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Journal Articles

PANDORA Project for the study of photonuclear reactions below $$A=60$$

Tamii, Atsushi*; Pellegri, L.*; S$"o$derstr$"o$m, P.-A.*; Allard, D.*; Goriely, S.*; Inakura, Tsunenori*; Khan, E.*; Kido, Eiji*; Kimura, Masaaki*; Litvinova, E.*; et al.

European Physical Journal A, 59(9), p.208_1 - 208_21, 2023/09

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:69.58(Physics, Nuclear)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Photoelectron diffraction from laser-aligned molecules with X-ray free-electron laser pulses

Nakajima, Kyo*; Teramoto, Takahiro*; Akagi, Hiroshi; Fujikawa, Takashi*; Majima, Takuya*; Minemoto, Shinichiro*; Ogawa, Kanade*; Sakai, Hirofumi*; Togashi, Tadashi*; Tono, Kensuke*; et al.

Scientific Reports (Internet), 5, p.14065_1 - 14065_11, 2015/09

 Times Cited Count:38 Percentile:82.50(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

We report on the measurement of deep inner-shell 2p X-ray photoelectron diffraction (XPD) patterns from laser-aligned I$$_{2}$$ molecules using X-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) pulses. The XPD patterns of the I$$_{2}$$ molecules, aligned parallel to the polarization vector of the XFEL, were well matched with our theoretical calculations. Further, we propose a criterion for applying our molecular-structure-determination methodology to the experimental XPD data. In turn, we have demonstrated that this approach is a significant step toward the time-resolved imaging of molecular structures.

Journal Articles

Spin orientation transition across the single-layer graphene/nickel thin film interface

Matsumoto, Yoshihiro; Entani, Shiro; Koide, Akihiro*; Otomo, Manabu; Avramov, P.; Naramoto, Hiroshi*; Amemiya, Kenta*; Fujikawa, Takashi*; Sakai, Seiji

Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 1(35), p.5533 - 5537, 2013/09

 Times Cited Count:33 Percentile:76.53(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Local structures and magnetic properties of fullerene-Co systems studied by XAFS and XMCD analyses

Hojo, Ikuko*; Koide, Akihiro*; Matsumoto, Yoshihiro; Maruyama, Takashi*; Nagamatsu, Shinichi*; Entani, Shiro; Sakai, Seiji; Fujikawa, Takashi*

Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 185(1-2), p.32 - 38, 2012/03

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:6.84(Spectroscopy)

Journal Articles

Multiplet scattering approach to XAS for Co-C$$_{60}$$ films

Hojo, Ikuko*; Matsumoto, Yoshihiro; Maruyama, Takashi*; Nagamatsu, Shinichi*; Entani, Shiro; Sakai, Seiji; Konishi, Takehisa*; Fujikawa, Takashi*

Photon Factory News, 29(1), p.20 - 25, 2011/05

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Surface study of organopalladium molecules on S-terminated GaAs

Konishi, Tomoya*; Nishiwaki, Nagatoshi*; Tojo, Takashi*; Ishikawa, Takuma*; Teraoka, Teruki*; Ueta, Yukiko*; Kihara, Yoshifumi*; Moritoki, Hideji*; Tono, Tatsuo*; Musashi, Mio*; et al.

Physica Status Solidi (C), 8(2), p.405 - 407, 2011/02

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:74.09(Engineering, Electrical & Electronic)

Journal Articles

Monitoring for chemical property of muck from deep shaft

Kojima, Wataru; Yamakami, Mitsunori; Fujikawa, Daisuke; Orukawa, Go*; Kitagawa, Yoshito*; Doi, Takashi*; Saito, Ryosuke*

Doboku Gakkai Heisei-20-Nendo Zenkoku Taikai Dai-63-Kai Nenji Gakujutsu Koenkai Koen Rombunshu, p.453 - 454, 2008/09

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Study of stellar reactions in explosive hydrogen burning with CRIB

Kubono, Shigeru*; Teranishi, Takashi*; Notani, Masahiro*; Yamaguchi, Hidetoshi*; Saito, Akito*; He, J. J.*; Wakabayashi, Yasuo*; Fujikawa, Hisashi*; Amadio, G.*; Baba, Hidetada*; et al.

Nuclear Physics A, 758, p.733 - 736, 2005/07

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:14.25(Physics, Nuclear)

With using $$^{17}F$$ RNB from CRIB, proton inelastic scattering was observed. From this experiment, some resonance parameters have been deduced for the key reaction, $$^{14}O(alpha,p)^{17}F$$ at the explosive hydrogen burning stage in stars. Proton inelastic scattering of $$^{23}Mg$$ are also reported.

