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Journal Articles

Experimental investigation of spin Hall effect in indium tin oxide thin film

Qiu, Z.*; An, Toshu*; Uchida, Kenichi*; Hou, D.*; Shiomi, Yuki*; Fujikawa, Yasunori*; Saito, Eiji

Applied Physics Letters, 103(18), p.182404_1 - 182404_3, 2013/10

 Times Cited Count:19 Percentile:61.44(Physics, Applied)

Journal Articles

Spin mixing conductance at a well-controlled platinum/yttrium iron garnet interface

Qiu, Z.*; Ando, Kazuya*; Uchida, Kenichi*; Kajiwara, Yosuke*; Takahashi, Ryo*; Nakayama, Hiroyasu*; An, Toshu*; Fujikawa, Yasunori*; Saito, Eiji

Applied Physics Letters, 103(9), p.092404_1 - 092404_4, 2013/08

 Times Cited Count:116 Percentile:95.81(Physics, Applied)

A platinum (Pt)/yttrium iron garnet (YIG) bilayer system with a well-controlled interface has been developed; spin mixing conductance at the Pt/YIG interface has been studied. A clear interface with good crystal perfection is experimentally demonstrated to be one of the important factors for an ultimate spin mixing conductance. The spin mixing conductance is obtained to be 1.3$$times$$10$$^{18}$$m$$^{-2}$$ at the well-controlled Pt/YIG interface, which is close to a theoretical prediction.

Journal Articles

Spin-relaxation modulation and spin-pumping control by transverse spin-wave spin current in Y$$_3$$Fe$$_5$$O$$_{12}$$

Kajiwara, Yosuke*; Uchida, Kenichi*; Kikuchi, Daisuke*; An, Toshu*; Fujikawa, Yasunori*; Saito, Eiji

Applied Physics Letters, 103(5), p.052404_1 - 052404_4, 2013/07

 Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:30.49(Physics, Applied)

Heat-current-induced manipulation of spin relaxation in Y$$_3$$Fe$$_5$$O$$_{12}$$ under an in-plane temperature gradient is investigated. We show that the linewidth of the ferromagnetic resonance spectrum, i.e., the spin relaxation, in an Y$$_3$$Fe$$_5$$O$$_{12}$$ film increases or decreases depending on the temperature-gradient direction and that this modulation is attributed to the spin-transfer torque caused by a thermally induced transverse spin-wave spin current in the Y$$_3$$Fe$$_5$$O$$_{12}$$ film. The experimental results also show that the spin-current magnitude generated by spin pumping in an attached Pt film is inversely proportional to the square of the modulated Gilbert damping constant, consistent with a phenomenological spin-pumping model.

Journal Articles

Interface induced inverse spin Hall effect in bismuth/permalloy bilayer

Hou, D.*; Qiu, Z.*; Harii, Kazuya; Kajiwara, Yosuke*; Uchida, Kenichi*; Fujikawa, Yasunori*; Nakayama, Hiroyasu*; Yoshino, Tatsuro*; An, Toshu*; Ando, Kazuya*; et al.

Applied Physics Letters, 101(4), p.042403_1 - 042403_4, 2012/07

 Times Cited Count:76 Percentile:92.07(Physics, Applied)

Inverse spin Hall effect has been investigated in bismuth(Bi)/permalloy(Py) bilayer films by using the spin pumping at room temperature. From the ferromagnetic-resonance-spectrum linewidth data, Bi is proved to be a good spin sink in our structure. We measured inverse spin Hall voltage and conductance of the Bi/Py bilayer and found that the inverse spin Hall current, $$I_c$$, decreases with increasing the Bi thickness, which is in contrast to the former understanding in similar bilayer systems, e.g., Pt/Py. We constructed a model to explain the thickness dependence of $$I_c$$ quantitatively, in which spin transport modulation near Bi/Py interface is considered.

Journal Articles

Geometry dependence on inverse spin Hall effect induced by spin pumping in Ni$$_{81}$$Fe$$_{19}$$/Pt films

Nakayama, Hiroyasu*; Ando, Kazuya*; Harii, Kazuya; Yoshino, Tatsuro*; Takahashi, Ryo*; Kajiwara, Yosuke*; Uchida, Kenichi*; Fujikawa, Yasunori*; Saito, Eiji

Physical Review B, 85(14), p.144408_1 - 144408_7, 2012/04

 Times Cited Count:192 Percentile:97.99(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Geometric effects on the inverse spin Hall effect (ISHE) induced by the spin pumping driven by the ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) have been investigated quantitatively. We measured the FMR spectra and the electromotive force induced by the ISHE with changing the size and the thickness in Ni$$_{81}$$Fe$$_{19}$$/Pt films. The intensity of generated charge currents due to the ISHE changes systematically with changing the film geometry. The experimental results show a clear difference between Ni$$_{81}$$Fe$$_{19}$$ and Pt thickness dependence of the ISHE induced by the spin pumping.

