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土井 大輔
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 91, p.1245 - 1252, 2024/11
被引用回数:0Hydrogen is a major nonmetallic impurity in the coolant of sodium-cooled fast reactors (SFRs) during normal operation. A higher hydrogen concentration than the gas-liquid equilibrium has been transiently detected in the gas space of actual SFR plants. The presence of several sodium compounds can increase hydrogen generation; however, a thorough understanding of the thermal behavior of candidate reactions is lacking. Herein, thermal analysis reveals the hydrogen release behavior of sodium hydride. Mass spectrometry indicates hydrogen generation with decreasing sample mass, indicating thermal decomposition. Detailed kinetic analysis based on master plot methods indicates that the hydrogen release reaction occurred through a mechanism involving random nucleation and growth of nuclei. Furthermore, the reaction rate was newly formulated based on a kinetic model function representing the above mechanism and the Arrhenius-type reaction rate constant comprising an activation energy of 119.0 0.8 kJ mol and a frequency factor of 1.8 10 s. These findings will enable the numerical simulation of the hydrogen release behavior in SFRs.
菊地 晋; 近藤 俊樹; 土井 大輔; 清野 裕; 小川 賢吾*; 中川 武志*
Proceedings of 14th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, Operation, and Safety (NTHOS-14) (Internet), 12 Pages, 2024/08
In this study, thermal behavior of NaI in different atmospheric conditions was investigated using thermal analysis technique to understand the formation behavior of gaseous iodine. Based on the results, it was revealed that the thermal behavior of NaI in inert atmosphere is phase change and approximately 10 mass% of I2 could be formed from NaI in 20 vol% oxygen atmosphere. The chemical equilibrium simulation was also performed to understand the mechanism of I2 formation. The estimated value of I2 formation in 20 vol% oxygen atmosphere was comparable to the result of thermal analysis.
土井 大輔
Proceedings of 29th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 29) (Internet), 7 Pages, 2022/08
In sodium-cooled fast reactors (SFRs), hydrogen is a major nonmetallic impurity in the coolant during normal operation. A higher hydrogen concentration than the gas-liquid equilibrium had been transiently detected in the gas space of the actual SFR plant. However, the chemical reactions that caused hydrogen generation, which involve several sodium compounds, have not been identified. Furthermore, the thermal behavior of these hydrogen release reactions has not been thoroughly investigated. In this study, the hydrogen release behavior of sodium hydride, which could be involved in all of these reactions, was clarified by two experimental methods dealing with different sample quantities. In the thermal analysis with a semi-micro sample of about 1mmol, the hydrogen generation was demonstrated by mass spectrometry as the sample mass decreased, suggesting thermal decomposition. A monomodal hydrogen release curve similar to the thermal analysis result was obtained in the heating experiment with a macro amount sample of about 1mol. These experimental results showed consistent activation energies within the standard error. Therefore, it was elucidated that the ideal reaction behavior obtained by thermal analysis could be sufficiently extrapolated to the reaction behavior occurring in a larger amount of sample. These findings provide fundamental insights into the thermal decomposition of sodium hydride and are indispensable for analyzing hydrogen release behavior in other hydrogen release reactions involving sodium hydride.
土井 大輔; 清野 裕; 宮原 信哉*; 宇埜 正美*
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 59(2), p.198 - 206, 2022/02
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)Non-premixed combustion of hydrogen jets containing sodium vapor and mist reduces threats to reactor containment integrity in sodium-cooled fast reactors (SFRs) because it gradually consumes hydrogen gas generated mainly by a reaction between sodium and concrete. Previous studies have been limited to experimentally determining ignition thresholds on the jet temperature and the sodium concentration under specific gas concentrations. In this study, ignition experiments on hydrogen jets containing sodium mist were carried out at a specific jet temperature and sodium concentration under various gas concentration conditions (1-15vol% hydrogen and 3-21vol% oxygen). As a result, a stable sodium flame was observed in the jet and then formed a lifted hydrogen flame from a fuel nozzle outlet. An attached hydrogen flame on the outlet was also formed under high hydrogen concentration conditions. These flame structures seemed to be attributed to hydrogen flame propagation, which depends on the hydrogen concentration, jet temperature, and jet velocity. Additionally, the experimental results revealed ignition thresholds on the gas concentration and indicated a flammable region where the hydrogen-sodium jet combustion was more advantageous than an explosive premixed hydrogen combustion. Our study will enable the advancement of safety assessment technology in SRFs.
