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Inagaki, Satomi; Hayakawa, Misa; Ebisawa, Naomi; Gonda, Mayuki; Nozawa, Takashi; Itabashi, Keizo
Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Grey Literature (GL-18), p.24 - 31, 2017/02
Sharing information of scientific research results on the Internet have developed in the global advancement of the open science today, such as archiving and disseminating scientific papers on institutional repositories, facilitating access to and use of research data etc. Accessibility to those contents in large volumes of information on the Internet is very important issue. Those contents might be grey literature without solving this accessibility issue. This presentation introduces the case study of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) Library as an example of efforts to improve circulation of research results in terms of grey literature. JAEA has disseminate information of our research results through the JAEA Originated Papers Searching System (JOPSS) on the Internet over decade, but we have three main issues to solve aiming at improving the accessibility of grey literature in the open science era; (1) to ensure accessibility of our Internet contents, (2) to consider how our target users find our contents, (3) to improve user interface of contents. We will continue to improve the system aiming to distribute various information of JAEA R&D results.
Inagaki, Satomi; Hayakawa, Misa; Ebisawa, Naomi; Gonda, Mayuki; Nozawa, Takashi; Itabashi, Keizo
The Grey Journal; An International Journal on Grey Literature, 13(2), p.123 - 129, 2017/00
Sharing information of scientific research results on the Internet have developed in the global advancement of the open science today, such as archiving and disseminating scientific papers on institutional repositories, facilitating access to and use of research data etc. Accessibility to those contents in large volumes of information on the Internet is very important issue. Those contents might be grey literature without solving this accessibility issue. This presentation introduces the case study of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) Library as an example of efforts to improve circulation of research results in terms of grey literature. JAEA has disseminate information of our research results through the JAEA Originated Papers Searching System (JOPSS) on the Internet over decade, but we have three main issues to solve aiming at improving the accessibility of grey literature in the open science era; (1) to ensure accessibility of our Internet contents, (2) to consider how our target users find our contents, (3) to improve user interface of contents. We continue to disseminate research results by paying attention to the global trend of open science.
Ikeda, Kiyoshi; Gonda, Mayuki; Nagaya, Shun; Hayakawa, Misa; Kunii, Katsuhiko; Mineo, Yukinobu; Yonezawa, Minoru; Itabashi, Keizo
Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Grey Literature (GL-16), p.139 - 145, 2015/03
The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) Library has collected Internet information related the Fukushima Accident. We previously reported the development of the Fukushima Accident Archive using the DSpace in 15th International Conference on Grey Literature. We have encountered a new challenging issue grey literature. In many cases, Internet information contains valuable numerical data. However, it is difficult to identify the existence of numerical data in the Internet sites because numerical data is not often organized in a systematic manner on the web sites. We considered such method as to identify numerical data and attempted to introduce "data flagging" system, which was previously used in the International Atomic Energy Agency's International Nuclear Information System (INIS). In this presentation, we will introduce our "data flagging" system for numerical data on the Internet and how we apply the system to our Fukushima Accident Archive.
Gonda, Mayuki; Ikeda, Kiyoshi; Nagaya, Shun
Joho No Kagaku to Gijutsu, 64(9), p.357 - 360, 2014/09
We introduce post-Great East Japan Earthquake situation of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency Library and our efforts to distribute information about the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Accident. After that, we describe our activities about the archiving of information relating to the Fukushima Nuclear Accident and its feature.
Ikeda, Kiyoshi; Oshima, Takeshi; Gonda, Mayuki; Nagaya, Shun; Hayakawa, Misa; Mineo, Yukinobu; Yonezawa, Minoru; Itabashi, Keizo
Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Grey Literature (GL-15), p.41 - 47, 2014/03
The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) Library has collected information on the 3.11 accident from various sources and websites and then disseminated it over the Internet. However, there are some unresolved issues in terms of permanent accessibility to information and the lack of bibliographical control. We contribute to the improvement of the dissemination of grey literature by creating the metadata and organizing it with classification. We have created more than 4,000 metadata of the website's information concerning TEPCO's "photo and video collection", and more than 3,000 metadata of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) of Japan's "press release". We have also created metadata of presentations at the meetings of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan (AESJ), held in September 2012 and March 2013.
Ikeda, Kiyoshi; Oshima, Takeshi; Gonda, Mayuki; Nagaya, Shun; Hayakawa, Misa; Mineo, Yukinobu; Yonezawa, Minoru; Itabashi, Keizo
The Grey Journal; An International Journal on Grey Literature, 10(1), p.7 - 13, 2014/00
In March 2011, the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Accident occurred in Japan. After the accident, parts of information on the accident has been distributed as grey literature and they cause some issues in terms of permanent accessibility to the information. This paper introduces the activity of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency Library as an example of efforts to improve access of Internet information using the DSpace. Consequently, we contributed to the improvement of the dissemination of grey literature at the following three points; (1)to ensure permanent access to Internet information by cooperating with the National Diet Library's Web archiving project, (2) to develop standardized metadata schema and classification system, (3)to develop prototype system using DSpace and compile about 36,000 metadata.
Gonda, Mayuki
Senmon Toshokan, (258), p.52 - 58, 2013/03
no abstracts in English
Hayakawa, Misa; Nagaya, Shun; Gonda, Mayuki; Fukazawa, Takeyasu; Yonezawa, Minoru; Itabashi, Keizo
The Grey Journal; An International Journal on Grey Literature, 9(3), p.139 - 144, 2013/00
Conference Proceedings are "grey literature" due to the fact that they are not made commercially available frequently. While many Proceedings are published on the Internet, there are specific issues that can affect access, such as changes in the URLs. This paper introduces the case of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) library as an example of efforts to improve access of Proceedings using the Internet.
