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Widmann, M.*; Lee, S.-Y.*; Rendler, T.*; Son, N. T.*; Fedder, H.*; Paik, S.*; Yang, L.-P.*; Zhao, N.*; Yang, S.*; Booker, I.*; et al.
Nature Materials, 14(2), p.164 - 168, 2015/02
Times Cited Count:481 Percentile:99.58(Chemistry, Physical)Oshima, Takeshi; Yamamoto, Takashi; Onoda, Shinobu; Abe, Hiroshi; Sato, Shinichiro; Jahnke, K.*; Heller, P.*; Gerstmayr, A.*; Hussler, A.*; Naydenov, B.*; et al.
no journal, ,
Negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers were created in high quality IIa diamonds by nitrogen (N) implantation. To identify implanted N atoms and their incident position, micro ion beams of
N (natural abundance 0.37%) were applied. Since the reduction of
C affects an increase in T
, N implantation into a CVD diamond with high purity of
C (99.99%) was carried out. As a result, the value of T
for both
centers (
centers are created from
N atoms originally existing in the diamond and vacancy introduced by implantation after annealing) was obtained to be about 2 ms. By optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) measurements, the creation yield of both
was estimated.
Yamamoto, Takashi; Onoda, Shinobu; Oshima, Takeshi; Isoya, Junichi*; Teraji, Tokuyuki*; Taniguchi, Takashi*; Watanabe, Kenji*; Koizumi, Satoshi*; Umeda, Takahide*; Jelezko, F.*; et al.
no journal, ,
We have measured optically-detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) of single spin of NV center in a high purity C enriched CVD diamond created by
N ion implantation. Detailed ODMR measurements of individual NV centers revealed that both
NV and
NV were created by the
N implantation with a ratio of [
1 and a high conversion yield of 70-100% for [
NV]. The spin coherence time of
was measured to be 2 ms at room temperature, which is the longest ever recorded in implanted samples. This result is expected to have a significant impact on realizing NV based applications.
Yamamoto, Takashi; Onoda, Shinobu; Oshima, Takeshi; Teraji, Tokuyuki*; Watanabe, Kenji*; Taniguchi, Takashi*; Koizumi, Satoshi*; Umeda, Takahide*; Isoya, Junichi*; McGuinness, L.*; et al.
no journal, ,
no abstracts in English
Yamamoto, Takashi; Onoda, Shinobu; Oshima, Takeshi; Naydenov, B.*; Dolde, F.*; Fedder, H.*; Honert, J.*; Jelezko, F.*; Wrachtrup, J.*; Teraji, Tokuyuki*; et al.
no journal, ,
no abstracts in English
Onoda, Shinobu; Abe, Hiroshi; Yamamoto, Takashi; Oshima, Takeshi; Taniguchi, Takashi*; Teraji, Tokuyuki*; Siyushev, P.*; Tran, T. H.*; Yang, S.*; Fedder, H.*; et al.
no journal, ,
no abstracts in English