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Journal Articles

Development of prototype national nuclear forensics library at Japan Atomic Energy Agency

Kimura, Yoshiki; Shinohara, Nobuo; Funatake, Yoshio

Proceedings of INMM 56th Annual Meeting (Internet), 8 Pages, 2015/07

JAEA Reports

Report on research and development of nuclear forensics technologies

Okubo, Ayako; Kimura, Yoshiki; Shinohara, Nobuo; Toda, Nobufumi; Funatake, Yoshio; Watahiki, Masaru; Sakurai, Satoshi; Kuno, Yusuke

JAEA-Technology 2015-001, 185 Pages, 2015/03


Nuclear forensics is the analysis of intercepted illicit nuclear or radioactive material and any associated material to provide evidence for nuclear attribution by determining origin, history, transit routes and purpose involving such material. Nuclear forensics activity includes sampling of the illicit material, analysis of the samples and evaluation of the attribution by comparing the analyzed data with database or numerical simulation. Because the nuclear forensics technologies specify the origin of the nuclear materials used illegal dealings or nuclear terrorism, it becomes possible to identify and indict offenders, hence to enhance deterrent effect against such terrorism. Worldwide network on nuclear forensics can contribute to strengthen global nuclear security regime. In this paper, the results of research and development of fundamental nuclear forensics technologies performed in Japan Atomic Energy Agency during the fiscal term of 2011-2013 were reported.

Journal Articles

Progress and future prospects of nuclear forensics technology development project at JAEA

Kimura, Yoshiki; Shinohara, Nobuo; Sato, Kaneaki; Toda, Nobufumi; Shinoda, Yoshiharu; Funatake, Yoshio; Watahiki, Masaru; Kuno, Yusuke

Proceedings of INMM 55th Annual Meeting (Internet), 7 Pages, 2014/07

In 2010, the Japan Government issued the national statement at Nuclear Security Summit (Washington D.C., USA) to develop technologies related to measurement and detection of nuclear materials for nuclear forensics within three-year timeframe, and to share the products with the international community in order to contribute to strengthening the nuclear security system. In response to this statement, JAEA that possesses sufficient technical capabilities to fulfil this nuclear forensics mission has started a nuclear forensics technology development project since JFY 2011. This paper will present the progress of the development project during JFY 2011 to 2013. This project includes the developments of analytical technologies such as isotope and impurity measurements, morphology analysis, age determination technique, and the prototype of national nuclear forensics library (NNFL). Some future prospects of this project will be also presented in this paper.

Journal Articles

Lessons learned from the international tabletop exercise of national nuclear forensics library at JAEA

Kimura, Yoshiki; Shinohara, Nobuo; Funatake, Yoshio

Journal of Nuclear Materials Management, 42(4), p.40 - 45, 2014/00

Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has initiated an R&D project on nuclear forensics technology from 2011. This project includes development of prototype national nuclear forensics library (NNFL), and the JAEA attended to the first international table top exercise of NNFL "Galaxy Serpent" held by ITWG as a part of our NNFL development project. In this paper, outline and experiences of the JAEA investigation in the table top exercise are described and the lessons learned from the experiences were discussed. Brief current status of the NNFL development project at JAEA was also introduced in the present paper. The lessons from the experiences in the exercise will be effectively applied to the development of NNFL at JAEA.

Journal Articles

Present status and future plan of development on National Nuclear Forensics Library at JAEA

Kimura, Yoshiki; Shinohara, Nobuo; Funatake, Yoshio; Sato, Kaneaki; Toda, Nobufumi; Shinoda, Yoshiharu; Watahiki, Masaru; Kuno, Yusuke

Kaku Busshitsu Kanri Gakkai (INMM) Nihon Shibu Dai-34-Kai Nenji Taikai Rombunshu (Internet), 9 Pages, 2013/10

Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has initiated R&D project on nuclear forensics technology such as analytical technologies towards the establishment of nuclear forensics capabilities in Japan. National Nuclear Forensics Library (NNFL) is one of the fundamental nuclear forensics capabilities and a prototype NNFL has been developed as one R&D topic of the project at JAEA. Main objective of a NNFL is to determine whether a seized nuclear or other radioactive material from nuclear security event (e.g. illicit trafficking) is originated from a country or not. Analytical data of the seized material are compared with the existing materials populated in a NNFL, and its attributions such as origin and history will be identified. This paper describes the current status and future plan on the development of prototype NNFL. The outline and the results of the participation in an international table top exercise on NNFL named "Galaxy Serpent" were also reported in the present paper.

