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Journal Articles

HM and THM interactions in bentonite engineered barriers for nuclear waste disposal

Gens, A.*; Alcoverro, J.*; Blaheta, R.*; Hasal, M.*; Michalec, Z.*; Takayama, Yusuke; Lee, C.*; Lee, J.*; Kim, G. Y.*; Kuo, C.-W.*; et al.

International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 137, p.104572_1 - 104572_19, 2021/01

 Times Cited Count:21 Percentile:84.18(Engineering, Geological)

Bentonite-based engineered barriers are a key component of many repository designs for the confinement of high-level radioactive waste and spent fuel. Given the complexity and interaction of the phenomena affecting the barrier, coupled hydro-mechanical (HM) and thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) numerical analyses are a potentially useful tool for a better understanding of their behaviour. In this context, a Task (INBEB) was undertaken to study, using numerical analyses, the hydro-mechanical and thermohydro-mechanical Interactions in Bentonite Engineered Barriers within the international cooperative project DECOVALEX 2019. Two large scale tests, largely complementary, were selected for modelling: EB and FEBEX. The EB experiment was carried out under isothermal conditions and artificial hydration and it was dismantled after 10.7 years. The FEBEX test was a temperature-controlled non-isothermal test combined with natural hydration that underwent two dismantling operations, a partial one after 5 years of heating and a final one after a total of 18.4 years of heating. Direct observation of the state of the barriers was possible during the dismantling operations. Four teams performed the HM and THM numerical analyses using a variety of computer codes, formulations and constitutive laws. For each experiment, the basic features of the analyses are described and the comparison between calculations and field observations are presented and discussed. Comparisons involve measurements performed during the performance of the test and data gathered during dismantling. A final evaluation of the performance of the modelling closes the paper.

Journal Articles

DECOVALEX-2019 Task D; INBEB Final Report

Gens, A.*; Alcoverro, J.*; Blaheta, R.*; Hasal, M.*; Michalec, Z.*; Takayama, Yusuke; Lee, C.*; Lee, J.*; Kim, G. Y.*; Kuo, C.-W.*; et al.

LBNL-2001267 (Internet), 210 Pages, 2020/10

This document is the final report of Task D of the DECOVALEX-2019 project, presenting the definitions of the problems studied, approaches applied, achievements made and outstanding issues identified for future research. Task D of the DECOVALEX 2019 project is devoted to the study of the hydro-mechanical and thermo-hydro-mechanical Interactions in Bentonite Engineered Barriers. The Task is structured around two large scale in situ experiments that were subjected to well managed dismantling operations that provided direct observations of the state of the barrier after long test periods. Four teams carried out the modelling of the two experiments: Institute of Geonics, of the Czech Academy of Sciences (IGN), supported by SURAO, Czech Republic, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) and National Central University of Taiwan (NCU), supported by the Taipower.

Journal Articles

Conceptual uncertainties in modelling the interaction between engineered and natural barriers of nuclear waste repositories in crystalline rocks

Finsterle, S.*; Lanyon, B.*; ${AA}$kesson, M.*; Baxter, S.*; Bergstr$"o$m, M.*; Bockg${aa}$rd, N.*; Dershowitz, W.*; Dessirier, B.*; Frampton, A.*; Fransson, ${AA}$.*; et al.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, No.482, p.261 - 283, 2019/00

 Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:65.28(Geology)

Nuclear waste disposal in geological formations relies on a multi-barrier concept that includes engineered components which in many cases includes a bentonite buffer surrounding waste packages and the host rock. An SKB's (Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co.) Modelling Task Force project facilitated to improve the overall understanding of rock - bentonite interactions, as 11 teams used different conceptualisations and modelling tools to analyse the in-situ experiment at the $"A$ps$"o$ Hard Rock Laboratory. The exercise helped identify conceptual uncertainties that led to different assessments of the relative importance of the engineered and natural barrier subsystems and of aspects that need to be better understood to arrive at reliable predictions of bentonite wetting.

Journal Articles

Modelling benchmark of a laboratory drying test in Opalinus Clay

Garitte, B.*; Gens, A.*; Liu, Q.*; Liu, X.*; Millard, A.*; Bond, A.*; McDermott, C.*; Fujita, Tomoo; Nakama, Shigeo

Rock Mechanics in Civil and Environmental Engineering, p.767 - 770, 2010/00

In this paper, a benchmark exercise from the DECOVALEX-2011 project is presented. Experimental results from a laboratory drying test in Opalinus Clay are used. First, the DECOVALEX project is introduced and the experimental setup of the laboratory drying test is described. Then the theoretical formulations and the parameters determination are explained. Finally, the modelling results obtained by the five different teams are compared to the measurements.

4 (Records 1-4 displayed on this page)
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