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JAEA Reports


; Fusaeda, Shigeki*

JNC TJ1400 2000-004, 245 Pages, 2000/02


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports


; Fusaeda, Shigeki*

JNC TJ1400 2000-003, 94 Pages, 2000/02


no abstracts in English

Journal Articles


; ; ; ; ; Fusaeda, Shigeki*

Saikuru Kiko Giho, (2), p.19 - 28, 1999/03


JAEA Reports

Development study on the geological database (II)

; ; Ida, Toshio*; Fusaeda, Shigeki*; ; Katsurai, Kiyomichi*

JNC TJ8400 99-039, 1926 Pages, 1999/02


This study has been carried out in order to increase the reliability of the performance assessment of geological isolation systems for high level wastes. We have been investigating a proper modeling of various phenomena, which would occur in the disposal environment and improving the reliability of geochemical data used in the performance assessment. The results are summarized as follows: (1)Quality assurance for geochemical data and modeling. We have compiled technical report, geochemical database (newest thermodynamic database), and calculation, conversion program for geochemical analysis, which supporting the second progress report. (2)Study on groundwater categorization and dominant reaction based on site data. We have carried out HCA/PCA analysis based on observed deep groundwater to support groundwater categorization of the second progress report. We concluded 3-type model groundwater categorized by analysis. (3)Experimental study on thermodynamic data of Se and Pd. It is confirmed that sulfate reduction bactelia do not exist in our experimental environment. (4)Planning on data acquisition for geochemical data of radioactive elements. Firstly we have pick up key radioactive elements and future studies based on the second progress report. Then we have draw up R&D plan for QUALITY. (5)Geochemical study on the long-term stability of backfill matelial. An extensive literature review was carried out about the effect of Iron on Bentonite stability. Experimental conditions are researched to develop thermodynamic and kinetic modeling. (6)Study on the technical geochemistry guideline of site selection for disposal. We have researched on the recommendation of sites for HLW (guideline of site selection) in foreign country and site selection from a view point of natural analogue. And we have summarized geochemistry technical guideline for site selection.

JAEA Reports

Development study on the geological database (II)

; ; Ida, Toshio*; Fusaeda, Shigeki*; ; Katsurai, Kiyomichi*

JNC TJ8400 99-038, 59 Pages, 1999/02


This study has been carried out in order to increase the reliability of the performance assessment of geological isolation systems for high level wastes. We have been investigating a proper modeling of various phenomena, which would occur in the disposal environment and improving the reliability of geochemical data used in the performance assessment. The results are summarized as follows: (1)Quality assurance for geochemical data and modeling. We have compiled technical report, geochemical database (newest thermodynamic database), and calculation, conversion program for geochemical analysis, which supporting the second progress report. (2)Study on groundwater categorization and dominant reaction based on site data. We have carried out HCA/PCA analysis based on observed deep groundwater to support groundwater categorization of the second progress report. We concluded 3-type model groundwater categorized by analysis. (3)Experimental study on thermodynamic data of Se and Pd. It is confirmed that sulfate reduction bacteria do not exist in our experimental environment. (4)Planning on data acquisition for geochemical data of radioactive elements. Firstly we have pick up key radioactive elements and future studies based on the second progress report. Then we have draw up R&D plan for QUALITY. (5)Geochemical study on the long-term stability of backfill material. An extensive literature review was carried out about the effect of Iron on Bentonite stability. Experimental conditions are researched to develop thermodynamic and kinetic modeling. (6)Study on the technical geochemistry guideline of site selection for disposal. We have researched on the recommendation of sites for HLW (guideline of site selection) in foreign country and site selection from a view point of natural analogue. And we have summarized geochemistry technical guideline for site selection.

JAEA Reports


Fusaeda, Shigeki*

JNC TJ1400 99-022, 19 Pages, 1999/02


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports


Fusaeda, Shigeki*

JNC TJ1400 99-021, 86 Pages, 1999/02


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports


Fusaeda, Shigeki*; Yanagisawa, Ichiro*; Kataoka, Shinichi*; Shimada, Takashi*; ; ;

PNC TJ1216 98-007, 46 Pages, 1998/02



JAEA Reports


Fusaeda, Shigeki*; Yanagisawa, Ichiro*; Kataoka, Shinichi*; Shimada, Takashi*; ; ;

PNC TJ1216 98-006, 673 Pages, 1998/02



JAEA Reports


; Fusaeda, Shigeki*; Kataoka, Shinichi*; Nemoto, Kazuhiko*; Yanagisawa, Ichiro*; Fukui, Hiroshi*; Doi, Motoo*

PNC TJ1216 97-007, 77 Pages, 1997/03



JAEA Reports


Mukai, Satoru*; Kitao, Hideo*; Tachikawa, Hirokazu*; Fusaeda, Shigeki*; Yanagisawa, Ichiro*; Doi, Motoo*;

PNC TJ1216 96-003, 106 Pages, 1996/03



JAEA Reports


Fusaeda, Shigeki*; Yanagisawa, Ichiro*; Uzawa, Masayuki*; ; Kasai, Masao*; Ishihara, Yoshinao*;

PNC TJ1216 95-002, 191 Pages, 1995/02



JAEA Reports


Fusaeda, Shigeki*; Uzawa, Masayuki*; ; Kasai, Masao*; Ishihara, Yoshinao*;

PNC TJ1216 95-001, 47 Pages, 1995/02



JAEA Reports

Integration study (V) for performance assessment system of geological disposal

Yanagisawa, Ichiro*; Fusaeda, Shigeki*; Uzawa, Masayuki*; Kasai, Masao*; Ishihara, Yoshinao*; Ikeda, Yasuhiro*; Ezaki, Masahiro*

PNC TJ1214 94-007, 92 Pages, 1994/03


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Integration study (V) for performance assessment system of geological disposal

Yanagisawa, Ichiro*; Fusaeda, Shigeki*; Uzawa, Masayuki*; Kasai, Masao*; Ishihara, Yoshinao*; Ikeda, Yasuhiro*; Ezaki, Masahiro*

PNC TJ1214 94-006, 542 Pages, 1994/03



JAEA Reports

Integration study (IV) for performance assessment system of geological disposal

Yanagisawa, Ichiro*; Ezaki, Masahiro*; Ishihara, Yoshinao*; Fusaeda, Shigeki*; Mukai, Satoru*; Doi, Hideo*; Maeda, Kazuto*; Nakahara, Yutaka*

PNC TJ1214 93-001, 544 Pages, 1993/03



16 (Records 1-16 displayed on this page)
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