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Journal Articles

France-Japan collaboration on severe accident studies in sodium-cooled fast reactors, 3; Thermodynamic, Kinetic, and Thermophysical Studies of Core Material Mixture

Yamano, Hidemasa; Emura, Yuki; Takai, Toshihide; Kubo, Shigenobu; Quaini, A.*; Fossati, P.*; Delacroix, J.*; Journeau, C.*

Proceedings of International Conference on Nuclear Fuel Cycle (GLOBAL2024) (Internet), 4 Pages, 2024/10

This report mainly introduces trends in fast reactor development in Japan in addition to introducing overseas development trends for major developing countries. The paper describes major severe accident study results focusing on kinetics of interaction in core material mixtures, physical properties of core material mixtures, high temperature thermodynamic data for the uranium oxide (UO$$_{2}$$)-iron (Fe)-boron carbide (B$$_{4}$$C) system, experimental studies on B$$_{4}$$C-stainless steel (SS) kinetics and B$$_{4}$$C-SS eutectic material relocation (freezing), and B$$_{4}$$C-SS eutectic and kinetics models for severe accident code systems,

Journal Articles

Study on eutectic melting behavior of control rod materials in severe accidents of sodium-cooled fast reactors, 1; Project overview and progress until 2022

Yamano, Hidemasa; Takai, Toshihide; Emura, Yuki; Fukuyama, Hiroyuki*; Higashi, Hideo*; Nishi, Tsuyoshi*; Morita, Koji*; Nakamura, Kinya*; Ahmed, Z.*; Pellegrini, M.*

Proceedings of 14th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, Operation, and Safety (NTHOS-14) (Internet), 12 Pages, 2024/08

This paper describes the project overview and progress of experimental and analytical studies conducted until 2022. A specific result in this paper is to obtain first experimental data of B$$_{4}$$C-SS eutectic freezing.

Journal Articles

Thinning behavior of solid boron carbide immersed in molten stainless steel for core disruptive accident of sodium-cooled fast reactor

Emura, Yuki; Takai, Toshihide; Kikuchi, Shin; Kamiyama, Kenji; Yamano, Hidemasa; Yokoyama, Hiroki*; Sakamoto, Kan*

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 61(7), p.911 - 920, 2024/07

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Journal Articles

A Mechanism for spontaneous thermal fragmentation with coolant entrainment during the molten fuel-sodium interaction

Johnson, M.*; Emura, Yuki; Clavier, R.*; Matsuba, Kenichi; Kamiyama, Kenji; Brayer, C.*; Journeau, C.*

Nuclear Engineering and Design, 423, p.113165_1 - 113165_14, 2024/07

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:77.18(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Experimental investigation of two interactions between molten jets and sodium, pertaining to severe accidents in a sodium-cooled fast reactor, have been undertaken at the JAEA's MELT facility. X-ray imaging and debris analysis reveal rapid formation of a crust at the melt coolant-interface, instigating thermal fragmentation events. Heat transfer calculations at the jet-coolant interface, supported by particle tracking velocimetry characterisation of the jet velocity, imply the formation of a solid crust within milliseconds of contact with the coolant. A mechanism for enhanced thermal fragmentation is proposed, inspired by observations from the X-ray imaging of coolant entrainment into the jet.

Journal Articles

Study on eutectic melting behavior of control rod materials in core disruptive accidents of sodium-cooled fast reactors; Project overview and progress until JFY2022

Yamano, Hidemasa; Takai, Toshihide; Emura, Yuki; Fukuyama, Hiroyuki*; Nishi, Tsuyoshi*; Morita, Koji*; Nakamura, Kinya*; Pellegrini, M.*

Nihon Kikai Gakkai 2023-Nendo Nenji Taikai Koen Rombunshu (Internet), 5 Pages, 2023/09

A research project has been conducting thermophysical property measurement of a eutectic melt, eutectic melting reaction and relocation experiments, eutectic reaction mechanism investigation, and physical model development on the eutectic melting reaction for reactor application analysis in order to simulate the eutectic melting reaction and relocation behavior of boron carbide as a control rod material and stainless steel during a core disruptive accident in an advanced sodium-cooled fast reactor designed in Japan. This paper describes the project overview and progress until JFY2022.

