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Wang, Z.; Matsumoto, Toshinori; Duan, G.*; Matsunaga, Takuya*
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 414, p.116168_1 - 116168_49, 2023/09
Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:83.49(Engineering, Multidisciplinary)Li, G.*; Duan, G.*; Liu, X.*; Wang, Z.
Moving Particle Semi-implicit Method; Recent Developments and Applications, 266 Pages, 2023/00
Yan, S. Q.*; Li, X. Y.*; Nishio, Katsuhisa; Lugaro, M.*; Li, Z. H.*; Makii, Hiroyuki; Pignatari, M.*; Wang, Y. B.*; Orlandi, R.; Hirose, Kentaro; et al.
Astrophysical Journal, 919(2), p.84_1 - 84_7, 2021/10
Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:19.57(Astronomy & Astrophysics)Wang, Z.; Duan, G.*; Koshizuka, Seiichi*; Yamaji, Akifumi*
Nuclear Power Plant Design and Analysis Codes, p.439 - 461, 2021/00
Wang, Z.; Duan, G.*; Matsunaga, Takuya*; Sugiyama, Tomoyuki
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 157, p.119919_1 - 119919_20, 2020/08
Times Cited Count:21 Percentile:76.85(Thermodynamics)Li, X.; Sato, Ikken; Yamaji, Akifumi*; Duan, G.*
Proceedings of 26th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-26) (Internet), 8 Pages, 2018/07
Molten corium-concrete interaction (MCCI) is an important ex-vessel phenomenon that could happen during the late phase of a hypothetical severe accident in a light water reactor. In the present study, a three-dimensional (3-D) numerical study has been performed to simulate COMET-L3 test carried out by KIT with a stratified molten pool configuration of simulant materials with improved MPS method. The heat transfer between corium/crust/concrete was modeled with heat conduction between particles. Moreover, the potential influence of the siliceous aggregates was also investigated by setting up two different case studies since there was previous study indicating that siliceous aggregates in siliceous concrete might contribute to different axial and radial concrete ablation rates. The simulation results have indicated that metal melt as corium in MCCI can have completely different characteristics regarding concrete ablation pattern from that of oxidic corium, which needs to be taken into consideration when assessing the containment melt-through time in severe accident management.
Li, X.*; Yamaji, Akifumi*; Duan, G.*; Furuya, Masahiro*; Fukai, Hirofumi*; Sato, Ikken; Madokoro, Hiroshi; Oishi, Yuji*
no journal, ,
Takemi, Tetsuya*; Yoshida, Toshiya; Duan, G.*
no journal, ,
An intense tropical cyclone, Typhoon Jebi (2018) landed on the central part of Japan in September, caused severe damages due to strong winds in Osaka City. Buildings in urban areas are known to affect significantly the magnitude of wind gustiness. Thus, it is important to understand the underlying risks of wind damages derived from urban buildings. We investigate the influences of densely built urban environments on the occurrence of wind gusts in urban districts of Osaka City during the landfall of Typhoon Jebi by merging mesoscale meteorological and building-resolving Large Eddy Simulation (LES). The maximum wind gust in the analysis area is estimated as 60-70 m/s, which is comparable to the wind speed at the height of about 300 m. Instantaneous wind gusts are further examined in terms of building density and are found to become the strongest where the building density has a moderate value.
Kikuchi, Mitsuru; Fasoli, A.*; Takizuka, Tomonori*; Diamond, P.*; Medvedev, S.*; Duan, X.*; Zushi, Hideki*; Furukawa, Masaru*; Kishimoto, Yasuaki*; Wu, Y.*; et al.
no journal, ,
Power and particle control is challenging for standard D-shaped H-mode scenario in tokamak. Possibility of negative triangularity as innovative tokamak concept is discussed by Kikuchi et al. Experimental and numerical studies of negative triangular plasma at CRPP-EPFL success-fully demonstrated improved connement and the weakening of the SOL flow acceleration is implied for the negative triangularity. Recent studies on mechanism of type II and grassy ELM show importance of closure of second stability access to achieve small ELM regimes and also kinetic effects. Medvedev showed that closure of second stability also occurs for negative triangularity. But the MHD stability in negative triangularity is a bit more complicated so that closure of second stability does not imply easy access to small ELM regimes. We discuss critical elements behind.