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Pohl, T.*; Sun, Y. L.*; Obertelli, A.*; Lee, J.*; Gmez-Ramos, M.*; Ogata, Kazuyuki*; Yoshida, Kazuki; Cai, B. S.*; Yuan, C. X.*; Brown, B. A.*; et al.
Physical Review Letters, 130(17), p.172501_1 - 172501_8, 2023/04
Times Cited Count:11 Percentile:89.13(Physics, Multidisciplinary)We report on the first proton-induced single proton- and neutron-removal reactions from the neutron deficient O nucleus with large Fermi-surface asymmetry at 100 MeV/nucleon. Our results provide the first quantitative contributions of multiple reaction mechanisms including the quasifree knockout, inelastic scattering, and nucleon transfer processes. It is shown that the inelastic scattering and nucleon transfer, usually neglected at such energy regime, contribute about 50% and 30% to the loosely bound proton and deeply bound neutron removal, respectively.
Revel, A.*; Wu, J.*; Iwasaki, Hironori*; Ash, J.*; Bazin, D.*; Brown, B. A.*; Chen, J.*; Elder, R.*; Farris, P.*; Gade, A.*; et al.
Physics Letters B, 838, p.137704_1 - 137704_7, 2023/03
Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:71.80(Astronomy & Astrophysics)no abstracts in English
Brunet, M.*; Podolyk, Zs.*; Berry, T. A.*; Brown, B. A.*; Carroll, R. J.*; Lica, R.*; Sotty, Ch.*; Andreyev, A. N.; Borge, M. J. G.*; Cubiss, J. G.*; et al.
Physical Review C, 103(5), p.054327_1 - 054327_13, 2021/05
Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:67.98(Physics, Nuclear)Fleming, M.*; Chadwick, M.*; Brown, D.*; Capote, R.*; Ge, Z.*; Herman, M.*; Ignatyuk, A.*; Ivanova, T.*; Iwamoto, Osamu; Koning, A.*; et al.
EPJ Web of Conferences, 239, p.15003_1 - 15003_5, 2020/09
Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:95.30(Nuclear Science & Technology)Fleming, M.*; Bernard, D.*; Brown, D.*; Chadwick, M. B.*; De Saint Jean, C.*; Dupont, E.*; Ge, Z.*; Harada, Hideo; Hawari, A.*; Herman, M.*; et al.
EPJ Web of Conferences, 239, p.15002_1 - 15002_4, 2020/09
Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)Schuemann, J.*; McNamara, A. L.*; Warmenhoven, J. W.*; Henthorn, N. T.*; Kirkby, K.*; Merchant, M. J.*; Ingram, S.*; Paganetti, H.*; Held, K. D.*; Ramos-Mendez, J.*; et al.
Radiation Research, 191(1), p.76 - 93, 2019/01
Times Cited Count:56 Percentile:94.59(Biology)We propose a new Standard DNA Damage (SDD) data format to unify the interface between the simulation of damage induction in DNA and the biological modelling of DNA repair processes, and introduce the effect of the environment (molecular oxygen or other compounds) as a flexible parameter. Such a standard greatly facilitates inter-model comparisons, providing an ideal environment to tease out model assumptions and identify persistent, underlying mechanisms. Through inter-model comparisons, this unified standard has the potential to greatly advance our understanding of the underlying mechanisms of radiation-induced DNA damage and the resulting observable biological effects when radiation parameters and/or environmental conditions change.
Chadwick, M. B.*; Capote, R.*; Trkov, A.*; Herman, M. W.*; Brown, D. A.*; Hale, G. M.*; Kahler, A. C.*; Talou, P.*; Plompen, A. J.*; Schillebeeckx, P.*; et al.
Nuclear Data Sheets, 148, p.189 - 213, 2018/02
Times Cited Count:72 Percentile:97.99(Physics, Nuclear)The CIELO collaboration has studied neutron cross sections on nuclides that significantly impact criticality in nuclear facilities - U, U, Pu, Fe, O and H - with the aim of improving the accuracy of the data and resolving previous discrepancies in our understanding. This multi-laboratory pilot project, coordinated via the OECD/NEA Working Party on Evaluation Cooperation (WPEC) Subgroup 40 with support also from the IAEA, has motivated experimental and theoretical work and led to suites of new evaluated libraries that accurately reflect measured data and also perform well in integral simulations of criticality. This report summarizes our results and outlines plans for the next phase of this collaboration.
Chadwick, M. B.*; Capote, R.*; Trkov, A.*; Kahler, A. C.*; Herman, M. W.*; Brown, D. A.*; Hale, G. M.*; Pigni, M.*; Dunn, M.*; Leal, L.*; et al.
