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Journal Articles

${it Operando}$ structure observation of pyroelectric ceramics during power generation cycle

Kawasaki, Takuro; Fukuda, Tatsuo; Yamanaka, Satoru*; Sakamoto, Tomokazu*; Murayama, Ichiro*; Kato, Takanori*; Baba, Masaaki*; Hashimoto, Hideki*; Harjo, S.; Aizawa, Kazuya; et al.

Journal of Applied Physics, 131(13), p.134103_1 - 134103_7, 2022/04

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:9.28(Physics, Applied)

Journal Articles

Pyroelectric power generation from the waste heat of automotive exhaust gas

Kim, J.*; Yamanaka, Satoru*; Murayama, Ichiro*; Kato, Takanori*; Sakamoto, Tomokazu*; Kawasaki, Takuro; Fukuda, Tatsuo; Sekino, Toru*; Nakayama, Tadachika*; Takeda, Masatoshi*; et al.

Sustainable Energy & Fuels (Internet), 4(3), p.1143 - 1149, 2020/03

 Times Cited Count:20 Percentile:65.42(Chemistry, Physical)

Journal Articles

New measurement of the $$^{8}$$Li($$alpha$$,n)$$^{11}$$B reaction in a lower-energy region below the Coulomb barrier

Das, S. K.*; Fukuda, Tomokazu*; Mizoi, Yutaka*; Ishiyama, Hironobu*; Miyatake, Hiroari*; Watanabe, Yutaka*; Hirayama, Yoshikazu*; Jeong, S. C.*; Ikezoe, Hiroshi*; Matsuda, Makoto; et al.

Physical Review C, 95(5), p.055805_1 - 055805_4, 2017/05

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:25.71(Physics, Nuclear)

Journal Articles

GEM-MSTPC; An Active-target type detector in low-pressure He/CO$$_{2}$$ mixed gas

Ishiyama, Hironobu*; Yamaguchi, Kanako*; Mizoi, Yutaka*; Watanabe, Yutaka*; Das, S. K.*; Hashimoto, Takashi*; Miyatake, Hiroari*; Hirayama, Yoshikazu*; Imai, Nobuaki*; Oyaizu, Mitsuhiro*; et al.

Journal of Instrumentation (Internet), 7(3), p.C03036_1 - C03036_14, 2012/03

 Times Cited Count:8 Percentile:36.60(Instruments & Instrumentation)

We developed an active-target type gas counter operating with low He/CO$$_{2}$$ (10%) detector gas for application in studying low-energy nuclear reactions using radioactive beams. A 400-$$mu$$m-thick gas electron multiplier (THGEM) was used as the proportional counter for high injection rate capability. We examined the gas gain stability and the influence of ion feedback on particle tracks at high beam injection rates of up to 10$$^{5}$$ particles per second (pps) using a low-energy $$^{12}$$C beam. From the result of this examination, we found that the THGEM was found to be applicable for our active target at high injection rates of up to 10$$^{5}$$ pps.

Journal Articles

A New measurement of the astrophysical $$^8$$Li(d,t)$$^7$$Li reaction

Hashimoto, Takashi; Ishiyama, Hironobu*; Watanabe, Yutaka*; Hirayama, Yoshikazu*; Imai, Nobuaki*; Miyatake, Hiroari; Jeong, S.-C.*; Tanaka, Masahiko*; Yoshikawa, Nobuharu*; Nomura, Toru*; et al.

Physics Letters B, 674(4-5), p.276 - 280, 2009/04

 Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:46.60(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

The excitation function of the $$^8$$Li(d,t)$$^7$$Li reaction was directly measured using $$^8$$Li beams at E$$_{mathrm{cm}}$$ = 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.7, 0.8, 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2 MeV with CD$$_2$$ targets. The beam energies covered the Gamow peaks for 1$$sim$$3$$times$$10$$^9$$ K. Large cross sections were observed at around E$$_{mathrm{cm}}$$ = 0.8 MeV, implying a resonance state located at 22.4 MeV in $$^{10}$$Be. The present astrophysical reaction rate is higher in one order magnitude than the presently adopted rate at around 1$$times$$10$$^9$$ K.

