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JAEA Reports

The DH-15 Borehole Investigations in the Regional Hydrogeological Study Project

Tsuruta, Tadahiko; Fujita, Yuji; Abumi, Kensho; Mie, Hideki; Fujishiro, Hideyuki

JNC TN7400 2005-025, 82 Pages, 2005/08


The DH-15 borehole investigations were carried out to develop and apply a variety of geoscientific techniques for the geological and hydrogeological characterization of water conducting features and the rock mass. The main investigations performed were : Measurement of geochemical parameters of the drilling fluid and the return water, Coring, core logging and photographing of core, Borehole television observation, Geophysical logging, Fluid logging, Multi-offset VSP survey, Hydraulic tests, Measurement of geochemical parameters of the pumping water, and Installation of a long-term groundwater monitoring system. This report describes the results of the DH-15 borehole investigations with respect to the above results.

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