Journal Articles

A Series of molten stainless steel-sodium interaction experiments to develop an evaluation methodology for jet breakup during core disruptive accidents in sodium-cooled fast reactors

Matsuba, Kenichi; Emura, Yuki; Kamiyama, Kenji

Proceedings of 2023 International Congress on Advanced in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2023) (Internet), 8 Pages, 2023/04

A series of Fuel-Coolant Interaction (FCI) experiments discharging about 1 kg of molten stainless steel (SS), one of prototypic materials, into a sodium pool (about 30 cm in diameter, about 1 m in depth) has been conducted at the MELT facility of Japan Atomic Energy Agency. X-ray visualization program confirmed that molten SS jets with diameters of about 1 to 2 cm were broken up by FCIs which occurred with sodium vapor expansion at depths near the initial sodium level. Responses of thermocouples suggested that the jets were rapidly cooled near the initial sodium level and became SS fragments before reaching the bottom of the sodium pool. Results of experiments with molten SS jets confirmed that an evaluation methodology for jet breakup under sodium-cooled conditions needs to be developed by taking into account effects of thermal parameters related to sodium vaporization as well as conventional parameters, such as density ratio of a jet and coolant, and jet diameter.

Journal Articles

Study on eutectic melting behavior of control rod materials in core disruptive accidents of sodium-cooled fast reactors, 1; Project overview and progress until 2020

Yamano, Hidemasa; Takai, Toshihide; Emura, Yuki; Fukuyama, Hiroyuki*; Higashi, Hideo*; Nishi, Tsuyoshi*; Ota, Hiromichi*; Morita, Koji*; Nakamura, Kinya*; Fukai, Hirofumi*; et al.

Proceedings of 13th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, Operation and Safety (NUTHOS-13) (Internet), 12 Pages, 2022/09

This paper describes the project overview and progress of experimental and analytical studies conducted until 2020. Specific results in this paper are the measurement of the eutectic reaction rates and the validation of physical model describing the eutectic reaction in the analysis code through the numerical analysis of the B$$_{4}$$C-SS eutectic reaction rate experiments in which a B$$_{4}$$C pellet was placed in a SS crucible.

Journal Articles

Experimental study on reaction behavior between control rod material and molten stainless steel for core disruptive accidents of sodium-cooled fast reactors

Emura, Yuki; Kamiyama, Kenji; Yamano, Hidemasa

Dai-26-Kai Doryoku, Enerugi Gijutsu Shimpojiumu Koen Rombunshu (Internet), 4 Pages, 2022/07

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Revealing the ion dynamics in Li$$_{10}$$GeP$$_{2}$$S$$_{12}$$ by quasi-elastic neutron scattering measurements

Hori, Satoshi*; Kanno, Ryoji*; Kwon, O.*; Kato, Yuki*; Yamada, Takeshi*; Matsuura, Masato*; Yonemura, Masao*; Kamiyama, Takashi*; Shibata, Kaoru; Kawakita, Yukinobu

Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 126(22), p.9518 - 9527, 2022/06

 Times Cited Count:8 Percentile:58.01(Chemistry, Physical)

Journal Articles

France-Japan collaboration on thermodynamic and kinetic studies of core material mixture in severe accidents of sodium-cooled fast reactors

Quaini, A.*; Goss$'e$, S.*; Payot, F.*; Suteau, C.*; Delacroix, J.*; Saas, L.*; Gubernatis, P.*; Martin-Lopez, E.*; Yamano, Hidemasa; Takai, Toshihide; et al.

