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Yonezawa, Rika; Gunji, Ikuko; Sugiyama, Kenji; Ayame, Junko; Takashita, Hirofumi
JAEA-Review 2015-020, 80 Pages, 2016/02
At the request of the government of Japan and Fukushima prefecture, the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories and the Nuclear Science Research Institute of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) conducted the internal dosimetry examination program for the residents of Fukushima prefecture (Fukushima residents) affected by the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident by whole-body counting (WBC) starting in July 2011, the year of Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. At the internal dosimetry examination, almost Fukushima residents worried about effects of radiation and suffered from various serious situations, which were caused by not only the nuclear accident but also the earthquake and tsunami. Therefore, JAEA had direct dialogue focused on active listening, as risk communication with Fukushima residents in order to mitigate Fukushima residents' anxiety and stress. This report evaluates the effects of the activities and shows the ways of our communication with Fukushima residents during WBC to mitigate Fukushima residents' anxiety and stress.
Gunji, Ikuko
Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi ATOMO, 52(7), p.414 - 418, 2010/07
no abstracts in English
Takashita, Hirofumi; Yonezawa, Rika; Shobu, Nobuhiro; Ayame, Junko; Gunji, Ikuko; Asanuma, Misuzu
JAEA-Review 2008-048, 204 Pages, 2008/10
This report summarizes the risk communication activities of Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories conducted by mainly Risk Communication Study Office. The activities are classified into three categories: research and study on risk communication, message design and development of information transmission tools, and implementation of risk communication. This report shows those activities, and discusses the effect and evaluation of the activities. Future development of our risk communication activities is also described.
Gunji, Ikuko
Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 48(12), p.955 - 960, 2006/12
no abstracts in English
Gunji, Ikuko; Tabata, Rimiko; Otoshi, Sachio*; Kuwagaki, Reiko*; Ishibashi, Yoichiro*
Nihon Hozen Gakkai Dai-3-Kai Gakujutsu Koenkai Yoshishu, p.17 - 19, 2006/07
no abstracts in English
Notoya, Masako; Ayame, Junko; Komori, Yuko; Gunji, Ikuko; Rimiko, Tabata,; Mizutani, Tomoko; Rika, Yonezawa,
JNC TN8440 2005-009, 206 Pages, 2005/08
The Public Acceptance(P.A.) team, "Sweet Potato", was established in December 1996 to promote public understanding of nuclear. Tokai Village has been the center of nuclear energy development in Japan for almost forty years. Although the residents have been very supportive, the critical JCO accident in 1999 caused them a great deal of anxiety and distrust. Soon after, the P.A. team's objectives were altered to accommodate the resulting new needs of the public. The focus was shifted to local residents and young people in order that they would have better understanding of nuclear energy. Since 2001, one of the P.A. team's main activities has been giving "Nuclear Disaster and Radiation Prevention" and "Energy and Radiation" presentations at elementary schools and junior high schools throughout the Tokai region. This paper presents the findings, results and lessons learned from these and other activities, and will contribute to the future work of the PA team.
Gunji, Ikuko; Rimiko, Tabata,; Ouchi, Naomi*
JNC TN8410 2005-008, 29 Pages, 2005/07
Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute (JNC), Tokai Works set up the Risk Communication Study Team in January, 2001 to promote mutual understanding between the local residents and JNC. The Team has studied risk communication from various viewpoints and developed new methods of public relations which are useful for the local residents' risk perception toward nuclear issues. We aim to develop more effective risk communication which promotes a better mutual understanding of the local residents, by providing the risk information of the nuclear fuel facilities such as Reprocessing Plant and other research & development facilities. We explain the development process of audio visual information materials which describe our actual activities and devices for the risk management in nuclear fuel facilities, and our discussion through the effectiveness measurement.
Takashita, Hirofumi; Mitsui, Seiichiro; Ayame, Junko; Rika, Yonezawa,; Rimiko, Tabata,; Gunji, Ikuko; Nakamura, Hirofumi
JNC TN8450 2003-008, 100 Pages, 2003/12
The paper reports on the information materials, which were prepared for dialogue "Cycle friendly talk" with the local public, as the experimental tools to support public understanding.
Gunji, Ikuko; Tabata, Rimiko; Otoshi, Sachio*; Kuwagaki, Reiko*; Ishibashi, Yoichiro*
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no abstracts in English
Ayame, Junko; Sugiyama, Kenji; Gunji, Ikuko; Torata, Shinichiro; Yamamoto, Ryuichi
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As our risk communication activities after the Fukushima nuclear accident, we have conducted explanatory meetings on radiation risk and its influence on human health. We carried out the meetings to reduce anxiety and concerns about radiation risk among residents in Ibaraki and Fukushima prefectures. The meetings incorporate the residents needs, and have interactive two-way communication as long as possible. We show the opinions of the participants and the results of the questionnaire survey in the meetings.
