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Journal Articles

Interactive steering on in situ particle-based volume rendering framework

Kawamura, Takuma; Hasegawa, Yuta; Idomura, Yasuhiro

Journal of Visualization, 27(1), p.89 - 107, 2024/02

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:27.71(Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications)

Interactive in-situ steering is an effective tool for debugging, searching for optimal solutions, and analyzing inverse problems in fast and large-scale computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. We propose an interactive in-situ steering framework for large-scale CFD simulations on GPU supercomputers. This framework employs in-situ particle-based volume rendering (PBVR), in-situ data sampling, and a file-based control that enables interactive communication of steering parameters, compressed particle data, and sampled monitoring data between supercomputers and user PCs. The parallelized PBVR is processed on the host CPU to avoid interference with CFD simulations on the GPU. We apply the proposed framework to a real-time plume dispersion analysis code CityLBM on GPU supercomputers. In the numerical experiment, we address an inverse problem to find a pollutant source from the monitoring data, and demonstrate the effectiveness of the human-in-the-loop approach.

JAEA Reports

HFB-1 borehole survey data collection

Miyakawa, Kazuya; Hayano, Akira; Sato, Naomi; Nakata, Kotaro*; Hasegawa, Takuma*

JAEA-Data/Code 2023-009, 103 Pages, 2023/09


This borehole investigation was carried out to confirm the validity of the distribution of low flow areas deep underground estimated based on the geophysical survey in FY 2020, as a part of an R&D supporting program titled "Research and development on Groundwater Flow Evaluation Technology in Bedrock" under contract to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (2021, 2022 FY, Grant Number: JPJ007597). The borehole name is Horonobe Fossil seawater Boring-1 and is referred to as HFB-1 borehole. HFB-1 is a vertical borehole drilled adjacent to the Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory (URL), which was drilled from the surface to a depth of 200 m in FY2021 and from a depth of 200 m to 500 m in FY2022. This report summarizes information related to the drilling of HFB-1 and various data (rock core description, geophysical logging, chemical analysis, etc.) obtained from the borehole investigation.

Journal Articles

Interactive in-situ steering and visualization of GPU-accelerated simulations using particle-based volume rendering

Kawamura, Takuma; Hasegawa, Yuta; Idomura, Yasuhiro

Proceedings of Joint International Conference on Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications + Monte Carlo 2020 (SNA + MC 2020), p.187 - 192, 2020/10

In order to realize the atmospheric dispersion prediction of pollutants, a fluid simulation by adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) optimized for GPU supercomputer has been developed, and interactive visualization and parameter steering of the simulation results are needed. In this study, we extend particle-based in-situ visualization method for structured grids into AMR, and enables in-situ steering of the simulation parameters by utilizing an in-situ control mechanism via files. By combining the developed method with plume dispersion simulation in urban areas running on a GPU platform, it was shown that human-in-the-loop pollution source search is possible without enormous parameter scanning.

Journal Articles

Degassing behavior of noble gases from groundwater during groundwater sampling

Nakata, Kotaro*; Hasegawa, Takuma*; Solomon, D. K.*; Miyakawa, Kazuya; Tomioka, Yuichi*; Ota, Tomoko*; Matsumoto, Takuya*; Hama, Katsuhiro; Iwatsuki, Teruki; Ono, Masahiko*; et al.

Applied Geochemistry, 104, p.60 - 70, 2019/05

 Times Cited Count:8 Percentile:39.25(Geochemistry & Geophysics)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Evaluation of $$delta^{2}$$H and $$delta^{18}$$O of water in pores extracted by compression method; Effects of closed pores and comparison to direct vapor equilibration and laser spectrometry method

Nakata, Kotaro*; Hasegawa, Takuma*; Oyama, Takahiro*; Miyakawa, Kazuya

Journal of Hydrology, 561, p.547 - 556, 2018/06

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:24.12(Engineering, Civil)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

An Evaluation of the long-term stagnancy of porewater in the neogene sedimentary rocks in northern Japan

Nakata, Kotaro*; Hasegawa, Takuma*; Oyama, Takahiro*; Ishii, Eiichi; Miyakawa, Kazuya; Sasamoto, Hiroshi

Geofluids, 2018, p.7823195_1 - 7823195_21, 2018/01

 Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:57.52(Geochemistry & Geophysics)

A groundwater scenario is one of the scenario for safety assessment of geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste. In the safety assessment for groundwater scenario, the slow groundwater flow for a long-term should be an important factor. In the present study, study on stability of groundwater in the Koetoi and Wakkanai formations of Neogene marine based sedimentary rock at the Horonobe area, Hokkaido was performed by investigating the isotopes of chlorine and helium, and the stable isotopes of water. As the results, the stability of groundwater in deeper part of the Wakkanai formation was suggested due to no direct evidence of meteoric water intrusion during the uplift since ca. 1 Ma. Contrary, the groundwater both in the Koetoi formation and the upper Wakkanai formation would be unstable because the meteoric water intrusion was suggested by paleohydrogeological condition and the results of groundwater dating. Likely the Horonobe area, the accurate dating of groundwater would be difficult due to the complex effects of upward and mixing water derived from diagenesis in the thick sediment formation. However, a comparative procedure using both the results of groundwater dating and paleohydrogeological information would be useful for general evaluation of groundwater flow conditions for the long-term (i.e., check the possibility for long-term stability of groundwater).

