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Terasaki, Ryo*; Fujino, Ikuro*; Hatayama, Akiyoshi*; Mizuno, Takatoshi; Inoue, Takashi
Review of Scientific Instruments, 81(2), p.02A703_1 - 02A703_3, 2010/02
Times Cited Count:23 Percentile:66.97(Instruments & Instrumentation)In order to develop the large H ion source for future fusion reactors, the uniform production of H
ions is one of the important issues. Recently, it has been shown experimentally in JAEA 10A negative ion source that the non-uniformity of the electron energy distribution function (EEDF) inside the source and the resultant non-uniformity of the H
production strongly affect the H
beam optics. Therefore, modeling of the EEDF and analysis of the spatial non-uniformity of the EEDF is necessary to optimize H
ion source and the beam optics. For this purpose, we are developing the 3D3V Monte Carlo modeling of the EEDF in realistic 3D geometry. The code reproduces the spatial non-uniformity of the EEDF observed in the experiments. Our developing code is a powerful tool for the design of the next generation sources.
Fujino, Ikuro*; Hatayama, Akiyoshi*; Takado, Naoyuki*; Inoue, Takashi
Review of Scientific Instruments, 79(2), p.02A510_1 - 02A510_3, 2008/02
Times Cited Count:21 Percentile:64.55(Instruments & Instrumentation)For optimization and accurate prediction of the amount of H ion production in negative ion source, analysis of electron energy distribution function (EEDF) is necessary. We developed a numerical code which analyzes EEDF in the tandem-type arc discharge source. It is a three-dimensional Monte Carlo simulation code with the effects of cusp, filter, and extraction magnets. Coulomb collision between electrons is treated with Takizuka's model and several inelastic collisions are treated with null-collision method. We applied this code to the JAEA 10 ampere negative ion source. As a result, the order of electron density is in good agreement with experimental results. In addition, the obtained EEDF is qualitatively in good agreement with experimental results.
Takado, Naoyuki*; Matsushita, Daisuke*; Fujino, Ikuro*; Hatayama, Akiyoshi*; Tobari, Hiroyuki; Inoue, Takashi
Review of Scientific Instruments, 79(2), p.02A503_1 - 02A503_4, 2008/02
Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:14.26(Instruments & Instrumentation)Production and transport process of the H atoms are numerically simulated using a three-dimensional Monte Carlo transport code. The code was applied to the "JAEA 10 ampere negative ion source" under Cs-seeded condition to obtain a spatial distribution of surface-produced H
ions. In this analysis, we focus on the effect of the energy relaxation of the H
atoms at the wall on the H
ion production from the H
atoms. The result indicates that, by considering the energy relaxation of the H
atoms at the wall, the production profile of the surface-produced H
ion is well reflected in the production profile of the H
atom production.
Kubo, Tomoaki*; Otani, Eiji*; Kato, Takumi*; Urakawa, Satoru*; Suzuki, Akio*; Kambe, Yuichi*; Funakoshi, Kenichi*; Utsumi, Wataru; Kikegawa, Takumi*; Fujino, Kiyoshi*
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 129(1-2), p.153 - 171, 2002/01
Times Cited Count:50 Percentile:65.41(Geochemistry & Geophysics)no abstracts in English
Kubo, Tomoaki*; Otani, Eiji*; Kato, Takumi*; Urakawa, Satoru*; Suzuki, Akio*; Kambe, Yuichi*; Funakoshi, Kenichi*; Utsumi, Wataru; Fujino, Kiyoshi*
Geophysical Research Letters, 27(6), p.807 - 810, 2000/03
Times Cited Count:35 Percentile:63.17(Geosciences, Multidisciplinary)no abstracts in English
Irifune, Tetsuo*; Kuroda, Koji*; Nishiyama, Norimasa*; Inoue, Toru*; Funamori, Nobumasa*; Uchida, Takeyuki*; Yagi, Takehiko*; Utsumi, Wataru; Miyajima, Nobuyoshi*; Fujino, Kiyoshi*; et al.
Geophysical Monograph 101 (Properties of Earth and Planetary Materials at High Pressure and Temperature), p.1 - 8, 1998/00
no abstracts in English
Naramoto, Hiroshi; Kawatsura, Kiyoshi; Sataka, Masao; ; Nakai, Yota; Ozawa, Kunio*; ; Fujino, Yutaka*;
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 33, p.595 - 598, 1988/00
no abstracts in English