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Garin, P.*; Sugimoto, Masayoshi; IFMIF/EVEDA Integrated Project Team
Fusion Science and Technology, 62(1), p.219 - 225, 2012/07
Times Cited Count:8 Percentile:50.99(Nuclear Science & Technology)IFMIF aims at generating material database for DEMO and future power plants, and Engineering Design and Engineering Validation Activities have been conducted since mid 2007 under the Broader Approach Agreement. So far the main efforts were focused on the validation work to provide information for the engineering design of IFMIF. In December 2010, new scope of the project was accepted to prioritize the validation of accelerator prototype and to extend the duration of its validation test up to mid 2017, while the other activities shall be completed in mid 2013 as the primary plan. The goal of engineering design has been modified to prepare the Intermediate design report. However, a big earthquake in Japan caused to shift project schedule, especially lithium test loop completed in early 2011. Nevertheless major components development has been continued, e.g. first operation of ion injector has been conducted. This article summarizes status of all activities and future plan of the project.
Nishitani, Takeo; Tanigawa, Hiroyasu; Yamanishi, Toshihiko; Clement Lorenzo, S.*; Baluc, N.*; Hayashi, Kimio; Nakajima, Noriyoshi*; Kimura, Haruyuki; Sugimoto, Masayoshi; Heidinger, R.*; et al.
Fusion Science and Technology, 62(1), p.210 - 218, 2012/07
Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:24.14(Nuclear Science & Technology)Recent progress in the material related researches and the IFMIF/EVEDA project, which are carried out under the Broader Approach (BA) framework, is reported. In the International Fusion Energy Research Center (IFERC) project of BA, the R&D building was completed March 2010 at the Rokkasho BA site. R&Ds on reduced activation ferritic/ martensitic (RAFM) steels as structural material, SiC/SiC composites as a flow channel insert material and/or alternative structural material, advanced tritium breeders and neutron multipliers, and tritium technology relevant to the DEMO operational condition are progressed in Japan and EU. In the IFMIF/EVEDA project, the fabrication of the injector for the IFMIF prototype accelerator was completed at the CEA Saclay, and the first proton beam was obtained in May, 2011. The IFMIF lithium target test loop was completed in March 2011, and a lithium flow of 5 m/s was obtained.
Kondo, Hiroo; Furukawa, Tomohiro; Hirakawa, Yasushi; Nakamura, Kazuyuki; Ida, Mizuho; Watanabe, Kazuyoshi; Kanemura, Takuji; Wakai, Eiichi; Horiike, Hiroshi*; Yamaoka, Nobuo*; et al.
Nuclear Fusion, 51(12), p.123008_1 - 123008_12, 2011/12
Times Cited Count:39 Percentile:81.81(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)The Engineering Validation and Engineering Design Activity (EVEDA) for the International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF) is proceeded as one of the ITER Broader Approach (BA) activities. The EVEDA Li test loop (ELTL) is aimed at validating stability of the Li target and feasibility of a Li purification system as the key issues. In this paper, the design of the ELTL especially of a target assembly in which the Li target is produced by the contraction nozzle is presented.
Shidara, Hiroyuki; Vermare, C.*; Sugimoto, Masayoshi; Toupet, S.*; Garin, P.*
Fusion Engineering and Design, 86(9-11), p.2674 - 2677, 2011/10
Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:10.47(Nuclear Science & Technology)The IFMIF accelerator system is based on two similar beam lines running in parallel. Each D beam of 40 MeV/125 mA is transported by a High Energy Beam Transport (HEBT) line up to the liquid lithium target where neutrons will be produced. On the target, the specifications of the beam footprint mentioned a rectangular shape (20 cm 5 cm]) with a flat-topped homogenious current density profile and small energy spread. As a view point of the boundary condition management for the interface to the Lithium target, we demonstrate and simulate the beam after HEBT for clarifying the beam character on the beam robustness against the misalignment and mis-accelerated condition etc. regarding the effect to the Lithium target. The tolerance on beam axis off-set at HEBT inlet is estimated around 0.2 mm. The energy acceleration dependence shows small footprint robustness in case of mis-accelerated situation but better robustness for over-accelerated condition.
Garin, P.*; Diegele, E.*; Heidinger, R.*; Ibarra, A.*; Jitsukawa, Shiro; Kimura, Haruyuki; Mslang, A.*; Muroga, Takeo*; Nishitani, Takeo; Poitevin, Y.*; et al.
Fusion Engineering and Design, 86(6-8), p.611 - 614, 2011/10
Times Cited Count:26 Percentile:86.38(Nuclear Science & Technology)This paper summarizes the proposals and findings of the IFMIF Specification Working Group established to update the Users requirements and top level specifications for the Facility. Special attention is given to the different roadmaps of fusion path way towards power plants, of materials R&D and of facilities and their interactions. The materials development and validation activities on structural materials, blanket functional materials and non-metallic materials are analyzed and specific objectives and requirements to be implemented in IFMIF are proposed. Emphasis is made in additional potential validation activities that can be developed in IFMIF for ITER TBM qualification as well as for DEMO-oriented mock-up testing.