EPJ Web of Conferences, 146, p.02001_1 - 02001_9, 2017/09
Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:94.34(Nuclear Science & Technology)The CIELO collaboration has studied neutron cross sections on nuclides (O, Fe, U and Pu) that significantly impact criticality in nuclear technologies with the aim of improving the accuracy of the data and resolving previous discrepancies in our understanding. This multi-laboratory pilot project, coordinated via the OECD/NEA Working Party on Evaluation Cooperation (WPEC) Subgroup 40 with support also from the IAEA, has motivated experimental and theoretical work and led to suites of new evaluated libraries that accurately reflect measured data and also perform well in integral simulations of criticality.
Hug, L. A.*; Baker, B. J.*; Anantharaman, K.*; Brown, C. T.*; Probst, A. J.*; Castelle, C. J.*; Butterfield, C. N.*; Hernsdorf, A. W.*; Amano, Yuki; Ise, Kotaro; et al.
Nature Microbiology (Internet), 1(5), p.16048_1 - 16048_6, 2016/05
Times Cited Count:1305 Percentile:99.96(Microbiology)The tree of life is one of the most important organizing principles in biology. Gene surveys suggest the existence of an enormous number of branches, but even an approximation of the full scale of The Tree has remained elusive. Here, we use newly available information from genomes of uncultivated organisms, along with other published sequences, to present a new version of the Tree of life, with Bacteria, Archaea and Eukaryotes included. The depiction is both a global overview and a snapshot of the diversity within each major lineage. The results imply the predominance of bacterial diversification and underline the importance of organisms lacking isolated representatives, with substantial evolution concentrated in a major radiation of such organisms.
Gade, A.*; Tostevin, J. A.*; Bader, V. M.*; Baugher, T.*; Bazin, D.*; Berryman, J. S.*; Brown, B. A.*; Hartley, D. J.*; Lunderberg, E.*; Recchia, F.*; et al.
Physical Review C, 93(3), p.031601_1 - 031601_5, 2016/03
Times Cited Count:15 Percentile:70.59(Physics, Nuclear)no abstracts in English
Chadwick, M. B.*; Dupont, E.*; Bauge, E.*; Blokhin, A.*; Bouland, O.*; Brown, D. A.*; Capote, R.*; Carlson, A. D.*; Danon, Y.*; De Saint Jean, C.*; et al.
Nuclear Data Sheets, 118, p.1 - 25, 2014/04
Times Cited Count:108 Percentile:98.39(Physics, Nuclear)CIELO (Collaborative International Evaluated Library Organization) provides a new working paradigm to facilitate evaluated nuclear reaction data advances. It brings together experts from across the international nuclear reaction data community to identify and document discrepancies among existing evaluated data libraries, measured data, and model calculation interpretations, and aims to make progress in reconciling these discrepancies to create more accurate ENDF-formatted files. The focus will initially be on a small number of the highest-priority isotopes, namely H, O, Fe, U, and Pu. This paper identifies discrepancies between various evaluations of the highest priority isotopes. The evaluated data for these materials in the existing nuclear data libraries are reviewed, and some integral properties are given. The paper summarizes a program of nuclear science and computational work needed to create the new CIELO nuclear data evaluations.
Payne, T. E.*; Brendler, V.*; Ochs, M.*; Baeyens, B.*; Brown, P. L.*; Davis, J. A.*; Ekberg, C.*; Kulik, D.*; Lutzenkirchen, J.*; Missana, T.*; et al.
Environmental Modelling & Software, 42, p.143 - 156, 2013/04
Times Cited Count:73 Percentile:92.06(Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications)Thermodynamic sorption models (TSMs) can be utilised to provide a scientific basis for Kd setting in the safety case, and for assessing the response of Kd to changes in chemical conditions. The TSM development involves a series of decisions on model features such as surface sites, sorption reactions and electrostatic corrections. There is a lack of consensus on the best ways to develop TSMs, and the NEA has therefore co ordinated an international project to assess the strategies and processes for building a TSM. This paper presents recommendations from the project on a number of aspects of TSM development in the context of radioactive waste disposal. Key recommendations include: definition of modelling objectives, identification of major decision points, a clear decision making rationale with reference to experimental or theoretical evidence, a suitable consultative and iterative model development process, testing to the maximum practicable extent, and documentation of key decisions.
Papuga, J.*; Bissell, M. L.*; Kreim, K.*; Blaum, K.*; Brown, B. A.*; De Rydt, M.*; Garcia Ruiz, R. F.*; Heylen, H.*; Kowalska, M.*; Neugart, R.*; et al.
Physical Review Letters, 110(17), p.172503_1 - 172503_5, 2013/04
Times Cited Count:40 Percentile:83.04(Physics, Multidisciplinary)no abstracts in English
Chadwick, M. B.*; Herman, M.*; Obloinsk, P.*; Dunn, M. E.*; Danon, Y.*; Kahler, A. C.*; Smith, D. L.*; Pritychenko, B.*; Arbanas, G.*; Arcilla, R.*; et al.