Hayakawa, Misa; Nagaya, Shun; Gonda, Mayuki; Fukazawa, Takeyasu; Yonezawa, Minoru; Itabashi, Keizo
Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Grey Literature (GL-14), p.143 - 148, 2012/11
In this presentation, we would like to introduce the present status of the collection of conference proceedings (proceedings) in the JAEA Library and the improvement of access to the full text of proceedings. Conference Proceedings have been published mainly in conventional book form from. But, in recent years, their publication form has been changing. Nowadays, they have been publishing in the form of a CD-ROM, or Internet. They become typical gray literature, because many of them are not commercially available. Accessibility to the full text of conference proceedings on the Internet seems improved. But, conference proceedings on the Internet have a specific problem of information on the Internet. For example, there is a possibility that access URL is changed. As a good practice for the improvement of accessibility to the full text of proceedings, we would like to introduce the case of the JAEA library. So, we would like to examine the problems of the availability of proceedings as a whole.
Kunii, Katsuhiko; Gonda, Mayuki; Ikeda, Kiyoshi; Nagaya, Shun; Itabashi, Keizo; Nakajima, Hidemitsu; Mineo, Yukinobu
Proceedings of International Conference on Toward and Over the Fukushima Daiichi Accident (GLOBAL 2011) (CD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2011/12
The Library of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has developed two Japanese literature materials of bibliographic tools based on the International Nuclear Information System (INIS) of the IAEA which contains over 3.3 million records of 127 countries and 24 international organizations. These materials have been elaborated by appropriately designating Japanese terminology of nuclear field corresponding with English terminology or vice versa. One is "Transliterated Japanese journal title list" and the other is "INIS Thesaurus in Japanese". While the former is served as a reference that enables users to access articles of Japanese journals better matching their needs, the latter is served as a dictionary to bridge the gap on nuclear field terminologies between over 30,000 English terms and Japanese terms which correspond with those in a semantic manner. The application of those materials to the INIS's full text collection over 280,000 of technical reports, proceedings etc. as an archive is helpful for enhancement of human resource development. The authors describe the effectiveness of those INIS-based materials with bibliographic references of Fukushima Daiichi NPS accident.
Gonda, Mayuki; Nakajima, Hidemitsu
Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi ATOMO, 53(5), p.366 - 369, 2011/05
no abstracts in English
Gonda, Mayuki; Kunii, Katsuhiko; Nakajima, Hidemitsu; Ikeda, Kiyoshi; Itabashi, Keizo; Koike, Akemi*; Igarashi, Ayumi*
Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Grey Literature (GL-12), p.113 - 117, 2011/00
Circulation of scientific information improves internationally today, and English which is "universal language" takes the leading part for scientific communication. On the other hand, non-English articles are still "gray literatures" due to language barriers though physical circulation improves as well as English articles. In the International Nuclear Information System (INIS) database operated by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), bibliographic information such as title and abstract etc. is written in English. This feature of the INIS database contributes to international circulation of scientific information of the nuclear field. However, titles of journals written by non-English language were described by transliterated Roman alphabet, non-native users cannot understand natures and subjects of journals written by non-English language. Non-native users cannot understand the nature of the journal with this journal title description, and then they fail to get the useful article. This language barrier should be broken through as soon as possible for circulation improvement of journals written by non-English language. So we develop a special journal titles translation list of journals written in Japanese for the INIS database, as attempt to improve circulation of articles in journals written by non-English language. We will release this list on the INIS database for circulation improvement of journals written by non-English language, and we will implement the list into the database for user's convenience in the future.
Ikeda, Kiyoshi; Gonda, Mayuki; Nozawa, Takashi; Itabashi, Keizo; Ebisawa, Naomi*
Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Grey Literature (GL-11), p.111 - 117, 2009/12
This poster presentation is to introduce new circulation systems of gray literatures in the fields of nuclear science and technology. Normally circulation of grey literature is not easy, but JAEA Library has been making efforts for highly accessibility to JAEA reports (i.e. JAEA-Research etc.) via the Internet. JAEA Library website is providing the two types of systems for dissemination of our R&D results including JAEA Reports. "JAEA Abstracts" is the list of current R&D results by our staff. The bibliographic information of JAEA reports and papers published in journals is listed. "JOPSS" is the abbreviation for JAEA Originated Papers Searching System. You may search all JAEA research results accumulated over the past fifty years. Recently, with the aim of giving convenience to users of our R&D results in the world, we have developed the new searching interface and retrieval algorithms for "JOPSS".
Gonda, Mayuki; Ikeda, Kiyoshi; Ebisawa, Naomi*; Nozawa, Takashi
Dai-5-Kai Joho Purofuesshonaru Shimpojiumu (INFOPRO 2008) Happyo Yokoshu, p.125 - 129, 2008/11
no abstracts in English
Gonda, Mayuki; Ikeda, Kiyoshi; Ebisawa, Naomi*
Senmon Toshokan, (228), p.26 - 32, 2008/03
Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has disseminated research results via the Internet from before institutional repositories are provided by many universities and institutes. JAEA Library is providing 2 systems, "JAEA Abstracts" and "JOPSS" (JAEA Originated Papers Searching System) today. In this article, the history and the present situation of dissemination of JAEA's research results are reviewed.