Journal Articles

A New measurement of the astrophysical $$^8$$Li($$alpha$$, n)$$^{11}$$B reaction

Ishiyama, Hironobu*; Hashimoto, Takashi; Ishikawa, Tomoko*; Watanabe, Yutaka*; Das, S. K.*; Miyatake, Hiroari; Mizoi, Yutaka*; Fukuda, Tomokazu*; Tanaka, Masahiko*; Fuchi, Yoshihide*; et al.

Physics Letters B, 640(3), p.82 - 85, 2006/09

 Times Cited Count:33 Percentile:84.49(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

The excitation function of the $$^{8}$$Li($$alpha$$,n)$$^{11}$$B reaction was measured while identifying the final state event by event in the region of E$$_{rm{cm}}$$ = 0.7 - 2.6 MeV using a highly efficient detector system and a low-energy $$^8$$Li beam. The results are much improved both in statistics and precisions, and show smaller cross sections than those of previous measurements by a factor of more than 2 in the low-energy region of E$$_{rm{cm}}le$$ 1.5 MeV. A resonance-like structure is found at around E$$_{rm{cm}}$$ = 0.85 MeV.

Journal Articles

A New measurement of the $$^8$$Li($$alpha$$,n)$$^{11}$$B reaction for astrophysical interest

Das, S. K.*; Fukuda, Tomokazu*; Mizoi, Yutaka*; Ishiyama, Hironobu*; Miyatake, Hiroari*; Watanabe, Yutaka*; Hirayama, Yoshikazu*; Tanaka, Masahiko*; Yoshikawa, Nobuharu*; Jeong, S.-C.*; et al.

AIP Conference Proceedings 847, p.374 - 376, 2006/07

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Production of a low-energy radioactive nuclear beam with high purity using JAERI-RMS

Ishiyama, Hironobu*; Ishikawa, Tomoko*; Hashimoto, Takashi; Watanabe, Yutaka*; Hirayama, Yoshikazu*; Imai, Nobuaki*; Miyatake, Hiroari; Tanaka, Masahiko*; Fuchi, Yoshihide*; Yoshikawa, Nobuharu*; et al.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 560(2), p.366 - 372, 2006/05

 Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:47.06(Instruments & Instrumentation)

Thanks to the nature of inverse transfer-reactions, low-energy radioactive nuclear beams in light neutron-rich region were produced. The mass-separation and velocity-separation of the JAERI recoil mass-separator help to form high purity beams. The beams of $$^8$$Li, $$^{12}$$B, and $$^{16}$$N-RNBs are utilized to the experiments, so far, with those beam intensities and purities of 1.4$$times$$10$$^4$$ pps and 99$$%$$, 7.8$$times$$10$$^3$$ pps and 98$$%$$, and 4.7$$times$$10$$^3$$ pps and 98.5$$%$$, respectively.

Journal Articles

Gated multiple-sampling and tracking proportional chamber; New detector system for nuclear astrophysical study with radioactive nuclear beams

Hashimoto, Takashi; Ishiyama, Hironobu*; Ishikawa, Tomoko*; Kawamura, Takashi*; Nakai, Koji*; Watanabe, Yutaka*; Miyatake, Hiroari; Tanaka, Masahiko*; Fuchi, Yoshihide*; Yoshikawa, Nobuharu*; et al.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 556(1), p.339 - 349, 2006/01

 Times Cited Count:33 Percentile:88.62(Instruments & Instrumentation)

A new type of three dimensional tracking and proportional gas counter has been developed. Adopting a gating-grid system, performance of the detector becomes stable under the injection rate of charged particles less than 4$$times$$10$$^4$$ pps. It is a useful detection system for astrophysical experiments using radioactive nuclear beams, since the efficiency is so high as 100 %.

