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坂東 大都*; 山路 哲史*; 山下 拓哉
Proceedings of International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management (ICEM2023) (Internet), 9 Pages, 2023/10
The internal investigations of TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (1F) Unit 2 indicate multiple breaches in the lower head of the reactor pressure vessel (RPV), which led to discharges of molten core materials. In addition, a large enough breach (es) is expected near the vessel periphery, which allowed relocation of a fuel assembly upper tie plate to the pedestal floor. However, the muon radiography indicates that massive fuel debris are still retained within the RPV lower head. This study aims to provide a comprehensive explanation of such observations by considering interactions of the fuel debris with the thermal insulation plates below the RPV lower head at the time of the accident. The Moving Particle Semi-implicit (MPS) method has been developed and pieces of the debris were modeled by rigid bodies to analyze thermal behavior of the fuel debris and their interactions with the insulation plate. The results showed that whether the insulation plate failed or not depended on the initial enthalpy and temperature distribution of the relocated fuel debris on the plate. The results implied that thermal load on the plate was greater below the outer region of the vessel than the central region, because there was larger space between the plate and the vessel for the debris to pileup.
坂東 大都*; 佐々木 凌太郎*; 福田 貴斉*; 山路 哲史*; 山下 拓哉
no journal, ,
As one of the three tasks of "Project of Decommissioning, Contaminated Water and Treated Water Management (Development of Analysis and Estimation Technologies for Characterization of Fuel Debris) (Development of Estimation Technologies of RPV Damaged Condition, etc.)", this study presents evaluation of the fuel debris behavior below the damaged RPV lower head boundary of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (1F) Unit-2. The focus of the study is to evaluate the debris behavior at the time of / after the failure of the RPV boundary. It is expected to provide more comprehensive understanding of the precedingly obtained muon image, which seemed to indicate that a large amount of highly-dense materials distributed between the RPV lower head and the thermal insulation structures just below the RPV. The Moving Particle Semi-implicit (MPS) method is being developed to evaluate the fuel debris behavior in/under the actual plant geometry and conditions. The melt behavior analysis code, based on the MPS method, is being developed to analyze the following two debris behaviors. Firstly, the debris discharge behavior from penetration tube structures is analyzed. The solidified debris blocks are represented by rigid bodies, using the Passively Moving Solid (PMS) model with consideration of decay heat of the oxidic fuel debris. The relocations of the oxidic debris involving melting of the surrounding metallic debris and the penetration tube wall structure are analyzed. Secondly, the melt behavior on / through the multi-layered thermal insulation structures below the RPV is analyzed. The discharged melt from the RPV boundary may freeze on the insulation plate, depending on the thermal condition in the pedestal and the discharged melt history.
坂東 大都*; 山路 哲史*; 山下 拓哉
no journal, ,