Journal Articles

Design of multi-input multi-output controller for magnetic bearing which suspends helium gas-turbine generator rotor for high temperature gas cooled reactor

Takada, Shoji; Funatake, Yoshio; Inagaki, Yoshiyuki

Proceedings of 2009 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP '09) (CD-ROM), p.9225_1 - 9225_5, 2009/05

A design method of a multi-input multi-output controller, which links magnetic forces of multiple magnetic bearings by feedback of multiple measurement values of vibration of a rotor, was proposed for the radial magnetic bearings for the generator rotor of helium gas turbine with a power output of 300 MWe. The generator rotor is a flexible rotor, which passes over the forth critical speed. A controller transfer function was derived to reduce a modeling error at the forth critical speed, in which the bending vibration mode is similar to the one which is excited by unbalance mass. A 1404th order un-symmetric coefficient matrix of equation of the rotating rotor affected by Jayro effect was reduced to 24th by modal decomposition using Schur decomposition to reduce a reduction error. The numerical results showed that unbalance response of rotor was 53 and 80E-6 m (peak to peak), respectively, well below the allowable limits both at the rated and critical speeds.

Journal Articles

Proposal of simplified model for improved prediction of bending mode vibration of stepped rotor

Takada, Shoji; Funatake, Yoshio; Inagaki, Yoshiyuki

Nihon Kikai Gakkai Rombunshu, C, 75(752), p.824 - 829, 2009/04

The design of gas turbine high temperature gas cooled Reactor with a power output of 300 MWe employed magnetic bearings for supporting gas turbine rotor composed of turbo-compressor and generator rotors, which are connected by a flexible coupling each other. The generator rotor is a flexible rotor, which passes over the forth critical speed below the rated speed. The total length, mass and rated speed of the rotor is 18 m, 67 t and 3600 rpm, respectively. A simplified rotor-dynamics model was proposed based on Timoschenko beam model by adding a rotational spring which simulated deformation of plane at stepped parts of rotor. The model predicted adequately the bearing stiffness dependency on vibration mode of rotor at critical speeds in comparison with those 3D FEM analysis, as well as the increase of inclination at the center of rotor where mass was concentrated because bending stiffness, which affects whirling motion by Jayro effect at the forth critical speed.

Oral presentation

R&D on nuclear forensics, 5; Study on attribution analysis using national nuclear forensics library and its future prospects

Kimura, Yoshiki; Shinohara, Nobuo; Funatake, Yoshio

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

R&D on nuclear forensics, 4; Progress and future prospects of nuclear forensics technology development project at JAEA

Shinohara, Nobuo; Kimura, Yoshiki; Okubo, Ayako; Toda, Nobufumi; Funatake, Yoshio; Watahiki, Masaru; Kuno, Yusuke

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Development of nuclear forensics technology, 7; Study and challenges on nuclear forensics library development of radioactive materials

Kimura, Yoshiki; Funatake, Yoshio; Shinohara, Nobuo

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

R&D on nuclear forensics, 3; International table top exercise on national nuclear forensics library and its experiences toward national nuclear forensics library development

Kimura, Yoshiki; Shinohara, Nobuo; Funatake, Yoshio; Watahiki, Masaru; Kuno, Yusuke

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

R&D on nuclear forensics, 2; Study on general concept and data items of national nuclear forensics library

Kimura, Yoshiki; Shinohara, Nobuo; Funatake, Yoshio; Sato, Kaneaki; Toda, Nobufumi; Shinoda, Yoshiharu; Watahiki, Masaru; Kuno, Yusuke

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

13 (Records 1-13 displayed on this page)
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