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Journal Articles

Helium-air counter flow in rectangular channels

Fumizawa, Motoo; Tanaka, Gaku*; Zhao, H.*; Hishida, Makoto*; Shiina, Yasuaki

Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai Wabun Rombunshi, 3(4), p.313 - 322, 2004/12

This paper deals with a computer simulation of a helium-air counter flow in a rectangular channel. The inclination angle is varied from 0$$^{circ}$$(horizontal) to 90$$^{circ}$$(vertical). Velocity profiles and concentration profiles are calculated with a computer program VSOP sub-module. Following main features of the counter flow are discussed. (1) Time required to establish a quasi-steady state counter flow. (2) The relationship between the inclination angle and the flow patterns of the counter flow (3) The developing process of velocity profiles and concentration profiles (4) The relationship between the inclination angle of the channel and the velocity profiles of upwards flow and the downwards flow (5) The relationship between the concentration profile and the inclination angle (6) The relationship between the net in-flow rate and the inclination angle We compared the computed velocity profile and the net in-flow rate with experimental data. A good agreement is obtained between the calculation and the experiment.

Journal Articles

Development of simulation-based evaluation system for iterative design of human-machine interface in a nuclear power plant; Application for reducing workload

Fumizawa, Motoo; Kameda, Atsuyuki*; Nakagawa, Takashi*; Wu, W.*; Yoshikawa, Hidekazu*

Nuclear Technology, 141(1), p.78 - 87, 2003/01

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:36.49(Nuclear Science & Technology)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

R&D on the filter against submicron particles in high temperature helium gas for HTGR-GT

Ishiyama, Shintaro; Muto, Yasushi; Fumizawa, Motoo; Tsukazaki, Kazuo*

Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai Wabun Rombunshi, 1(2), p.164 - 176, 2002/06

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Journal Articles

Coal gasification system using nuclear heat for ammonia production

Inaba, Yoshitomo; Fumizawa, Motoo*; Tonogochi, Makoto*; Takenaka, Yutaka*

Applied Energy, 67(4), p.395 - 406, 2000/12

 Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:49.60(Energy & Fuels)

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Analysis on temperature rise of primary upper shielding in HTTR

Ogawa, Masuro; Shiina, Yasuaki; Fumizawa, Motoo; Takeda, Tetsuaki; Takada, Shoji; Kubo, Shinji; Inaba, Yoshitomo

JAERI-Tech 98-062, 126 Pages, 1999/01


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JAEA Reports

Thermal and fluid-dynamic research and development for high temperature gas cooled reactor in JAERI

; Miyamoto, Yoshiaki; Akino, Norio; Shiina, Yasuaki; Hishida, Makoto*; Ogawa, Masuro; Fumizawa, Motoo; Inagaki, Yoshiyuki; Takeda, Tetsuaki; Takada, Shoji; et al.

JAERI-Review 98-024, 403 Pages, 1999/01


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Journal Articles

Nuclear heat application systems for arresting CO$$_{2}$$ emission

Fumizawa, Motoo; ; Yamada, Seiya*

Enerugi, Shigen, 20(1), p.87 - 92, 1999/01

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Journal Articles

The Coal gasification system using nuclear heat for ammonia production

Inaba, Yoshitomo; Fumizawa, Motoo; Tonogochi, Makoto*; Takenaka, Yutaka*

Enerugi, Shigen, 19(6), p.558 - 563, 1998/11

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Journal Articles

Study of the performance of the commercial scale steam reformer using HTGR

Fumizawa, Motoo; Inaba, Yoshitomo; ; ; ; Takenaka, Yutaka*

Nihon Kikai Gakkai Dai-6-Kai Doryoku, Enerugi Gijutsu Shimpojiumu '98 Koen Rombunshu, p.100 - 105, 1998/00

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Journal Articles

Developments of nuclear heat utilization systems for high-temperature gas-cooled reactor in JAERI

Miyamoto, Yoshiaki; Shiozawa, Shusaku; Akino, Norio; Ogawa, Masuro; Hada, Kazuhiko; Shiina, Yasuaki; Shimizu, Saburo; Inagaki, Yoshiyuki; Onuki, Kaoru; Fumizawa, Motoo; et al.

Proc. of 9th Annual U. S.Hydrogen Meeting, p.367 - 369, 1998/00

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Buoyancy-driven exchange flow through double openings with having multi flow patterns

; Okamoto, Koji*; ; Fumizawa, Motoo

Nihon Kikai Gakkai Rombunshu, B, 63(615), p.82 - 89, 1997/11

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Journal Articles

Nuclear power cogeneration systems using gas turbine

Fumizawa, Motoo; ; Yamada, Seiya*

Enerugi, Shigen, 18(5), p.73 - 78, 1997/09

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Journal Articles

Numerical simulation of combustion of hydrogen vapor cloud

Fumizawa, Motoo; Iizuka, Hiroyuki*

Kashika Joho Gakkai-Shi, 17(SUPPL.1), p.285 - 288, 1997/07

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JAEA Reports

Study on industrial utilization of nuclear heat

Inaba, Yoshitomo; Fumizawa, Motoo; Hishida, Makoto*; ; Takenaka, Yutaka*; Tonogochi, Makoto*

JAERI-Tech 96-057, 132 Pages, 1997/01


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Journal Articles

Numerical simulation of buoyancy driven exchange flow in a partitioned container

; ; ; Fumizawa, Motoo

5th Triennial Int. Symp. on Fluid Control,Measurement and Visualization, 2, p.887 - 892, 1997/00

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Journal Articles

Reconstruction of three-dimensional density distribution from the truncated projection images

Okamoto, Koji*; ; Fumizawa, Motoo

Proc. of 1997 ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting (FEDSM'97), 0, p.1 - 6, 1997/00

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JAEA Reports

Study of nuclear heat application systems for arresting CO$$_{2}$$ emission

Fumizawa, Motoo; Inaba, Yoshitomo; Hishida, Makoto; ; Yamada, Seiya*

JAERI-Tech 96-045, 97 Pages, 1996/11


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Journal Articles

Measurement of transient three-dimensional density distributions using photoconductor-plastic

; Okamoto, Koji*; ; ; Fumizawa, Motoo

Kashika Joho Gakkai-Shi, 16(Suppl.1), p.15 - 18, 1996/07

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JAEA Reports

Reutilization system of carbon dioxide using nuclear heat

Fumizawa, Motoo; Inaba, Yoshitomo; Hishida, Makoto; Ogawa, Masuro;

JAERI-Tech 96-022, 82 Pages, 1996/06


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JAEA Reports

Basic study for development of nuclear heat application systems

Inaba, Yoshitomo; Fumizawa, Motoo; Hishida, Makoto; Ogawa, Masuro; Aritomi, Masanori*; Kozaki, Yasutsugu*; ; ; ; ; et al.

JAERI-Tech 96-019, 122 Pages, 1996/05


no abstracts in English

82 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)