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Yamashita, Takuma*; Iwami, Satone*; Mitsuyasu, Yusuke*; Ono, Kenta*; Oka, Toshitaka; Takahashi, Atsushi*; Kino, Yasushi*; Sekine, Tsutomu*; Shimizu, Yoshinaka*; Chiba, Mirei*; et al.
KEK Proceedings 2024-6, p.85 - 90, 2024/12
To clarify the radiation effects of the accident at the TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi NPP on living organisms, it is important to accurately estimate the dose to each individual. We have developed a multi-component analysis program using random number optimization to extract only the components derived from carbonate radicals from the ESR spectra.
Iwami, Satone*; Yamashita, Takuma*; Mitsuyasu, Yusuke*; Ono, Kenta*; Oka, Toshitaka; Takahashi, Atsushi*; Kino, Yasushi*; Sekine, Tsutomu*; Shimizu, Yoshinaka*; Chiba, Mirei*; et al.
KEK Proceedings 2024-6, p.91 - 95, 2024/12
We aim to improve the detection limit of the ESR dosimetry method. In this study, the saturation behavior of each radical was investigated by varying the microwave power during ESR measurement. Based on the difference in spin relaxation time between carbonate radicals and native radicals, it is expected that the signal-to-noise ratio improves and the detection limit can be lowered when the microwave power is increased to 4.0 mW.
Mitsuyasu, Yusuke*; Oka, Toshitaka; Takahashi, Atsushi*; Kino, Yasushi*; Okutsu, Kenichi*; Sekine, Tsutomu*; Yamashita, Takuma*; Shimizu, Yoshinaka*; Chiba, Mirei*; Suzuki, Toshihiko*; et al.
Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 199(14), p.1620 - 1625, 2023/09
Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:34.39(Environmental Sciences)We have been conducting dose assessments for Japanese macaques captured in Fukushima to reveal radiobiological effects on the low-dose expose animals. To accurately determine the external exposure dose, it is desirable to examine the analysis of the CO radical intensity. We examined ESR spectra of teeth of 10 macaques captured in Fukushima by two spectrum-decomposition algorithms.
Mitsuyasu, Yusuke*; Oka, Toshitaka; Takahashi, Atsushi*; Kino, Yasushi*; Okutsu, Kenichi*; Sekine, Tsutomu*; Yamashita, Takuma*; Shimizu, Yoshinaka*; Chiba, Mirei*; Suzuki, Toshihiko*; et al.
KEK Proceedings 2022-2, p.120 - 125, 2022/11
We investigate the effect of sample's anisotropy and measurement condition to obtain the higher reproducibility for the shape of the ESR spectrum and the intensity of CO radical.
Mitsuyasu, Yusuke*; Oka, Toshitaka; Takahashi, Atsushi*; Koarai, Kazuma; Kino, Yasushi*; Okutsu, Kenichi*; Sekine, Tsutomu*; Yamashita, Takuma*; Shimizu, Yoshinaka*; Chiba, Mirei*; et al.
KEK Proceedings 2021-2, p.91 - 96, 2021/12
We examined whether the ESR dose estimation method could be applied to wild Japanese macaque. In this work, we investigated the enamel preparation protocol and the analytical method of the ESR spectra.
Chiba, Yusuke; Nishiyama, Yutaka; Tsubaki, Hirohiko; Iwai, Masaki; Furukawahara, Ryo; Ono, Hayato*; Hayasaka, Toshiro*
JAEA-Testing 2020-007, 42 Pages, 2021/02
Maintenance and Operation Section for Remote Control Equipment in Naraha Center for Remote Control Technology Development was the main part of the nuclear emergency response team of JAEA in full-scale operation starts on the 1st of April, 2020. In this section, we need to develop equipment for a JAEA nuclear emergency. To support full-scale operation, we have created a work robot for opening and closing doors, a work robot for opening and closing valves, and a reconnaissance robot for measuring radiation dose. This report describes how to operate a Reconnaissance robot.
