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Structural Approach to Understanding the Formation of Amorphous Metal Hydroxides

小林 大志*; 伏見 朋和*; 水越 寛文*; 元川 竜平; 佐々木 隆之*

Langmuir, 38(48), p.14656 - 14665, 2022/12

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:16.29(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

This study investigates the colloidal behavior of M(IV)(OH)$$_{4}$$ based on its zeta potential and hierarchical structure. The zeta potentials of ZrO$$_{2}$$ and ThO$$_{2}$$ in NaCl, NaNO$$_{3}$$, and CaCl$$_{2}$$ solutions under various pH and ionic strength conditions were measured and elucidated by a surface ionization and complexation model combined with an electric double layer. Based on the assumed similarity of the surface reactions, the model was applied to interpret the zeta potentials of Zr(OH)$$_{4}$$ and Th(OH)$$_{4}$$ in NaCl, NaNO$$_{3}$$, and CaCl$$_{2}$$ solutions. The differences in the model parameters were deduced from the different origins of M(IV)(OH)$$_{4}$$ formed by hydrolysis reactions. The size distributions of the selected Zr(OH)$$_{4}$$ suspensions measured by dynamic light scattering techniques suggest that the classical Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek (DLVO) theory governs the colloidal behavior of large aggregates. Additionally, the small angle X-ray scattering measurements elucidated the structure of Zr(OH)$$_{4}$$ in the nanometer scale. The primary and secondary particle sizes were found to be more dependent on the ionic strength of the electrolyte solutions than on the zeta potentials. The direct interaction of counter ions may affect the formation of primary and secondary particles with comparable size ranges.


Quest for microorganisms existing at high atmosphere and space

横堀 伸一*; Yang, Y.*; 杉野 朋弘*; 河口 優子*; 板橋 志保*; 藤崎 健太*; 伏見 英彦*; 長谷川 直*; 橋本 博文*; 林 宣宏*; et al.

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We isolated two novel species of the genus ${it Deinococcus}$, one from top of troposphere (${it D. aerius}$) and the other from bottom of stratosphere (${it D. aetherius}$). Can these newly isolated bacterial species and strains survive harsher environment such as space environment and/or other astronomical objects such as Mars? To address these questions, we have analyzed the survival of these microbial species and strains under the extreme conditions. Environment at high altitude is extreme for microorganisms not only because of high UV radiation, but also other stresses such as extreme dryness. To clarify how dryness affects to the survivability of microorganisms, we examined the effects of desiccation and high humidity on survival and DNA double strand breaks (DSB) of ${it Escherichia coli}$, ${it D. radiodurans}$ and spores of ${it Bacillus pumilus}$. They exhibited different survival rates and DSB patterns under desiccation and high humidity. Higher survival and less DSB occurred at lower temperatures. Spores of ${it B. pumilus}$ showed the highest survivability at each condition. Survivability of ${it D. radiodurans}$ at desiccation condition is higher than that at the humid condition, although survivability of ${it E. coli}$ at desiccation condition is lower than that at the humid condition. We also tested the effects of various factors on survivability of ${it Deinococcus}$ spp. Together with tests under desiccation condition, these test results suggested that ${it Deinococcus}$ spp. which we tested can survive in space for years.


Microbe space exposure experiment at International Space Station (ISS) proposed in "Tanpopo" mission

横堀 伸一*; Yang, Y.*; 杉野 朋弘*; 河口 優子*; 伏見 英彦*; 鳴海 一成; 橋本 博文*; 林 宣宏*; 河合 秀幸*; 小林 憲正*; et al.

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To explain how organisms on the Earth were originated at the quite early stage of the history of Earth, Panspermia hypothesis was proposed. Recent findings of the Martian meteorite suggested possible existence of extraterrestrial life, and interplanetary migration of life as well. On the other hand, microbes have been collected from high altitude using balloons, aircraft and meteorological rockets since 1936, though it is not clear how could those microbes be ejected up to such high altitude. Spore forming fungi and Bacilli, and Deinococci have been isolated in these experiments. If microbes could be found present even at the higher altitude of low earth orbit (400 km), the fact would endorse the possible interplanetary migration of terrestrial life. We proposed the "Tanpopo" mission to examine possible interplanetary migration of microbes on Japan Experimental Module (JEM) of the International Space Station (ISS). In our proposal, microorganisms will be exposed to the space environment with/without model-clay materials that might protect microorganisms from vacuum UV and cosmic rays. Spore of ${it Bacillus}$ sp., and vegetative cells of ${it Deinococcus radiodurans}$ and our novel deinococcal species isolated from high altitude are candidates for the exposure experiment. In preliminary experiments, clay-materials tend to increase survivability of microorganisms under irradiation of heavy ion beam and other radiation. In this paper, we discuss current status of exposure experiment of microorganisms defined for the Tanpopo mission.


多様な革新的ナトリウム冷却高速炉における統合安全性評価シミュレーション基盤システムの開発,19; 炉心損傷モデルの構築

鈴木 徹*; 青野 隼太郎*; 鈴木 翔悟*; 伏見 優輝*; 渕田 翔*; 石田 真也; 川田 賢一

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