Nuclear Data Sheets, 112(12), p.2887 - 2996, 2011/12
Times Cited Count:2180 Percentile:99.99(Physics, Nuclear)The ENDF/B-VII.1 library is our latest recommended evaluated nuclear data file for use in nuclear science and technology applications, and incorporates advances made in the five years since the release of ENDF/B-VII.0. These advances focus on neutron cross sections, covariances, fission product yields and decay data, and represent work by the US Cross Section Evaluation Working Group (CSEWG) in nuclear data evaluation that utilizes developments in nuclear theory, modeling, simulation, and experiment. It features extension of covered nuclei, covariance data for 190 nuclei, R-matrix analyses of neutron reactions on light nuclei, updates for some medium-heavy and actinoid nuclei, etc. Criticality benchmark tests with a transport simulation code MCNP shows improved performances.
Steer, S. J.*; Podolyk, Z.*; Pietri, S.*; Grska, M.*; Grawe, H.*; Maier, K.*; Regan, P. H.*; Rudolph, D.*; Garnsworthy, A. B.*; Hoischen, R.*; et al.
Physical Review C, 84(4), p.044313_1 - 044313_22, 2011/10
Times Cited Count:68 Percentile:95.21(Physics, Nuclear)Heavy neutron-rich nuclei were populated via the fragmentation of a E/A=1 GeV Pb beam. Secondary fragments were separated and identified and subsequently implanted in a passive stopper. By the detection of delayed rays, isomeric decays associated with these nuclei have been identified. A total of 49 isomers were detected, with the majority of them observed for the first time. Possible level schemes are constructed and the structure of the nuclei discussed. To aid the interpretation, shell-model as well as BCS calculations were performed.
Sakai, Hironori; Brown, S. E.*; Baek, S.-H.*; Ronning, F.*; Bauer, E. D.*; Thompson, J. D.*
Physical Review Letters, 107(13), p.137001_1 - 137001_5, 2011/09
Times Cited Count:17 Percentile:67.30(Physics, Multidisciplinary)Co nuclear spin lattice relaxation has been measured for the heavy-fermion superconductor CeCoIn in a range of applied fields directed parallel to the -axis. An enhanced normal state relaxation rate, observed at low temperatures and fields just above , is taken as a direct measure of the dynamical susceptibility and provides microscopic evidence for an antiferromagnetic instability. The results are well-described using the self-consistent renormalized theory for two-dimensional antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations, and parameters obtained in the analysis are applied to previously reported specific heat and thermal expansion data with good agreement.
Gade, A.*; Basin, D.*; Brown, B. A.*; Campbell, C. M.*; Cook, J. M.*; Ettenauer, S.*; Glasmacher, T.*; Kemper, K. W.*; McDaniel, S.*; Obertelli, A.*; et al.
Physical Review C, 83(4), p.044305_1 - 044305_5, 2011/04
Times Cited Count:21 Percentile:74.94(Physics, Nuclear)no abstracts in English
Sakai, Hironori; Baek, S.-H.*; Brown, S. E.*; Ronning, F.*; Bauer, E. D.*; Thompson, J. D.*
Physical Review B, 82(2), p.020501_1 - 020501_4, 2010/07
Times Cited Count:15 Percentile:53.97(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)We have measured the Knight shifts () and nuclear relaxation times () for Co in CeCoIn under external fields along a and c axes with the goal of establishing the anisotropy of antiferromagnetic (AFM) spin fluctuations (SF). In our approach, we revisit the problem of interpreting anomalies in the relationship between Knight shift and static susceptibility : assuming a single component susceptibility implies a temperature-dependent hyperfine coupling . Once adopted, a known discrepancy between the behaviors of for Co and In(1) sites is eliminated to within experimental uncertainties and the variation with temperature is analyzed within the framework of two-dimensional AFM SF in proximity to a quantum-critical point. Moreover, the ratio indicates easy-plane anisotropy for 40 K, for the heavy-fermion state.
Fallon, P.*; Rodriguez-Vieitez, E.*; Macchiavelli, A. O.*; Gade, A.*; Tostevin, J. A.*; Adrich, P.*; Bazin, D.*; Bowen, M.*; Campbell, C. M.*; Clark, R. M.*; et al.
Physical Review C, 81(4), p.041302_1 - 041302_5, 2010/04
Times Cited Count:41 Percentile:88.50(Physics, Nuclear)no abstracts in English
Roth, M.*; Alber, I.*; Bagnoud, V.*; Brown, C. R. D.*; Clarke, R.*; Daido, Hiroyuki; Fernandez, J.*; Flippo, K.*; Gaillard, S.*; Gauthier, C.*; et al.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 51(12), p.124039_1 - 124039_7, 2009/12
Times Cited Count:32 Percentile:74.02(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)