Oral presentation

Development of the GEM-MSTPC for low-energy nuclear reaction measurement

Yamaguchi, Kanako*; Ishiyama, Hironobu*; Tanaka, Masahiko*; Watanabe, Yutaka*; Miyatake, Hiroari; Hirayama, Yoshikazu*; Imai, Nobuaki*; Fuchi, Yoshihide*; Jeong, S.-C.*; Nomura, Toru*; et al.

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Direct measurements of astrophysical nuclear reaction rates on light neutron-rich nuclei at TRIAC and JAEA-RMS

Miyatake, Hiroari; Ishiyama, Hironobu*; Watanabe, Yutaka*; Hirayama, Yoshikazu*; Imai, Nobuaki*; Tanaka, Masahiko*; Yoshikawa, Nobuharu*; Jeong, S.-C.*; Fuchi, Yoshihide*; Nomura, Toru*; et al.

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Direct measurements of the astrophysical $$^8$$Li(d,t),(d,p),(d,$$alpha$$) reactions

Hashimoto, Takashi; Ishiyama, Hironobu*; Watanabe, Yutaka*; Hirayama, Yoshikazu*; Imai, Nobuaki*; Miyatake, Hiroari; Jeong, S.-C.*; Tanaka, Masahiko*; Nomura, Toru*; Okada, Masashi*; et al.

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

GEM-MSTPC for low energy RNB reactions

Hashimoto, Takashi; Mizoi, Yutaka*; Das, S.*; Fukuda, Tomokazu*; Ishiyama, Hironobu*; Watanabe, Yutaka*; Tanaka, Masahiko*; Miyatake, Hiroari

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

A Systematic study of astrophysical nuclear reaction rates via $$^8$$Li

Miyatake, Hiroari; Ishiyama, Hironobu*; Watanabe, Yutaka*; Hirayama, Yoshikazu*; Imai, Nobuaki*; Tanaka, Masahiko*; Yoshikawa, Nobuharu*; Jeong, S.-C.*; Fuchi, Yoshihide*; Nomura, Toru*; et al.

no journal, , 

A systematic study of astrophysical reaction rates on light neutron-rich nuclei using low-energy radioactive nuclear beams (RNB) is in progress at the tandem facility of Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). Direct measurements of reaction rates of $$^8$$Li($$alpha$$, n)$$^{11}$$B, $$^{12}$$B($$alpha$$, n)$$^{15}$$N and, $$^8$$Li(d, p), (d, t), (d, $$alpha$$), (p, $$alpha$$) have been carried out. Measured excitation functions and obtained reaction rates will be presented. Possible r-process path via $$^8$$Li at each temperature during r-process and the influence of r-process abundance will be discussed.

Oral presentation

Direct measurement of astrophysical $$^8$$Li(d,t)$$^7$$Li reaction

Hashimoto, Takashi; Miyatake, Hiroari; Mitsuoka, Shinichi; Nishio, Katsuhisa; Sato, Tetsuya; Ichikawa, Shinichi; Osa, Akihiko; Matsuda, Makoto; Ishiyama, Hironobu*; Watanabe, Yutaka*; et al.

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Direct measurement of the $$^{8}$$Li(d,t)(d,p)(d,$$alpha$$) reaction cross sections

Hashimoto, Takashi; Ishiyama, Hironobu*; Hirayama, Yoshikazu*; Watanabe, Yutaka*; Imai, Nobuaki*; Miyatake, Hiroari; Jeong, S.-C.*; Yoshikawa, Nobuharu*; Tanaka, Masahiko*; Nomura, Toru*; et al.

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Study of astrophysical ($$alpha$$,n) reactions on light neutron-rich nuclei using low-energy radioactive nuclear beams

Hashimoto, Takashi; Mitsuoka, Shinichi; Ichikawa, Shinichi; Ikezoe, Hiroshi; Miyatake, Hiroari; Ishiyama, Hironobu*; Watanabe, Yutaka*; Hirayama, Yoshikazu*; Imai, Nobuaki*; Tanaka, Masahiko*; et al.

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

17 (Records 1-17 displayed on this page)
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