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Journal Articles

Absence of recombination of neighboring H atoms in highly purified solid parahydrogen; Electron spin resonance, electron-nuclear double resonance, and electron spin echo studies

Kumada, Takayuki; Sakakibara, Masahiro*; Nagasaka, Toshimitsu*; Fukuta, Hiroya*; Kumagai, Jun*; Miyazaki, Tetsuo*

Journal of Chemical Physics, 116(3), p.1109 - 1119, 2002/01

 Times Cited Count:44 Percentile:78.47(Chemistry, Physical)

We have studied diffusion and recombination of H atoms in solid hydrogen using ESR, ENDOR, and ESE spectrometer. The rate constant for recombination of H atoms in highly purified parahydrogen was found to be much smaller than that expected by diffusion coefficient. This result indicates that the H atoms do not recombine in the absence of energy dispersion path in highly purified parahydrogen.

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