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Ioki, Kimihiro*; Barabash, V.*; Cordier, J.*; Enoeda, Mikio; Federici, G.*; Kim, B. C.*; Mazul, I.*; Merola, M.*; Morimoto, Masaaki*; Nakahira, Masataka*; et al.
Fusion Engineering and Design, 83(7-9), p.787 - 794, 2008/12
Times Cited Count:20 Percentile:76.67(Nuclear Science & Technology)This paper presents recent results of ITER activities on Vacuum Vessel (VV), blanket, limiter, and divertor. Major results can be summarized as follows. (1) The VV design is being developed in more details considering manufacturing and assembly methods, and cost. Incorporating manufacturing studies being performed in cooperation with parties, the regular VV sector design has been nearly finalized. (2) The procurement allocation of blanket modules among 6 parties was fixed and the blanket module design has progressed in cooperation with parties. Fabrication of mock-ups for prequalification testing is under way and the tests will be performed in 2007-2008. (3) The divertor activities have progressed with the aim of launching the procurement according to the ITER project schedule.
Ioki, Kimihiro; Elio, F.*; Barabash, V.*; Chuyanov, V.*; Rozov, V.*; Wang, X.*; Chen, J.*; Wang, L.*; Lorenzetto, P.*; Peacock, A.*; et al.
Fusion Engineering and Design, 82(15-24), p.1774 - 1780, 2007/10
Times Cited Count:14 Percentile:67.58(Nuclear Science & Technology)In December 2005, the new procurement allocation plan of the ITER components among the seven Parties was prepared. The need to qualify for procurement of the specific components was especially introduced in the document. The main features and milestones of the qualification program are described in "Procurement Plan" for each specific component. Due to the complicated features of FW procurement, the procurement document has to be developed precisely. To guarantee high quality of 1700 FW panels produced by 6 different Parties, a qualification program is essential. The qualification mock-up is 80 mm wide, 240 mm long and 81 mm thick with 3 beryllium tiles 10 mm thick. Heat load tests will be performed on the qualification mock-ups in 2007 in EU and USA facilities. The maximum design heat load on the ITER FW is 0.5 MW/m (steady state) 30,000 shots. Mechanical tests of joints are also required using standardized methods. Only Parties which have satisfied the acceptance criteria of the qualification tests can proceed to the procurement stage of the ITER FW. Semi-prototypes (roughly 1000 mm 200 mm) are also requested before the ITER FW manufacturing.
Ioki, Kimihiro*; Akiba, Masato; Barabaschi, P.*; Barabash, V.*; Chiocchio, S.*; Daenner, W.*; Elio, F.*; Enoeda, Mikio; Ezato, Koichiro; Federici, G.*; et al.
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 329-333(1), p.31 - 38, 2004/08
Times Cited Count:15 Percentile:67.43(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)The preparation of the procurement specifications is being progressed for key components. Progress has been made in the preparation of the procurement specifications for key nuclear components of ITER. Detailed design of the vacuum vessel (VV) and in-vessel components is being performed to consider fabrication methods and non-destructive tests (NDT). R&D activities are being carried out on vacuum vessel UT inspection with waves launched at an angle of 20 or 30 degree, on flow distribution tests of a two-channel model, on fabrication and testing of FW mockups and panels, on the blanket flexible support as a complete system including the housing, on the blanket co-axial pipe connection with guard vacuum for leak detection, and on divertor vertical target prototypes. The results give confidence in the validity of the design and identify possibilities of attractive alternate fabrication methods.
Ioki, Kimihiro*; Barabaschi, P.*; Barabash, V.*; Chiocchio, S.*; Daenner, W.*; Elio, F.*; Enoeda, Mikio; Gervash, A.*; Ibbott, C.*; Jones, L.*; et al.
Nuclear Fusion, 43(4), p.268 - 273, 2003/04
Times Cited Count:21 Percentile:54.08(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)Although the basic concept of the vacuum vessel (VV) and in-vessel components of the ITER design has stayed the same, there have been several detailed design improvements resulting from efforts to raise reliability, to improve maintainability and to save money. One of the most important achievements in the VV R&D has been demonstration of the necessary fabrication and assembly tolerances. Recently the deformation due to cutting of the port extension was measured and it was shown that the deformation is small and acceptable. Further development of advanced methods of cutting, welding and NDT on a thick plate have been continued in order to refine manufacturing and improve cost and technical performance. With regard to the related FW/blanket and divertor designs, the R&D has resulted in the development of suitable technologies. Prototypes of the FW panel, the blanket shield block and the divertor components have been successfully fabricated.
Hatano, Toshihisa; Kuroda, Toshimasa*; Barabash, V.*; Enoeda, Mikio
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 307-311(2), p.1537 - 1541, 2002/12
Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:28.74(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)no abstracts in English
Uchida, Munenori*; Ishitsuka, Etsuo; Hatano, Toshihisa; Barabash, V.*; Kawamura, Hiroshi
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 307-311(Part2), p.1533 - 1536, 2002/12
Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:22.91(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)no abstracts in English