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Journal Articles

Results of the SINGAP neutral beam accelerator experiment at JAEA

DeEsch, H. P. L.*; Svensson, L.*; Inoue, Takashi; Taniguchi, Masaki; Umeda, Naotaka; Kashiwagi, Mieko; Fubiani, G.*

Fusion Engineering and Design, 84(2-6), p.669 - 675, 2009/06

 Times Cited Count:13 Percentile:64.57(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Journal Articles

Results of the SINGAP neutral beam accelerator experiment at JAEA

DeEsch, H. P. L.*; Svensson, L.*; Inoue, Takashi; Taniguchi, Masaki; Umeda, Naotaka; Kashiwagi, Mieko; Fubiani, G.*

AIP Conference Proceedings 1097, p.353 - 363, 2009/03

CEA Cadarache and JAEA Naka have entered into a collaboration in order to test a SINGAP accelerator at the Megavolt Test Facility (MTF) at Naka, Japan. Whereas at the CEA testbed the acceleration current was limited to 0.1 A, at JAEA 0.5 A is available. This allows the acceleration of 15 H$$^{-}$$ beamlets in SINGAP to be tested and a direct comparison between SINGAP and MAMuG to be made. High-voltage conditioning in the SINGAP configuration has been quite slow, with 581 kV in vacuum achieved after 140 hours of conditioning. With 0.1 Pa of H$$_{2}$$ gas present in the accelerator 787 kV could be achieved. The conditioning curve for MAMuG is 200 kV higher. A beamlet divergence better than 5 mrad was obtained. SINGAP accelerates electrons to a higher energy than MAMuG. Based on the experiments described here, electron production by a SINGAP accelerator scaled up to ITER size was estimated to be too high for comfort.

Journal Articles

Optimization of the accelerators for the ITER neutral beam injector project

Antoni, V.*; Agostinetti, P.*; Cavenago, M.*; DeEsch, H. P. L.*; Fubiani, G.*; Pilan, N.*; Serianni, G.*; Veltri, P.*; NBI RFX Team*; Kashiwagi, Mieko; et al.

Proceedings of 18th International Toki Conference on Development of Physics and Technology of Stellarator/Heliotrons en route to Demo (ITC-18) (CD-ROM), p.149 - 152, 2008/12

In order to deliver a total of 33 MW of auxiliary heating power, each of the two Neutral Beam Injectors (NBI) foreseen for ITER is designed to provide acceleration up to 1 MV of a 40 A current of Deuterium negative ions. The status of the project will be reviewed focusing on the aspects related to the ion acceleration. As the reference design, a Multi Aperture Multi Grid (MAMuG) accelerator with five grids was adapted. In order to speed up the test of the system, the NBI Test facility in Padova will host a dedicated experiment aimed to optimise the Radio Frequency negative ion source. In physics design of accelerator, the particle (ions and electrons) acceleration and the interaction of the ions with the background gas and the grid surfaces are described by using a Monte Carlo programme. The thermo-mechanical analysis of the grids has been performed taking into account the power load due to co-extracted and secondary electrons.

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