土井 大輔; 清野 裕; 宮原 信哉*; 宇埜 正美*
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 56(6), p.521 - 532, 2019/06
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:9.69(Nuclear Science & Technology)In severe accident scenarios for sodium-cooled fast reactors, it is desirable to gradually consume hydrogen generated by various ex-vessel phenomena without posting a challenge to containment integrity. An effective means is combustion of hydrogen jets containing sodium vapor and mist, but previous studies have been limited to determining ignition thresholds experimentally. The aim of this study was to visualize the ignition process in detail to investigate the ignition mechanism of hydrogen-sodium mixed jets. The ignition experiments of the hydrogen jet containing sodium mist were carried out under a condition of little turbulence. The ignition process was measured with an optical measurement system comprised of a high-speed camera and an image intensifier, and a spatial distribution of luminance was analyzed by image processing. Detail observation revealed that sodium mist particles burned as scattering sparks inside the jet and that hydrogen ignited around the mist particles. Additionally, the experimental results and a simple heat balance calculation indicated that the combustion heat of sodium mist particles could ignite the hydrogen as the heterogeneous ignition source in the fuel temperature range where the mist particle formation was promoted.
河口 宗道; 土井 大輔; 清野 裕; 宮原 信哉
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 53(12), p.2098 - 2107, 2016/12
被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:47.31(Nuclear Science & Technology)ナトリウム冷却高速炉の過酷事故において、ナトリウム-コンクリート反応(SCR)は構造コンクリートを侵食及び水素ガスを発生するため重要な現象の一つである。本研究では、反応の終息機構を調べるために長時間のSCR試験を実施した。本試験の結果、コンクリート上に十分な量のNaが残存していてもSCRは終息することが示され、温度、水素発生といったSCR終息挙動のデータを採取した。反応生成物は、液体ナトリウム中に微粒化した固体がスラリー状態となり、発生した水素によって移行した。そのため水素の発生速度が速い場合は、活発にNaが移行しコンクリート表面を侵食しているが、一旦水素の発生速度が減少すると質量移行係数は減少し、反応生成物は徐々に沈降した。そのため反応面でのNa濃度は減少し、結果として自然にSCRは停止したものと考えられる。
土井 大輔; 小野 功*; 清野 裕
Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-23) (DVD-ROM), 5 Pages, 2015/05
Hydrogen generated during postulated severe accidents in a sodium-cooled fast reactor may be released to the air inside a reactor containment building, resulting in the hydrogen combustion when a specified hydrogen concentration is exceeded. It is important to evaluate the pressure and temperature response of this phenomenon from the standpoint of the integrity of the reactor containment building. This paper was undertaken to seek an applicability of the hydrogen combustion models incorporated in a CONTAIN-LMR code, which is produced by applying liquid metal fast reactor-specific updates to a light water reactor version of the CONTAIN code. The paper puts its focus on the calculations of premixed combustion experiments using the CONTAIN-LMR code. The results are compared and contrasted with other stand-alone code, HECTR, which often has been used for predicting hydrogen combustion. As a result, the CONTAIN-LMR predictions mostly agree with the measured peak pressure and peak temperature and the HECTR predictions. Therefore, the results indicate that the CONTAIN-LMR code is considered to be applicable to the hydrogen combustion phenomena and available as an evaluation tool for the severe accident scenarios involving hydrogen combustion events.
河口 宗道; 土井 大輔; 清野 裕; 宮原 信哉
Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-23) (DVD-ROM), 6 Pages, 2015/05
土井 大輔; 中桐 俊男
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 51(3), p.343 - 349, 2014/03
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)In fast breeder reactors (FBRs), hydrogen, one of the major impurities in sodium coolant, is used for water leak detection and tritium control in the interest of operating nuclear plant safety. It is essential to evaluate the hydrogen flux into the sodium coolant through the heat transfer tubes in a steam generator to understand the hydrogen behavior in an FBR plant. This study shows the time and temperature dependence of hydrogen flux using data obtained in the power rising test of the prototype FBR, Monju, and using the analysis code that can simulate the hydrogen distribution in an FBR plant. The hydrogen flux evaluated by the code gradually decreased with operating time, following the parabolic oxidation law and the Arrhenius relation over a wide range of steam temperatures. The results agreed with the hydrogen fluxes of other FBR plants evaluated in the past. It was also found that the hydrogen flux was mainly controlled by permeation through the heat transfer tubes, rather than the corrosion at the water side of the heat transfer tubes.