Oral presentation

X-ray absorption and magnetic circular dichroism signals from hexagonal boron nitride/Ni(111) interface

Otomo, Manabu; Matsumoto, Yoshihiro; Yamamura, Noyuri*; Entani, Shiro; Avramov, P.; Naramoto, Hiroshi*; Amemiya, Kenta*; Fujikawa, Takashi*; Sakai, Seiji

no journal, , 

Graphene has been intensively studied in the last few years for its long spin coherent length. The performance of graphene spintronic devices, however, are strongly influenced by poor spin injection efficiency at graphene/ferromagnetic metal (FM) interface. A promising solution for improving spin injection efficiency is to insert a tunnel barrier between graphene and FM. In this study, we propose hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) as a novel tunnel barrier for graphene spintronics. It was revealed that the N K-edge and B K-edge absorptions exhibit XMCD signals in response to the Ni magnetization. It was also found that the smaller incidence angle between the Ni magnetization and the X-ray propagation direction leads to larger XMCD signals. The nature of the spin polarization was discussed in connection with the energy and angle dependences of the XMCD signals, and contribution from magnetized Nickel atoms was proposed.

Oral presentation

High spin polarization of tunnelling electrons at the interfaces in fullerene-magnetic metal systems

Sakai, Seiji; Matsumoto, Yoshihiro; Otomo, Manabu; Entani, Shiro; Avramov, P.; Naramoto, Hiroshi*; Fujikawa, Takashi*

no journal, , 

Oral presentation

Spin polarization of hexagonal boron nitride studied by SPMDS and XMCD

Otomo, Manabu; Yamauchi, Yasushi*; Yamamura, Noyuri*; Avramov, P.; Matsumoto, Yoshihiro; Entani, Shiro; Koide, Akihiro*; Naramoto, Hiroshi*; Amemiya, Kenta*; Fujikawa, Takashi*; et al.

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

High interface spin polarization and its mechanism in fullerene-magnetic metal systems

Sakai, Seiji; Mitani, Seiji*; Matsumoto, Yoshihiro; Otomo, Manabu; Entani, Shiro; Avramov, P.; Naramoto, Hiroshi*; Fujikawa, Takashi*

no journal, , 

Oral presentation

Spin orientation transition across the graphene/nickel thin film interface

Matsumoto, Yoshihiro; Entani, Shiro; Koide, Akihiro*; Otomo, Manabu; Avramov, P.; Naramoto, Hiroshi*; Amemiya, Kenta*; Fujikawa, Takashi*; Sakai, Seiji

no journal, , 

Oral presentation

Electronic spin states of graphene/nickel interface investigated at atomic-layer scale

Sakai, Seiji; Matsumoto, Yoshihiro*; Entani, Shiro; Naramoto, Hiroshi*; Koide, Akihiro*; Fujikawa, Takashi*; Yamauchi, Yasushi*; Amemiya, Kenta*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Spin orientation and electronic states at graphene/nickel interface

Matsumoto, Yoshihiro*; Entani, Shiro; Koide, Akihiro*; Otomo, Manabu*; Avramov, P.*; Naramoto, Hiroshi*; Amemiya, Kenta*; Fujikawa, Takashi*; Sakai, Seiji

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Element specific analysis of the molecular spintronics materials using synchrotron radiation

Matsumoto, Yoshihiro; Entani, Shiro; Naramoto, Hiroshi*; Sakai, Seiji; Shimada, Toshihiro*; Yokoyama, Toshihiko*; Fujikawa, Takashi*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Application of cathodoluminescence to observe growth layer of carbonate

Murakami, Hiroaki; Kokubu, Yoko; Yokoyama, Tatsunori; Watanabe, Takahiro; Yuguchi, Takashi*; Fujikawa, Masayuki*; Nishiyama, Tadao*

no journal, , 

In order to observe micro-growth layers in carbonate, we consider availability and measurement procedure of cathodoluminescence for various carbonates. Optical-CL image and SEM-CL image provide layering structures of entire area and microscale distribution of layering structures, respectively. Thus, the approach in the order of Optical-CL measurement to SEM-CL measurement is powerful means of microscale observation of carbonate.

Oral presentation

Electronic and spin states of C$$_{60}$$-Co compound affecting giant TMR effect, 2

Matsumoto, Yoshihiro; Sakai, Seiji; Entani, Shiro; Nagamatsu, Shinichi*; Hojo, Ikuko*; Fujikawa, Takashi*; Shimada, Toshihiro*; Naramoto, Hiroshi*; Maeda, Yoshihito; Yokoyama, Toshihiko*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

18 (Records 1-18 displayed on this page)
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