Garin, P.*; Sugimoto, Masayoshi
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 417(1-3), p.1262 - 1266, 2011/10
Times Cited Count:16 Percentile:74.61(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)IFMIF is a major installation in the fusion programme to irradiate and characterize the fusion materials necessary for development of DEMO and the future fusion power plants. The Engineering Validation and Engineering Design Activities launched in mid 2007 in the framework of the Broader Approach agreement between EURATON and Japan comprise four sub-projects: (1) to complete engineering design of IFMIF, (2) to build and operate prototype of low energy part of accelerator up to 9MeV with 125mA beam current, (3) to validate full liquid lithium loop including purification traps and monitoring devices, and (4) to design and manufacture high flux test module of the test cell with testing in relevant conditions. Two years after the official start of the project the most important modifications to the reference design were high energy part of accelerator, lithium target assembly backplate, and high flux test module geometry. The impacts of these changes on the project are summarized.
Kondo, Hiroo; Furukawa, Tomohiro; Hirakawa, Yasushi; Nakamura, Hiroo*; Ida, Mizuho; Watanabe, Kazuyoshi; Miyashita, Makoto*; Horiike, Hiroshi*; Yamaoka, Nobuo*; Kanemura, Takuji; et al.
Proceedings of 23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2010) (CD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2010/10
The Engineering Validation and Engineering Design Activity (EVEDA) for the International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF) is proceeded as one of the ITER Broader Approach (BA) activities. The EVEDA Li test loop (ELTL) is aimed at validating stability of the Li target and feasibility of a Li purification system as the key issues. In this paper, the design of the ELTL especially of a target assembly in which the Li target is produced by the contraction nozzle is presented.
Sugimoto, Masayoshi; Garin, P.*; Vermare, C.*; Shidara, Hiroyuki; Kimura, Haruyuki; Suzuki, Hiromitsu; Ohira, Shigeru; Okumura, Yoshikazu; Mosnier, A.*; Facco, A.*; et al.
Kasokuki, 7(2), p.110 - 118, 2010/07
International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF) is an accelerator-based neutron irradiation facility dedicated for development of fusion materials. Engineering Validation and Engineering Design Activities (EVEDA) phase of IFMIF project has been initiated in June 2007 and a prototype of the IFMIF accelerator (40 MeV - 125 mA CW Deuteron) is under construction in Rokkasho, Aomori. The target of the prototype is 9 MeV - 125 mA CW beam operation, which is full scale prototyping up to the first tank of superconducting linac section. In this report, the major technical specifications and issues of this extremely high-power machine are overviewed and expected results through operation in future are summarized.
Vermare, C.*; Garin, P.*; Shidara, H.*; Beauvais, P. Y.*; Mosnier, A.*; Ibarra, A.*; Heidinger, R.*; Facco, A.*; Pisent, A.*; Maebara, Sunao; et al.
Proceedings of 1st International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC '10) (Internet), p.777 - 779, 2010/05
Mosnier, A.*; Beauvais, P. Y.*; Branas, B.*; Comunian, M.*; Facco, A.*; Garin, P.*; Gobin, R.*; Gournay, J. F.*; Heidinger, R.*; Ibarra, A.*; et al.
Proceedings of 1st International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC '10) (Internet), p.588 - 590, 2010/05
Shinto, Katsuhiro; Vermare, C.*; Asahara, Hiroo; Sugimoto, Masayoshi; Garin, P.*; Maebara, Sunao; Takahashi, Hiroki; Sakaki, Hironao; Kojima, Toshiyuki; Ohira, Shigeru; et al.
Proceedings of 6th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (CD-ROM), p.668 - 670, 2010/03
Progress of the IFMIF/EVEDA prototype accelerator in fiscal year of 2008 is described. All the sub-systems of the prototype accelerator have started to design, settled the plan of the manufacturing and component tests and fixed the design parameters. As a result of the analysis of planning for the engineering validation of the IFMIF accelerator system, the project duration to be prolonged to the end of 2014 including some months for contingency was approved by the BA Steering Committee. In this article, the design status of each accelerator component, the interface between the accelerator components and the IFMIF/EVEDA Accelerator Building settled in International Fusion Energy Research Centre (IFERC) in Rokkasho and the proposed accelerator commissioning plan for the engineering validation will be presented.
Garin, P.*; Sugimoto, Masayoshi
Proceedings of 13th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-13) (CD-ROM), 11 Pages, 2009/09
In June 2007 were launched the Engineering Validation and Engineering Design Activities of the International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF/EVEDA) in the framework of the Broader Approach Agreement between Euratom and Japan. The main objective of the project is the delivery of the Engineering Design Report of IFMIF, enabling its future construction. The main technologies shall be demonstrated through the design, the construction and the experiment of three prototypes: the Accelerator, the Lithium Target and the High Flux Test Module of the Test Facilities. Since the beginning of the project, focus has been put on the prototypes definition and 2009 will be the actual start of IFMIF engineering design activities. These activities will be described in the paper, as well as the status of the prototypes, which have considerably evolved since the former conceptual phase of IFMIF.
