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Journal Articles

Release and transport behaviors of non-gamma-emitting fission products and actinides in steam and hydrogen atmospheres

Miwa, Shuhei; Ducros, G.*; Hanus, E.*; Bottomley, P. D. W.*; Van Winckel, S.*; Osaka, Masahiko

Nuclear Engineering and Design, 326, p.143 - 149, 2018/01

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:29.51(Nuclear Science & Technology)

The release and transport behaviors of 13 non-gamma-emitting fission products (FPs) and actinides in steam and hydrogen atmospheres were investigated based on the chemical analysis of their deposits on the components of VERCORS test loops. The new findings were obtained; strontium release was significantly enhanced in hydrogen atmosphere and a part of released strontium was transported towards the lower temperature region, uranium release was enhanced in steam atmosphere but most of released uranium deposited at high temperature region.

Journal Articles

Computational and experimental examination of simulated core damage and relocation dynamics of a BWR fuel assembly

Hanus, G.*; Sato, Ikken; Iwama, Tatsuya*

Proceedings of International Waste Management Symposia 2016 (WM2016) (Internet), 12 Pages, 2016/03

JAEA plans a large-scale test to evaluate damage and relocation behavior of BWR core materials consisting of fuel rods, channel boxes, control blade and lower support structures. Its purpose is to contribute to understanding of core material relocation behavior in the event of severe accidents with the BWR design conditions for which existing experimental database is quite limited. Prior to large-scale testing, JAEA desires preliminary investigations to examine melting test pieces. The purpose of such tests is to verify the materials and test piece will be heated by plasma to the target temperature (ca.2900K) and to collect data about the material relocation behavior. Results from preliminary computational simulations are presented illustrating the effectiveness of a 150 kW non-transferred plasma jet. An experimental test program using the computational analyses as a basis and a plasma torch is described.

Journal Articles

Upgrading the experimental database of fission products and actinides release behaviour in the VERCORS program through chemical analysis

Miwa, Shuhei; Ducros, G.*; Hanus, E.*; Bottomley, P. D. W.*; Van Winckel, S.*

Proceedings of 7th European Review Meeting on Severe Accident Research (ERMSAR 2015) (Internet), 11 Pages, 2015/03

The release behaviour of $$alpha$$-ray emitters, $$beta$$-ray emitters and stable nuclide from the degraded fuel in the fission product (FP) and actinide release and transport tests, VERCORS tests, were investigated based on the chemical analysis of their deposits on the components of VERCORS test loops. The release of Sr which has a significant public impact shows the possibility to be enhanced in reducing atmosphere. The release of U was significantly enhanced in steam atmosphere, but almost all the released U remained near the fuel. The release behaviour of other non-$$gamma$$-ray emitters such as Rb, Pd, Tc and Pu shows the good consistency with the expectation based on the previous VERCORS tests results. The experimental database of the FP and actinide release behaviour was upgraded through the chemical analysis in terms of the effects of atmosphere on the release behaviour of $$alpha$$-ray emitters, $$beta$$-ray emitters and stable nuclide.

Oral presentation

Evaluation of FP chemistry under severe accident conditions with focuses on the effects of BWR control material, 2; Effect of atmosphere on the FP release and transport behavior

Miwa, Shuhei; Osaka, Masahiko; Ducros, G.*; Hanus, E.*; Bottomley, P. D. W.*; Van Winckel, S.*

no journal, , 

The analysis method of fission product (FP) chemistry for the precise evaluation of the effect of atmosphere on the FP release and transport was investigated by using the results of FP release and transport experiments VERCORS which were carried out at various atmosphere. The results of pseudo chemical kinetics calculation show good consistency with experimental results of FP chemistry in the transport at relative low temperature.

4 (Records 1-4 displayed on this page)
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