.*; Park, H. T.*; Song, N. H.*; Chang, D. H.*; Jeong, S. H.*; et al.

Proceedings of 23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2010) (CD-ROM), 9 Pages, 2011/03

The neutral beam injection (NBI) system is designed to provide the ion heating and current drive for the high performance operation and long pulse operation of the Korean Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR). The KSTAR NBI consists of two beam lines. Each beam line contains three ion sources of which one ion source has been designed to deliver more than 2.5 MW of deuterium neutral beam power with maximum 120-keV beam energy. Consequently, the final goal of the KSTAR NBI system aims to inject more than 14 MW of deuterium beam power with the two beam lines. According to the planned NBI system, the first NBI system is to demonstrate the beam injection from one ion source into the KSTAR tokamak plasma in 2010 campaign including the system commissioning of each components and subsystems. In this paper, the construction and the commissioning of the first NBI system with one ion source is presented.

Journal Articles

Status and result of the KSTAR upgrade for the 2010's campaign

Yang, H. L.*; Kim, Y. S.*; Park, Y. M.*; Bae, Y. S.*; Kim, H. K.*; Kim, K. M.*; Lee, K. S.*; Kim, H. T.*; Bang, E. N.*; Joung, M.*; et al.

Proceedings of 23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2010) (CD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2011/03

Because the 2010 operation of Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR) mainly aims to achieve strongly elongated and diverted plasma, all the necessary hardware systems to provide an essential circumstance for the plasma shaping were newly installed and upgraded in 2010. In this paper, general configuration of the upgraded systems described earlier will be outlined. Moreover, several key performances and test results of the systems will be also reported in summary.

Journal Articles

ECRH assisted plasma start-up with toroidally inclined launch; Multi-machine comparison and perspectives for ITER

Stober, J.*; Jackson, G. L.*; Ascasibar, E.*; Bae, Y.-S.*; Bucalossi, J.*; Cappa, A.*; Casper, T.*; Cho, M. H.*; Gribov, Y.*; Granucci, G.*; et al.

Proceedings of 23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2010) (CD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2010/10

Journal Articles

Status of KSTAR electron cyclotron heating system

Bae, Y. S.*; Na, Y. S.*; Oh, Y. K.*; Kwon, M.*; Bak, J. S.*; Lee, G. S.*; Jeong, J. H.*; Park, S. I.*; Cho, M. H.*; Namkung, W.*; et al.

Fusion Science and Technology, 52(2), p.321 - 333, 2007/08

 Times Cited Count:23 Percentile:80.90(Nuclear Science & Technology)

An 84-GHz, 500-kW gyrotron system have been installed at KSTAR, and the initial test of the gyrotron has been carried out with 20 $$mu$$sec-pulse and an output RF power of 500 kW. The launcher system having with a highly flexible steering mirror was fabricated and would inject 500-kW rf power into the KSTAR plasma. KSTAR will employ 170-GHz EC current drive (CD) in ITER-relevant experiments such as the suppression of the neoclassical tearing modes and the creation of an electron internal transport barrier. A JAEA 170-GHz, 1-MW gyrotron on loan in accordance with a Korea-Japan fusion collaboration agreement, and it will be used for the 170-GHz, 1-MW ECCD system in 2010. This paper describes the current status of the installation and initial conditioning tests of the 84-GHz gyrotron system as well as the development plan of the 170-GHz ECH and CD system. Also, this paper discusses the CD efficiency and the steering range of the second-harmonic X-mode injection.

Oral presentation

Confinement characteristics of the extended operation regime of KSTAR toward advanced scenarios

Na, Y. S.*; Suzuki, Takahiro; Ide, Shunsuke; Mueller, D.*; Kim, J. H.*; Miyata, Yoshiaki; Kim, S. H.*; Kim, H. S.*; Jeon, Y. M.*; Bae, Y. S.*; et al.

no journal, , 

Development of advanced scenarios, an important experimental goal for the KSTAR project, has just begun. Target plasmas were successfully produced using large bore plasma and early divertor formation which exhibit low internal inductance with low magnetic shear at the centre and no sawtooth instability. Auxilliary heating during the current rampup phase was employed to slow the inductive current diffusion to the centre of the plasma. With respect to hybrid scenario development, so-called "Ip-overshoot" method being used in JET is applied for tailoring magnetic shear at reduced plasma current for higher poloidal beta and bootstrap current fraction. The confinement characteristics of these scenarios are investigated. Transport modeling is performed self-consistently with an integrated simulation package incorporating plasma equilibrium, transport, heating and current drive. Firstly, the current rampup phase is simulated and its impact on the target q-profile is addressed. Secondly, energy confinement of flattop phases is discussed. In addition, the non-inductive current drive fraction including the bootstrap current fraction is calculated. Lastly, these scenarios are compared with advanced scenarios developed in other tokamak devices and future directions in achieving advanced regimes are discussed.

18 (Records 1-18 displayed on this page)
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