Chiba, Yusuke; Nishiyama, Yutaka; Tsubaki, Hirohiko; Iwai, Masaki; Ono, Hayato*; Hayasaka, Toshiro*
JAEA-Testing 2020-006, 24 Pages, 2021/02
Maintenance and Operation Section for Remote Control Equipment in Naraha Center for Remote Control Technology Development was the main part of the nuclear emergency response team of JAEA in full-scale operation starts on the 1st of April, 2020. In this section, we need to develop equipment for a JAEA nuclear emergency. To support full- scale operation, we have created a work robot for opening and closing doors, a work robot for opening and closing valves, and a reconnaissance robot for measuring radiation dose. This report describes how to operate a work robot (opening and closing valves).
Chiba, Yusuke; Nishiyama, Yutaka; Tsubaki, Hirohiko; Iwai, Masaki; Furukawahara, Ryo; Ono, Hayato*; Hayasaka, Toshiro*
JAEA-Testing 2020-005, 29 Pages, 2021/02
Maintenance and Operation Section for Remote Control Equipment in Naraha Center for Remote Control Technology Development was the main part of the nuclear emergency response team of JAEA in full-scale operation starts on the 1st of April, 2020. In this section, we need to develop equipment for a JAEA nuclear emergency. To support full-scale operation, we have created a work robot for opening and closing doors, a work robot for opening and closing valves, and a reconnaissance robot for measuring radiation dose. This report describes how to operate the work robot (for opening and closing the door).
Nishiyama, Yutaka; Iwai, Masaki; Chiba, Yusuke; Tsubaki, Hirohiko; Ono, Hayato*; Hayasaka, Toshiro*; Hanyu, Toshinori*
JAEA-Technology 2020-007, 18 Pages, 2020/09
Maintenance and Operation Section for Remote Control Equipment in Naraha Center for Remote Control Technology Development is the main part of the nuclear emergency response team of Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) in full-scale operation starts on the 1st of April, 2020. The section needs to develop equipment for JAEA nuclear emergency. Because of dealing the full-scale operation, the section designed and produced two sets of Multi-joint Manipulator or (for Opening Doors) against Nuclear Disaster in order to put them on two crawler robots in 2018 fiscal year. And the section also designed and produced a Crawler Robot for Opening and Closing Manual Valves in 2019 fiscal year. This report shows two sets of Multi-Joint Manipulator (for Opening Doors) and a Crawler Robot for Opening and Closing Manual Valves designed and produced by Maintenance and Operation Section for Remote Control Equipment in 2018 and 2019 fiscal year.
Nishiyama, Yutaka; Iwai, Masaki; Tsubaki, Hirohiko; Chiba, Yusuke; Hayasaka, Toshiro*; Ono, Hayato*; Hanyu, Toshinori*
JAEA-Technology 2020-006, 26 Pages, 2020/08
Maintenance and Operation Section for Remote Control Equipment in Naraha Center for Remote Control Technology Development is the main part of the nuclear emergency response team of JAEA deal with Act on Special Measures Concerning Nuclear Emergency Preparedness. The section needs to remodel crawler-type robots for tasks, crawler-type scouting robots, and so on. About two crawler-type robots for tasks, the section designed and mounted advanced wireless communication equipment on manipulators mounted on the two robots. The crawler part of the robot has been able to be controlled by way of the new equipment, and when it is broken down, it can be changed by way of an original equipment. And the new equipment makes a single relay robot controllable both the crawler part and the manipulator part of the robot, in case of wireless relay robots being needed. And after checking the ability and characteristic about 5 wireless communication equipment, the section chose and mounted the best equipment on one crawler-type scouting robot. This report shows design and mounting advanced wireless communication equipment on the two crawler-type robots for tasks and on the one crawler-type scouting robot.
Oka, Toshitaka; Takahashi, Atsushi*; Koarai, Kazuma; Mitsuyasu, Yusuke*; Kino, Yasushi*; Sekine, Tsutomu*; Shimizu, Yoshinaka*; Chiba, Mirei*; Suzuki, Toshihiko*; Osaka, Ken*; et al.