土居 篤典*; 藤岡 淳*; 福田 竜生; 筒井 智嗣*; 奥山 大輔*; 田口 康二郎*; 有馬 孝尚*; Baron, A. Q. R.*; 十倉 好紀*
Physical Review B, 90(8), p.081109_1 - 081109_4, 2014/01
被引用回数:17 パーセンタイル:57.17(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)The phonon dynamics of spin-state crossover for perovskite LaCoO was investigated using infrared and inelastic X-ray spectroscopy. We observed that the Co-O bond stretching phonons couples to the thermally excited spin-state. The momentum dispersion of the optical mode is anomalously dispersionless (less than 3 meV), and this supports the spin-state disproportionation scenario. The steep enhancement of spin-state fluctuation compared to the charge gap suggests the density dependent spin state disproportionation; a simple low spin (LS)/high spin (HS)- or LS/intermediate spin (IS)-state disproportionation is realized at the initial stage with dilute HS- (or IS-) state density, while the complex spin-state disproportionation involving all of the LS-, IS- and HS-state is formed when the density of HS- (or IS-) state is enhanced.
土井 大輔; 中桐 俊男
Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering and the ASME 2012 Power Conference (ICONE-20 & POWER 2012) (DVD-ROM), 6 Pages, 2012/07
小島 亘; 山上 光憲; 藤川 大輔; 尾留川 剛*; 北川 義人*; 土井 崇志*; 齋藤 綾佑*
土木学会平成20年度全国大会第63回年次学術講演会講演論文集, p.453 - 454, 2008/09
土井 大輔; 伊藤 啓; 清野 裕; 宮原 信哉*; 宇埜 正美*
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土井 大輔
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伊藤 啓; 土井 大輔; 高田 孝; 宇埜 正美*
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土井 大輔
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土井 大輔
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高速増殖炉では、蒸気発生器における水漏えいの検出やプラント内のトリチウム挙動の評価において、ナトリウム中の不純物である水素が重要な役割を担っている。そして通常運転時の高速増殖炉における水素挙動を理解するためには、主な水素発生源である蒸気発生器伝熱管の水側腐食により生成された水素が、蒸気発生器伝熱管壁を透過してナトリウム中へ移行する量(拡散水素量)を評価する必要がある。本研究では、1995年に実施された「もんじゅ」性能試験データおよびこれまで原子力機構が開発してきたトリチウム/水素挙動解析コード(TTT: Tritium Transport and Trap analysis code)を使用して、拡散水素量の時間依存性および温度依存性を評価した。その結果、拡散水素量は放物線則に従って時間とともに減少し、その後一定値で推移すること、また蒸気温度に対してアレニウス型の依存性を持つことがわかった。またこれら結果は、これまでに他原子炉で報告されてきた拡散水素量の測定結果と矛盾がないことを確認した。さらに拡散水素量は蒸気発生器伝熱管の水側腐食過程よりも伝熱管の透過過程により支配されることがわかった。
土井 大輔; 伊藤 啓; 清野 裕; 宮原 信哉*; 宇埜 正美*
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宇埜 正美*; 大野 修司; 河口 宗道; 土井 大輔; 月森 和之
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土井 大輔; 伊藤 啓; 清野 裕; 宮原 信哉*; 宇埜 正美*
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ナトリウム冷却高速炉のシビアアクシデントにおいて、炉心溶融物やナトリウムとコンクリートとの反応を想定した場合、不活性雰囲気下でナトリウムの蒸気やミストを含んだ水素ガスが発生する。この水素は空気雰囲気下へ流入すると、ナトリウムの自己着火に起因して高速炉特有の水素誘導拡散燃焼が生じると考えられている。米国・HEDLで実施された既往研究では、高濃度条件(水素濃度; 75vol%、酸素濃度; 19vol%)における試験結果に基づいた着火閾値が整理されたが、水素が空間に滞留する以前に燃焼消費させる観点から低濃度条件(水素濃度; 1-15vol%、酸素濃度; 3-21vol%)における着火閾値の知見を得ることは重要である。今回は水素誘導拡散燃焼現象における着火機構の解明および多次元解析手法の開発を目指す研究のうち、ナトリウム混在水素拡散燃焼試験の結果について報告する。