Yonezawa, Rika; Gunji, Ikuko
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JAEA has an interactive communication with parents at internal dosimetry by whole-body counters. This communication has effected for reducing parents' uneasiness and dissatisfied.
Sugiyama, Kenji; Ayame, Junko; Gunji, Ikuko; Torata, Shinichiro; Yamamoto, Ryuichi
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To improve radiation risk literacy for residents after the Fukushima nuclear accident, interactive public meetings are held in Ibaraki prefecture on the point of risk communicative activities. Tendencies of awareness in Ibaraki residents participating at the meetings were found for analysing questionnaires.
Ishihara, Miho; Ayame, Junko; Masui, Hideko; Furuno, Akiko; Gunji, Ikuko; Yonezawa, Rika; Tsuji, Aki; Nagaoka, Mika; Kanda, Mami
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The visiting lecture is carried out from 2001 as education about the atomic power and the radiation to a next-generation layer and it explains by adding the data relevant to the influence of the radiation in an accident, etc. after the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant disaster in March, 2011. Here, the opinion and questionnaire result which were brought near by the practice situation of a visiting lecture and the student that participated are introduced.
Takashita, Hirofumi; Sugiyama, Kenji; Furuno, Akiko; Gunji, Ikuko; Tokunaga, Hiroaki*; Horikoshi, Hidehiko*
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As our risk communication activities after the Fukushima nuclear accident, we have conducted explanatory meetings on radiation risk and its influence on human health in Ibaraki and Fukushima prefectures. We also have implemented internal dosimetry of Fukushima Residents by using whole body counters. We carried out questionnaire surveys for the participants and the examinees. Awareness of those people toward radiation, nuclear information, etc. are compared and shown.
Furuno, Akiko; Sugiyama, Kenji; Yonezawa, Rika; Gunji, Ikuko; Tokunaga, Hiroaki*; Horikoshi, Hidehiko*
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Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has conducted internal dosimetry by using Whole Body Counter (WBC) on Fukushima residents since July 2011.
Yonezawa, Rika; Furuno, Akiko; Gunji, Ikuko; Sugiyama, Kenji
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Under the assignment of Fukushima prefecture, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has conducted an internal dose assessment survey for Fukushima residents since July 2011. Our risk communication team in cooperation with Department of Radiation Protection had direct dialogue with those residents who came to JAEA for the whole body counting (WBC), and also provided concerned and necessary information for them.
Gunji, Ikuko; Furuno, Akiko; Yonezawa, Rika; Sugiyama, Kenji
no journal, ,
After the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, the Tokai Research and Development Center of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) had direct dialogue as risk communication with Fukushima residents who sought out whole-body counting (WBC). The results of the risk communication and the two opinion surveys show that Fukushima residents have the most anxiety about their long-term health. Residents were comforted by the WBC and risk communication efforts, reinforcing. These findings suggest that we recognized the importance of continuous efforts on risk communication.
Takashita, Hirofumi; Sugiyama, Kenji; Ayame, Junko; Furuno, Akiko; Gunji, Ikuko; Yonezawa, Rika; Yamamoto, Ryuichi
no journal, ,
As our risk communication activities after the Fukushima nuclear accident, we have conducted explanatory meetings on radiation risk and its influence on human health in Ibaraki and Fukushima prefectures. The meetings incorporate the residents' needs, and have interactive two-way communication as long as possible. We also have implemented internal dosimetry of Fukushima Residents by using whole body counters. The purpose of those activities is to reduce anxiety and concerns about radiation risk among residents in Ibaraki and Fukushima prefectures. In those activities, questionnaire surveys were carried out for the participants and the examinees. Awareness of those people toward radiation, nuclear information, etc. are compared and shown. The survey results show that the items of anxiety and important points of information do not change dramatically even as the areas are varied. The results also show that our risk communication approach is effective for the activities.
Gunji, Ikuko; Tabata, Rimiko; Otoshi, Sachio*; Kuwagaki, Reiko*; Ishibashi, Yoichiro*
no journal, ,
no abstracts in English
Ayame, Junko; Takashita, Hirofumi; Sugiyama, Kenji; Gunji, Ikuko; Yonezawa, Rika; Furuno, Akiko
no journal, ,
We were awarded the Outstanding Active Award of Social and Environmental Division, Atomic Energy Society of Japan in the 2016 Annual Meeting. We will present the award lecture at the Planning Session of Social and Environmental Division in the 2016 Fall Meeting.