Radiation Measurements, 134, p.106315_1 - 106315_4, 2020/06
Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:67.98(Nuclear Science & Technology)The relationship between the CO radical intensity and the absorbed dose (dose response curve) of tooth enamel of Japanese macaque was observed by electron spin resonance and the detection limit of our system was estimated to be 33.5 mGy, which is comparable to the detection limit for human molar teeth. Using the dose response curve, external exposure dose for seven wild Japanese macaques captured in Fukushima prefecture were examined. The results suggest that the external exposure dose for the wild Japanese macaques were ranged between 45 mGy to 300 mGy.
Chiba, Yusuke; Nishiyama, Yutaka; Tsubaki, Hirohiko; Iwai, Masaki
JAEA-Technology 2019-002, 29 Pages, 2019/03
Act on Special Measures Concerning Nuclear Emergency Preparedness was amended on the 30th of October in 2017. As the JAEA Emergency Assistance Organization, Maintenance and Operation Section for Remote Control Equipment in Naraha Center for Remote Control Technology Development started training for emergency response robots operation for operators in each site of JAEA in response to the new amendment. The training consists of three operations: small crawler-type mobile scouting robots, big crawler-type mobile robots with a manipulator or a long tong and small radio-controlled helicopters. The training has three classes (beginner, intermediate and advanced classes) depending on skills and experiences. This paper reports the training programs of emergency response robots operation of the beginner and intermediate classes which were used in the first half of fiscal 2018.
Ichikawa, Shoichi; Chiba, Yusuke; Ono, Fumiyasu; Hatori, Masakazu; Kobayashi, Takanori; Uekura, Ryoichi; Hashiri, Nobuo*; Inuzuka, Taisuke*; Kitano, Hiroshi*; Abe, Hisashi*
JAEA-Research 2017-001, 40 Pages, 2017/03
In order to reduce the influence on a plant schedule of the MONJU by the maintenance of dew point hygrometers, The JAEA examined a capacitance type dew point hygrometer as an alternative dew point hygrometer for a lithium-chloride type dew point hygrometer which had been used at the CV-LRT in the MONJU. As a result of comparing a capacitance type dew point hygrometer with a lithium-chloride type dew point hygrometer at the CV-LRT (Atmosphere: nitrogen, Testing time: 24 hours), there weren't significant difference between a capacitance type dew point hygrometer and a lithium-chloride type dew point hygrometer. As a result of comparing a capacitance dew point hygrometer with a high-mirror-surface type dew point hygrometer for long term verification (Atmosphere: air, Testing time: 24 months), the JAEA confirmed that a capacitance type dew point hygrometer satisfied the instrument specification (2.04
C) required by the JEAC4203-2008.
Ichikawa, Shoichi; Chiba, Yusuke; Ono, Fumiyasu; Hatori, Masakazu; Kobayashi, Takanori; Uekura, Ryoichi; Hashiri, Nobuo*; Inuzuka, Taisuke*; Kitano, Hiroshi*; Abe, Hisashi*
JAEA-Research 2016-021, 32 Pages, 2017/02
In order to reduce the influence on a plant schedule of the MONJU by the maintenance of dew point hygrometers, The JAEA examined a capacitance type dew point hygrometer as an alternative dew point hygrometer for a lithium-chloride type dew point hygrometer which had been used at the CV-LRT in the MONJU. As a result of comparing a capacitance type dew point hygrometer with a lithium-chloride type dew point hygrometer at the CV-LRT (Atmosphere: nitrogen, Testing time: 24 hours), there weren't significant difference between a capacitance type dew point hygrometer and a lithium-chloride type dew point hygrometer. As a result of comparing a capacitance dew point hygrometer with a high-mirror-surface type dew point hygrometer for long term verification (Atmosphere: air, Testing time: 24 months), the JAEA confirmed that a capacitance type dew point hygrometer satisfied the instrument specification (2.04
C) required by the JEAC4203-2008.