Journal Articles

All-oxide system for spin pumping

Qiu, Z.*; Kajiwara, Yosuke*; Ando, Kazuya*; Fujikawa, Yasunori*; Uchida, Kenichi*; Tashiro, Takaharu*; Harii, Kazuya*; Yoshino, Tatsuro*; Saito, Eiji

Applied Physics Letters, 100(2), p.022402_1 - 022402_3, 2012/01

 Times Cited Count:31 Percentile:75.35(Physics, Applied)

In a simple all-oxide system, spin pumping driven by spin wave resonances have been investigated by using the inverse spin-Hall effect (ISHE). In a lanthanum doped yttrium iron garnet (La:YIG)/indium tin oxide (ITO) bilayer film, the spin pumping generates and injects a spin current into the ITO layer, and an electromotive force signal is observed via the ISHE. The electromotive forces were measured depend on the out-of-plane magnetic-field-angle and the microwave excitation power, which were consistent with the theoretical prediction of the ISHE. The realization of the all-oxide spin pumping system extends possibilities for the oxide spintronics.

Journal Articles

Inverse spin-Hall effect induced by spin pumping in metallic systems

Ando, Kazuya*; Takahashi, Saburo; Ieda, Junichi; Kajiwara, Yosuke*; Nakayama, Hiroyasu*; Yoshino, Tatsuro*; Harii, Kazuya*; Fujikawa, Yasunori*; Matsuo, Mamoru*; Maekawa, Sadamichi; et al.

Journal of Applied Physics, 109(10), p.103913_1 - 103913_11, 2011/05

 Times Cited Count:431 Percentile:99.50(Physics, Applied)

The inverse spin-Hall effect (ISHE) induced by the spin pumping has been investigated systematically in simple ferromagnetic/paramagnetic bilayer systems. The spin pumping driven by ferromagnetic resonance injects a spin current into the paramagnetic layer, which gives rise to an electromotive force transverse to the spin current using the ISHE in the paramagnetic layer. In a Ni$$_{81}$$Fe$$_{19}$$/Pt film, we found an electromotive force perpendicular to the applied magnetic field at the ferromagnetic resonance condition. The spectral shape of the electromotive force is well reproduced using a simple Lorentz function, indicating that the electromotive force is due entirely to the ISHE induced by the spin pumping; the extrinsic magnetogalvanic effects are eliminated in this measurement. The electromotive force varies systematically by changing the microwave power, magnetic-field angle, and film size, which are well reproduced by a calculation based on the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation combined with the models of the ISHE and spin pumping. The electromotive force was observed also in a Pt/Y$$_3$$Fe$$_4$$GaO$$_{12}$$ film, in which the metallic Ni$$_{81}$$Fe$$_{19}$$ layer is replaced by an insulating Y$$_3$$Fe$$_4$$GaO$$_{12}$$ layer, supporting that the spin-pumping-induced ISHE is responsible for the observed electromotive force.

Journal Articles

Inverse spin-Hall effect induced by spin pumping in different size Ni$$_{81}$$Fe$$_{19}$$/Pt films

Nakayama, Hiroyasu*; Ando, Kazuya*; Harii, Kazuya*; Fujikawa, Yasunori*; Kajiwara, Yosuke*; Yoshino, Tatsuro*; Saito, Eiji

Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 266, p.012100_1 - 012100_4, 2011/01

 Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:96.37(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

The inverse spin-Hall effect, conversion of spin currents into electric voltage, has been investigated in Ni$$_{81}$$Fe$$_{19}$$/Pt bilayer films with different length and width. We measured the electric voltage generated by the inverse spin-Hall effect induced by the spin pumping at room temperature. The experimental results indicate that the electric voltage induced by the inverse spin-Hall effect is proportional to the length of Ni$$_{81}$$Fe$$_{19}$$/Pt bilayer films. In contrast, the electric voltage exhibits almost no variation by changing the width of the Ni$$_{81}$$Fe$$_{19}$$/Pt films. These results are consistent with the inverse spin-Hall effect model.

8 (Records 1-8 displayed on this page)
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