Proceedings of International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles; Sustainable Clean Energy for the Future (FR22) (Internet), 10 Pages, 2022/04

CEA and JAEA defined new sub-tasks under the current implementing arrangement: Kinetics of interaction in core material mixtures- Physical properties of core material mixtures, High temperature thermodynamic data for the UO$$_{2}$$-Fe-B$$_{4}$$C system, Experimental studies on B$$_{4}$$C-SS kinetics and B$$_{4}$$C-SS eutectic material relocation (freezing), B$$_{4}$$C/SS eutectic and kinetics models for SIMMER code systems, Methodology for the modelling of mixtures liquefaction kinetics. The paper describes major R&D results obtained in the France-Japan collaboration under the previous implementing arrangement as well as experimental and analytical roadmaps under the current arrangement.

Journal Articles

French-Japanese experimental collaboration on fuel-coolant interactions in sodium-cooled fast reactors

Johnson, M.*; Delacroix, J.*; Journeau, C.*; Brayer, C.*; Clavier, R.*; Montazel, A.*; Pluyette, E.*; Matsuba, Kenichi; Emura, Yuki; Kamiyama, Kenji

Proceedings of International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles; Sustainable Clean Energy for the Future (FR22) (Internet), 8 Pages, 2022/04

Fuel-coolant interactions in the event of molten fuel discharge to the lower plenum of a sodium cooled fast reactor is under investigation as part of a French-Japanese experimental collaboration on severe accidents. The MELT facility enables the X-ray visualisation of the quenching of molten core material jets in sodium at kilogram-scale. The SERUA facility, currently under preparation, is presented for the investigation of boiling heat transfer at elevated melt-coolant interface temperatures. In this article, the status of the collaboration using these facilities is presented.

Journal Articles

Study on eutectic melting behavior of control rod materials in core disruptive accidents of sodium-cooled fast reactors, 1; Project overview and progress until 2019

Yamano, Hidemasa; Takai, Toshihide; Furukawa, Tomohiro; Kikuchi, Shin; Emura, Yuki; Kamiyama, Kenji; Fukuyama, Hiroyuki*; Higashi, Hideo*; Nishi, Tsuyoshi*; Ota, Hiromichi*; et al.

Proceedings of 28th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 28) (Internet), 11 Pages, 2021/08

One of the key issues in a core disruptive accident (CDA) evaluation in sodium-cooled fast reactors is eutectic reactions between boron carbide (B$$_{4}$$C) and stainless steel (SS) as well as its relocation. Such behaviors have never been simulated in CDA numerical analyses in the past, therefore it is necessary to develop a physical model and incorporate the model into the CDA analysis code. This study focuses on B$$_{4}$$C-SS eutectic melting experiments, thermophysical property measurement of the eutectic melt, and physical model development for the eutectic melting reaction. The eutectic experiments involve the visualization experiments, eutectic reaction rate experiments and material analyses. The thermophysical properties are measured in a range from solid to liquid state. The physical model is developed for a CDA computer code based on the measured data of the eutectic reaction rate and the physical properties. This paper describes the project overview and progress of experimental and analytical studies conducted until 2019. Specific results in this paper are the validation of physical model describing B$$_{4}$$C-SS eutectic reaction in the CDA analysis code, SIMMER-III, through the numerical analysis of the B$$_{4}$$C-SS eutectic melting experiments in which a B$$_{4}$$C block was placed in a SS pool.

Journal Articles

Characterization of high-temperature nuclear fuel-coolant interactions through X-ray visualization and image processing

Johnson, M.*; Journeau, C.*; Matsuba, Kenichi; Emura, Yuki; Kamiyama, Kenji

Annals of Nuclear Energy, 151, p.107881_1 - 107881_13, 2021/02

 Times Cited Count:14 Percentile:88.20(Nuclear Science & Technology)

High-resolution X-ray imaging was employed at the JAEA MELT facility to visualize a kilogram-scale interaction between a jet of high temperature molten stainless steel and sodium. A novel software, SPECTRA, has been developed for the quantitative characterization of jet quenching and fragmentation. Tracking and 3D reconstruction of the melt phase traversing the imaging window enabled the detection of 72% of the debris mass recovered post-experiment. The rebounding of melt fragments confirmed a solid outer crust at the melt-coolant interface, while a thermal fragmentation event induced rapid vapor expansion. Jet fragmentation is best explained by the vaporization of coolant entrained within the melt jet generating an internal over-pressure sufficient for fragmentation of the crust. Thermal fragmentation produced a bimodal debris size distribution of coarse jet shells and finer fragments.

