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Journal Articles

Raman spectroscopy of eutectic melting between boride granule and stainless steel for sodium-cooled fast reactors

Fukai, Hirofumi*; Furuya, Masahiro*; Yamano, Hidemasa

Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 55(3), p.902 - 907, 2023/03

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:83.63(Nuclear Science & Technology)

This paper addresses reaction products and their distribution of the eutectic melting/solidifying reaction of boron carbide (B$$_{4}$$C) and stainless-steel (SS). The influence of the existence of carbon on the B$$_{4}$$C-SS eutectic reaction was investigated by comparing the iron boride (FeB)-SS reaction by Raman spectroscopy with Multivariate Curve Resolution (MCR) analysis. The scanning electron microscopy with dispersive X-ray spectrometer was also used to investigate the elemental information of the pure metals such as Cr, Ni, and Fe. In the B$$_{4}$$C-SS samples, a new layer was formed between B$$_{4}$$C/SS interface, and the layer was confirmed that the formed layer corresponded to amorphous carbon (graphite) or FeB or Fe$$_{2}$$B. In contrast, a new layer was not clearly formed between FeB and SS interface in the FeB-SS samples.

Journal Articles

Study on eutectic melting behavior of control rod materials in core disruptive accidents of sodium-cooled fast reactors, 1; Project overview and progress until 2020

Yamano, Hidemasa; Takai, Toshihide; Emura, Yuki; Fukuyama, Hiroyuki*; Higashi, Hideo*; Nishi, Tsuyoshi*; Ota, Hiromichi*; Morita, Koji*; Nakamura, Kinya*; Fukai, Hirofumi*; et al.

Proceedings of 13th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, Operation and Safety (NUTHOS-13) (Internet), 12 Pages, 2022/09

This paper describes the project overview and progress of experimental and analytical studies conducted until 2020. Specific results in this paper are the measurement of the eutectic reaction rates and the validation of physical model describing the eutectic reaction in the analysis code through the numerical analysis of the B$$_{4}$$C-SS eutectic reaction rate experiments in which a B$$_{4}$$C pellet was placed in a SS crucible.

Journal Articles

Study on eutectic melting behavior of control rod materials in core disruptive accidents of sodium-cooled fast reactors, 1; Project overview

Yamano, Hidemasa; Takai, Toshihide; Furukawa, Tomohiro; Kikuchi, Shin; Emura, Yuki; Kamiyama, Kenji; Fukuyama, Hiroyuki*; Higashi, Hideo*; Nishi, Tsuyoshi*; Ota, Hiromichi*; et al.

Proceedings of International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Conference / Light Water Reactor Fuel Performance Conference (Global/Top Fuel 2019) (USB Flash Drive), p.418 - 427, 2019/09

Eutectic reactions between boron carbide (B$$_{4}$$C) and stainless steel (SS) as well as its relocation are one of the key issues in a core disruptive accident (CDA) evaluation in sodium-cooled fast reactors. Since such behaviors have never been simulated in CDA numerical analyses, it is necessary to develop a physical model and incorporate the model into the CDA analysis code. This study is focusing on B$$_{4}$$C-SS eutectic melting experiments, thermophysical property measurement of the eutectic melt, and physical model development for the eutectic melting reaction. The eutectic experiments involve the visualization experiments, eutectic reaction rate experiments and material analyses. The thermophysical properties are measured in the range from solid to liquid state. The physical model is developed for a severe accident computer code based on the measured data of the eutectic reaction rate and the physical properties. This paper describes the project overview and progress of experimental and analytical studies by 2017. Specific results in this paper is boron concentration distributions of solidified B$$_{4}$$C-SS eutectic sample in the eutectic melting experiments, which would be used for the validation of the eutectic physical model implemented into the computer code.

Journal Articles

Recent progress in the energy recovery linac project in Japan

Sakanaka, Shogo*; Akemoto, Mitsuo*; Aoto, Tomohiro*; Arakawa, Dai*; Asaoka, Seiji*; Enomoto, Atsushi*; Fukuda, Shigeki*; Furukawa, Kazuro*; Furuya, Takaaki*; Haga, Kaiichi*; et al.

Proceedings of 1st International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC '10) (Internet), p.2338 - 2340, 2010/05

Future synchrotron light source using a 5-GeV energy recovery linac (ERL) is under proposal by our Japanese collaboration team, and we are conducting R&D efforts for that. We are developing high-brightness DC photocathode guns, two types of cryomodules for both injector and main superconducting (SC) linacs, and 1.3 GHz high CW-power RF sources. We are also constructing the Compact ERL (cERL) for demonstrating the recirculation of low-emittance, high-current beams using above-mentioned critical technologies.

Journal Articles

Progress in R&D efforts on the energy recovery linac in Japan

Sakanaka, Shogo*; Ago, Tomonori*; Enomoto, Atsushi*; Fukuda, Shigeki*; Furukawa, Kazuro*; Furuya, Takaaki*; Haga, Kaiichi*; Harada, Kentaro*; Hiramatsu, Shigenori*; Honda, Toru*; et al.

Proceedings of 11th European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC '08) (CD-ROM), p.205 - 207, 2008/06

Future synchrotron light sources based on the energy-recovery linacs (ERLs) are expected to be capable of producing super-brilliant and/or ultra-short pulses of synchrotron radiation. Our Japanese collaboration team is making efforts for realizing an ERL-based hard X-ray source. We report recent progress in our R&D efforts.