Adare, A.*; Afanasiev, S.*; Aidala, C.*; Ajitanand, N. N.*; Akiba, Yasuyuki*; Al-Bataineh, H.*; Alexander, J.*; Aoki, Kazuya*; Aphecetche, L.*; Armendariz, R.*; et al.
Physical Review C, 83(6), p.064903_1 - 064903_29, 2011/06
Times Cited Count:191 Percentile:99.42(Physics, Nuclear)Transverse momentum distributions and yields for , and
collisions at
= 200 and 62.4 GeV at midrapidity are measured by the PHENIX experiment at the RHIC. We present the inverse slope parameter, mean transverse momentum, and yield per unit rapidity at each energy, and compare them to other measurements at different
collisions. We also present the scaling properties such as
scaling and discuss the mechanism of the particle production in
collisions. The measured spectra are compared to next-to-leading order perturbative QCD calculations.
Oka, Toshitaka; Mitsuyasu, Yusuke*; Takahashi, Atsushi*; Koarai, Kazuma; Kino, Yasushi*; Sekine, Tsutomu*; Okutsu, Kenichi*; Yamashita, Takuma*; Shimizu, Yoshinaka*; Chiba, Mirei*; et al.
no journal, ,
Releases of the radioactive materials from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident result in a low dose exposure to wild animals. The external dose of wild animals is commonly estimated by the external dose rate of the captured point, but the estimated exposure dose has huge uncertainties because the size of the habitat and/or the movement of the wild animals are not included in the estimation. To estimate the external dose precisely, we utilize electron spin resonance (ESR) dosimetry. In this work, we investigated the sample preparation procedure of wild animals. The ESR spectrum of enamel of racoon captured in Namie-town, Fukushima has a broad ESR signal due to metal components. The linear relationship between the Co intensity and the absorbed dose that we can apply ESR dosimetry for racoon teeth. Using this relationship, the external exposure dose was estimated.
Yamashita, Takuma*; Mitsuyasu, Yusuke*; Ono, Kenta*; Iwami, Satone*; Oka, Toshitaka; Takahashi, Atsushi*; Kino, Yasushi*; Sekine, Tsutomu*; Shimizu, Yoshinaka*; Chiba, Mirei*; et al.
no journal, ,
In order to clarify the radiation effects of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident on living organisms, it is important to estimate the radiation dose to individual organisms. We have focused on carbonate radicals that induced in tooth enamel due to radiation, and have estimated the dose by using electron spin resonance technique. In this presentation, we report the results of dose response of radiation-induced radicals and the application of this method to low-dose area by using tooth enamel of Japanese macaque and hydroxyapatite.
Oka, Toshitaka; Takahashi, Atsushi*; Mitsuyasu, Yusuke*; Koarai, Kazuma; Kino, Yasushi*; Okutsu, Kenichi*; Yamashita, Takuma*; Sekine, Tsutomu*; Shimizu, Yoshinaka*; Chiba, Mirei*; et al.
no journal, ,
Electron spin resonance (ESR) dosimetry technique is a powerful tool that has been used in the study of external exposure dose assessment of human by measuring CO radicals of teeth. In this work, we applied this technique for wild monkey and wild racoon captured in Fukushima prefecture, and estimated the external exposure dose.
Yamashita, Takuma*; Mitsuyasu, Yusuke*; Ono, Kenta*; Iwami, Satone*; Hayashi, Teppei*; Kino, Yasushi*; Sekine, Tsutomu*; Oka, Toshitaka; Takahashi, Atsushi*; Shimizu, Yoshinaka*; et al.
no journal, ,
no abstracts in English
Chiba, Satoshi; Ota, Shuya*; Yasuda, Nakahiro*; Sihver, L.*; Kodaira, Satoshi*; Ideguchi, Yusuke*; Hasebe, Nobuyuki*
no journal, ,
no abstracts in English