Journal Articles

Study on eutectic melting behavior of control rod materials in core disruptive accidents of sodium-cooled fast reactors, 1; Project overview and progress until 2018

Yamano, Hidemasa; Takai, Toshihide; Furukawa, Tomohiro; Kikuchi, Shin; Emura, Yuki; Kamiyama, Kenji; Fukuyama, Hiroyuki*; Higashi, Hideo*; Nishi, Tsuyoshi*; Ota, Hiromichi*; et al.

Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 2020) (Internet), 10 Pages, 2020/08

One of the key issues in a core disruptive accident (CDA) evaluation in sodium-cooled fast reactors is eutectic reactions between boron carbide (B$$_{4}$$C) and stainless steel (SS) as well as its relocation. Such behaviors have never been simulated in CDA numerical analyses in the past, therefore it is necessary to develop a physical model and incorporate the model into the CDA analysis code. This study focuses on B$$_{4}$$C-SS eutectic melting experiments, thermophysical property measurement of the eutectic melt, and physical model development for the eutectic melting reaction. The eutectic experiments involve the visualization experiments, eutectic reaction rate experiments and material analyses. The thermophysical properties are measured in a range from solid to liquid state. The physical model is developed for a severe accident computer code based on the measured data of the eutectic reaction rate and the physical properties. This paper describes the project overview and progress of experimental and analytical studies conducted until 2018. Specific results in this paper are boron concentration distributions of solidified B$$_{4}$$C-SS eutectic sample in the eutectic melting experiments, which would be used for the validation of the eutectic physical model implemented into the computer code.

Journal Articles

Study on eutectic melting behavior of control rod materials in core disruptive accidents of sodium-cooled fast reactors, 1; Project overview

Yamano, Hidemasa; Takai, Toshihide; Furukawa, Tomohiro; Kikuchi, Shin; Emura, Yuki; Kamiyama, Kenji; Fukuyama, Hiroyuki*; Higashi, Hideo*; Nishi, Tsuyoshi*; Ota, Hiromichi*; et al.

Proceedings of International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Conference / Light Water Reactor Fuel Performance Conference (Global/Top Fuel 2019) (USB Flash Drive), p.418 - 427, 2019/09

Eutectic reactions between boron carbide (B$$_{4}$$C) and stainless steel (SS) as well as its relocation are one of the key issues in a core disruptive accident (CDA) evaluation in sodium-cooled fast reactors. Since such behaviors have never been simulated in CDA numerical analyses, it is necessary to develop a physical model and incorporate the model into the CDA analysis code. This study is focusing on B$$_{4}$$C-SS eutectic melting experiments, thermophysical property measurement of the eutectic melt, and physical model development for the eutectic melting reaction. The eutectic experiments involve the visualization experiments, eutectic reaction rate experiments and material analyses. The thermophysical properties are measured in the range from solid to liquid state. The physical model is developed for a severe accident computer code based on the measured data of the eutectic reaction rate and the physical properties. This paper describes the project overview and progress of experimental and analytical studies by 2017. Specific results in this paper is boron concentration distributions of solidified B$$_{4}$$C-SS eutectic sample in the eutectic melting experiments, which would be used for the validation of the eutectic physical model implemented into the computer code.

Journal Articles

Incorporation of multinuclear copper active sites into nitrogen-doped graphene for electrochemical oxygen reduction

Kato, Masaru*; Muto, Marika*; Matsubara, Naohiro*; Uemura, Yohei*; Wakisaka, Yuki*; Yoneuchi, Tsubasa*; Matsumura, Daiju; Ishibara, Tomoko*; Tokushima, Takashi*; Noro, Shinichiro*; et al.