Journal Articles

Measurement of the radioactive concentration in consumer's goods containing natural uranium and thorium and evaluation of the exposure by their utilization

Yoshida, Masahiro*; Endo, Akira; Sato, Shigero*; Ohata, Tsutomu*; Watanabe, Masatoshi*; Oyama, Ryutaro*; Furuya, Hirotaka*

Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai Wabun Rombunshi, 4(3), p.213 - 218, 2005/09

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Gas release of SiC implanted with deuterium or helium

Aihara, Jun; Sawa, Kazuhiro; Furuya, Yoshio*; Hojo, Tomohiro*; Furuno, Shigemi*; Yamamoto, Hiroyuki; Hojo, Kiichi; Ishihara, Masahiro

Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 88(8), p.2319 - 2321, 2005/08

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Materials Science, Ceramics)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Application of neutron radiography to visualization of direct contact heat exchange between water and low melting point alloy

Nishi, Yoshihisa*; ; Furuya, Masahiro*; ; Matsubayashi, Masahito; Tsuruno, Akira

Fifth World Conf. on Neutron Radiography, 0, p.548 - 555, 1996/00

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Conceptual design of ITER shielding blanket

Sato, Satoshi; Takatsu, Hideyuki; Kurasawa, Toshimasa; Hashimoto, T.*; Koizumi, Koichi; ; ; ; Tada, Eisuke; Nakahira, Masataka; et al.

JAERI-Tech 95-019, 129 Pages, 1995/03


no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Thermomechanical investigation on divertor supports for fusion experimental reactor: hydraulic experimental results

; Hino, Ryutaro; ; Nakahira, Masataka; ; Furuya, Kazuyuki; Tada, Eisuke; Seki, Masahiro

Fusion Engineering and Design, 28, p.103 - 112, 1995/00

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:17.36(Nuclear Science & Technology)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Ceramic breeding blanket development for experimental fusion reactor in JAERI

Kurasawa, Toshimasa; Takatsu, Hideyuki; Sato, Satoshi; Mori, Seiji*; Hashimoto, T.*; Nakahira, Masataka; Furuya, Kazuyuki; Tsunematsu, Toshihide; Seki, Masahiro; Kawamura, Hiroshi; et al.

Fusion Engineering and Design, 27, p.449 - 456, 1995/00

 Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:59.15(Nuclear Science & Technology)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Design and R&D activities on ceramic breeder blanket for fusion experimental reactors in JAERI

Kurasawa, Toshimasa; Takatsu, Hideyuki; Sato, Satoshi; Nakahira, Masataka; Furuya, Kazuyuki; Hashimoto, T.*; Kawamura, Hiroshi; Kuroda, Toshimasa*; Tsunematsu, Toshihide; Seki, Masahiro

Fusion Technology 1994, Vol.2, 0, p.1233 - 1236, 1995/00

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Irradiation tests of critical components for remote handling in gamma radiation environment

Obara, Kenjiro; Kakudate, Satoshi; Oka, Kiyoshi; Furuya, Kazuyuki; ; Tada, Eisuke; Shibanuma, Kiyoshi; Okawa, Yoshinao; Morita, Yosuke; Yokoo, Noriko*; et al.

JAERI-Tech 94-003, 73 Pages, 1994/08

[This article is unavailable to download the full text due to various reasons.]

Oral presentation

Development of numerical method for fuel rod melting, 2; Numerical analysis based on melting experiment

Nagatake, Taku; Takase, Kazuyuki; Furuya, Masahiro*; Yoshida, Hiroyuki; Nagase, Fumihisa

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Development of numerical method for fuel rod melting, 1; Experimental observation

Furuya, Masahiro*; Nagatake, Taku; Takase, Kazuyuki; Yoshida, Hiroyuki; Nagase, Fumihisa

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Study on Eutectic Melting Behavior of Control Rod Materials in Core Disruptive Accidents of Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactors, 1; Project Overview

Yamano, Hidemasa; Takai, Toshihide; Furukawa, Tomohiro; Emura, Yuki; Kurata, Masaki; Higashi, Hideo*; Fukuyama, Hiroyuki*; Nishi, Tsuyoshi*; Ota, Hiromichi*; Liu, X.*; et al.

no journal, , 

A research project has been started for thermophysical property evaluation of eutectic melt composed of B$$_{4}$$C as control rod material and stainless steel (SS), eutectic reaction experiments, material analysis, physical modelling of eutectic reaction and reactor application analyses in order to simulate the B$$_{4}$$C-SS eutectic melting and relocation behaviors in core disruptive accident of sodium-cooled fast reactor. This paper reports the project overview and the first year (JFY 2016) outcomes.

Oral presentation

Study on the boiling mechanism under the high pressure region, 2; Bubble growth process on visualized boiling images with semantic segmentation algorism

Furuya, Masahiro*; Ono, Ayako; Yoshida, Hiroyuki

no journal, , 

The establishment of the evaluation method of the critical heat flux for light water reactors is needed. However, the boiling phenomena under high pressure remain to be clarified. The bubble growth process was investigated with a time-series of the identified bubbles on the basis of the developed feature extraction method for the video-recoded frames of boiling bubbles on the heat transfer surface under high pressure and temperature. The applied semantic segmentation algorism is known as a proven machine learning technology for an autonomous driving system as well.

Oral presentation

Estimation of the in-depth debris status of Fukushima Unit-2 and Unit-3 with multi-physics modeling, 4; Consideration on possible RPV-boundary failure modes of Unit 2

Sato, Ikken; Yamaji, Akifumi*; Furuya, Masahiro*; Oishi, Yuji*; Li, X.*; Madokoro, Hiroshi; Fukai, Hirofumi*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Estimation of the in-depth debris status of Fukushima Unit-2 and Unit-3 with multi-physics modeling, 3; Overview of the project and progress of the first year

Yamaji, Akifumi*; Furuya, Masahiro*; Oishi, Yuji*; Sato, Ikken; Li, X.*; Fukai, Hirofumi*; Madokoro, Hiroshi

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

37 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)