Sugimoto, Masayoshi; Garin, P.*; Vermare, C.*; Shinto, Katsuhiro; Grschel, F.*; Nakamura, Kazuyuki; Molla, J.*; Arnaud, J.*
Fusion Science and Technology, 56(1), p.259 - 266, 2009/07
Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)One year has passed after the start of the Engineering Validation and Engineering Design Activities of the International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF/EVEDA), which is a project performed under the Broader Approach Agreement of the fusion energy research between Japan and Europe. The project team to manage the overall activities was established at Rokkasho in Japan, and 12 people are working for planning and scheduling of whole project plan and for coordinating the annual work programs. In this year the management tools like WBS are defined and the detailed engineering design works are ready to start. However, as the collaboration between the project team and each contributing institutes in Japan and Europe is important to complete the fully integrated design of the IFMIF, a high level of the communication and sharing of information and knowledge is necessary to be established. The workshop like meeting is a good opportunity to discuss about the issues by all contributors at a single place. In the first meeting held in September the details of requirements/specifications for neutron generation, including ion beam - liquid lithium target - neutron irradiation capsule, concerned in their interfaces were defined.
Garin, P.*; Sugimoto, Masayoshi
Fusion Engineering and Design, 84(2-6), p.259 - 264, 2009/06
Times Cited Count:63 Percentile:96.68(Nuclear Science & Technology)no abstracts in English
Nakamura, Hiroo; Agostini, P.*; Ara, Kuniaki; Fukada, Satoshi*; Furuya, Kazuyuki*; Garin, P.*; Gessii, A.*; Giusti, D.*; Groeschel, F.*; Horiike, Hiroshi*; et al.
Fusion Engineering and Design, 84(2-6), p.252 - 258, 2009/06
Times Cited Count:26 Percentile:83.38(Nuclear Science & Technology)Nakamura, Hiroo; Agostini, P.*; Ara, Kuniaki; Cevolani, S.*; Chida, Teruo*; Ciotti, M.*; Fukada, Satoshi*; Furuya, Kazuyuki*; Garin, P.*; Gessii, A.*; et al.
Fusion Engineering and Design, 83(7-9), p.1007 - 1014, 2008/12
Times Cited Count:20 Percentile:76.67(Nuclear Science & Technology)This paper describes the latest design of liquid lithium target system in IFMIF. Design requirement of the Li target is to provide a stable Li jet with a speed of 20 m/s to handle an averaged heat flux of 1 GW/m. A double reducer nozzle and a concaved flow are applied to the target design. On Li purification, a cold trap and two kinds of hot trap are applied to control impurities below permissible levels. Nitrogen concentration shall be controlled below 10 wppm by one of the hot trap. Tritium concentration shall be controlled below 1 wppm by an yttrium hot trap. To maintain reliable continuous operation, various diagnostics are attached to the target assembly. Among the target assembly, a back-plate made of RAFM is located in the most severe region of neutron irradiation (50 dpa/y). Therefore, two design options of replaceable back wall and their remote handling systems are under investigation.
Shinto, Katsuhiro; Vermare, C.*; Harami, Taikan*; Sugimoto, Masayoshi; Garin, P.*; Maebara, Sunao; Sakaki, Hironao; Ohira, Shigeru; Okumura, Yoshikazu; Mosnier, A.*; et al.
Proceedings of 5th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan and 33rd Linear Accelerator Meeting in Japan (CD-ROM), p.255 - 258, 2008/00
Nakamura, Hiroo; Ida, Mizuho; Miyashita, Makoto; Yoshida, Eiichi; Ara, Kuniaki; Nishitani, Takeo; Okumura, Yoshikazu; Horiike, Hiroshi*; Kondo, Hiroo*; Terai, Takayuki*; et al.
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no abstracts in English
Kubo, Takashi; Okumura, Yoshikazu; Ohira, Shigeru; Maebara, Sunao; Sakaki, Hironao; Onishi, Seiki; Yonemoto, Kazuhiro; Kojima, Toshiyuki; Garin, P.*; Sugimoto, Masayoshi; et al.
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The Accelerator Prototype Building for the IFMIF/EVEDA Project, in which enforce the engineering validation of the Accelerator, will be constructed in the BA site at Rokkasho-mura, Aomori-ken. Before detail design started, Japan and EU implementing agencies concluded the Procurement Arrangement based on agreed basic design. The building length is about 58 m east-west and about 37 m north-south. The area is about 2,020 m. The Accelerator Vault is center of north and south. RF and electric system are in north of the Vault, and HVAC and cooling water system are in south of the Vault. The control room is put in northwest of the building. Shielding design is based on the evaluation estimated by experts of Japan and EU. The Accelerator will accelerate deuteron to approximately 125 mA and 10 MeV, so the Accelerator Vault is covered with 1.5 m thickness normal concrete shield to protect radiation. To protect neutron streaming, the RF wave guides are through the underground pit into the Vault.
Shinto, Katsuhiro; Vermare, C.*; Sugimoto, Masayoshi; Garin, P.*; Maebara, Sunao; Mosnier, A.*
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