ACS Applied Energy Materials (Internet), 1(5), p.2358 - 2364, 2018/05

 Times Cited Count:14 Percentile:44.80(Chemistry, Physical)

Journal Articles

Decontamination of radioactive concrete waste and reuse of aggregate using pulsed power technology

Sakamoto, Hiroyuki*; Akagi, Yosuke*; Yamada, Kazuo*; Tachi, Yukio; Fukuda, Daisuke*; Ishimatsu, Koichi*; Matsuda, Mikiya*; Saito, Nozomi*; Uemura, Jitsuya*; Namihira, Takao*; et al.

Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai Wabun Rombunshi, 17(2), p.57 - 66, 2018/05

Concrete debris contaminated with radioactive cesium and other nuclides have been generated from the accident in the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant and there will be generated due to the decommissioning of nuclear power plants in the future. Although conventional decontamination techniques are effective for flat concrete surfaces such as floors and walls, it is not clear what techniques to apply for decontaminating radioactive concrete debris. In this study, focusing on a pulsed power discharge technique, fundamental experimental works were carried out. Decontamination of concrete by applying the aggregate recycling technique using the pulsed power discharge technique was evaluated by measuring radioactivity of aggregate and sludge separated from the contaminated concrete. The results suggest that the separation into aggregate and sludge of the contaminated concrete debris could achieve decontamination and volume reduction of the radioactive concrete debris.

Journal Articles

Effects of mesopore internal surfaces on the structure of immobilized Pd-bisphosphine complexes analyzed by variable-temperature XAFS and their catalytic performances

Motokura, Ken*; Fukuda, Takuma*; Uemura, Yohei*; Matsumura, Daiju; Ikeda, Marika*; Nambo, Masayuki*; Chun, W.-J.*

Catalysts, 8(3), p.106_1 - 106_8, 2018/03

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:8.83(Chemistry, Physical)

Journal Articles

Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF) at the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex, 2; Neutron scattering instruments

Nakajima, Kenji; Kawakita, Yukinobu; Ito, Shinichi*; Abe, Jun*; Aizawa, Kazuya; Aoki, Hiroyuki; Endo, Hitoshi*; Fujita, Masaki*; Funakoshi, Kenichi*; Gong, W.*; et al.

Quantum Beam Science (Internet), 1(3), p.9_1 - 9_59, 2017/12

The neutron instruments suite, installed at the spallation neutron source of the Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF) at the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC), is reviewed. MLF has 23 neutron beam ports and 21 instruments are in operation for user programs or are under commissioning. A unique and challenging instrumental suite in MLF has been realized via combination of a high-performance neutron source, optimized for neutron scattering, and unique instruments using cutting-edge technologies. All instruments are/will serve in world-leading investigations in a broad range of fields, from fundamental physics to industrial applications. In this review, overviews, characteristic features, and typical applications of the individual instruments are mentioned.

Journal Articles

Fundamental experiments of jet impingement and fragmentation simulating the fuel relocation in the core disruptive accident of sodium-cooled fast reactors

Imaizumi, Yuya; Kamiyama, Kenji; Matsuba, Kenichi; Isozaki, Mikio; Suzuki, Toru; Emura, Yuki

Proceedings of 2017 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2017) (CD-ROM), 5 Pages, 2017/04

In order to simulate the typical accident conditions of the fuel relocation phase in SFRs, the molten alloy of low melting point was discharged into a shallow water pool. The distance between the nozzle exit and the bottom plate was set to a value which was indicated to be insufficient to fragment. As the experimental result, the melt jet reached the bottom plate, and dispersed in all directions along the plate, together with the progress of fragmentation. In addition, the melt temperature on the bottom plate decreased rapidly along the radius direction. These results suggest that the fragmentation which would accompany this rapid cooling would be enhanced by the plate. This enhancement would be caused by the extension of the melt-water interface when the melt was dispersed forcibly by the plate. The solidified debris remained after the discharge showed remarkable fragmentation which was assumed to be caused by the formations of small vapor bubbles in the interface.

155 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)