JAEA Reports

Gas composition related to the Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory Project

Miyakawa, Kazuya; Tamamura, Shuji*; Nakata, Kotaro*; Hasegawa, Takuma*

JAEA-Data/Code 2016-021, 60 Pages, 2017/03


The Japan Atomic Energy Agency has been involved in ongoing research in the Horonobe area for the purposes of geoscientific research, and research and development (R&D) on technologies to be used for the geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste. The chemistry of groundwater and dissolved gas from deep boreholes has been obtained since H13 fiscal year for R&D on technologies related to geological characterization. Horonobe Research Institute for the Subsurface Environment (H-RISE) has investigated a resources development on promoting effective use of coal bed buried in Hokkaido including the Horonobe area using microbial communities. The data of dissolved gas from the Horonobe groundwater have also been obtained along with the microbiological research by H-RISE. Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI) has conducted R&D on technology of groundwater geochronology which is one of technologies to be used for the geological disposal, and noble gas data from the Horonobe groundwater have been obtained by CRIEPI. This report shows a data set which comprises gas data obtained from the Horonobe underground research project during the period from H13 fiscal year to H27 fiscal year.

Journal Articles

Cross-checking groundwater age by $$^{4}$$He and $$^{14}$$C dating in a granite, Tono area, central Japan

Hasegawa, Takuma*; Nakata, Kotaro*; Tomioka, Yuichi*; Goto, Kazuyuki*; Kashiwaya, Koki*; Hama, Katsuhiro; Iwatsuki, Teruki; Kunimaru, Takanori*; Takeda, Masaki

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 192, p.166 - 185, 2016/11

 Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:36.60(Geochemistry & Geophysics)

Groundwater dating was performed simultaneously by the $$^{4}$$He and $$^{14}$$C methods in granite of the Tono area in central Japan. Groundwater was sampled at 30 packed-off sections of six 1000-m boreholes. $$^{4}$$He concentrations increased and $$^{14}$$C concentrations decreased along a groundwater flow path on a topographic gradient. $$^{4}$$He ages were calculated by using the in situ $$^{4}$$He production rate derived from the porosity, density, and U and Th content of the rock, neglecting external flux. The linear relation between the $$^{4}$$He ages and the noncorrected $$^{14}$$C ages, except in the discharge area. Simultaneous measurements make it feasible to estimate the accumulation rate of $$^{4}$$He and initial dilution of $$^{14}$$C, which cannot be done with a single method. Cross-checking groundwater dating has the potential to provide more reliable groundwater ages.

Journal Articles

Comparison of $$^{14}$$C collected by precipitation and gas-strip methods for dating groundwater

Nakata, Kotaro*; Hasegawa, Takuma*; Iwatsuki, Teruki; Kato, Toshihiro

Radiocarbon, 58(3), p.491 - 503, 2016/09


 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:24.08(Geochemistry & Geophysics)

Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) for $$^{14}$$C analysis of groundwater is usually extracted by a gas-strip or precipitation method. In this study, the certainty of the two methods for $$^{14}$$C dating were confirmed. DIC and $$^{14}$$C concentrations obtained by the gas-strip method were close to the theoretically predicted $$^{14}$$C value. Conversely, the $$^{14}$$C value obtained by the precipitation method always showed higher values than the predicted values. The difference in $$^{14}$$C value between gas-strip and precipitation methods was assumed to arise owing to contamination of modern carbon used in the precipitation method. The applicability of the precipitation method for groundwater should be considered carefully according to the DIC, $$^{14}$$C concentration of groundwater and purpose of the study being conducted.

Journal Articles

Shallow groundwater intrusion to deeper depths caused by construction and drainage of a large underground facility; Estimation using $$^{3}$$H, CFCs and SF$$_{6}$$ as trace materials

Hagiwara, Hiroki; Iwatsuki, Teruki; Hasegawa, Takuma*; Nakata, Kotaro*; Tomioka, Yuichi*

Nihon Suimon Kagakkai-Shi, 45(2), p.21 - 38, 2015/07

This study evaluates a method to estimate shallow groundwater intrusion in and around a large underground research facility (Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory - MIU). Water chemistry, stable isotopes ($$delta$$D and $$delta$$$$^{18}$$O), tritium ($$^{3}$$H), chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and sulfur hexafluoride (SF$$_{6}$$) in groundwater were monitored around the facility (from 20 m down to a depth of 500 m), for a period of 5 years. The results show that shallow groundwater inflows into deeper groundwater at depths of between 200-400 m. In addition, the content of shallow groundwater estimated using $$^{3}$$H and CFC-12 concentrations is up to a maximum of about 50%. This is interpreted as the impact on the groundwater environment caused by construction and operation of a large facility over several years. The concomitant use of $$^{3}$$H and CFCs is an effective method to determine the extent of shallow groundwater inflow caused by construction of an underground facility.

Journal Articles

Replacement of the criticality accident alarm system in the Tokai Reprocessing Plant

Sanada, Yukihisa; Ishii, Masato*; Hasegawa, Ichiro; Kanazawa, Nobuyuki; Chikazawa, Tatsuya*; Momose, Takumaro

NEA/CSNI/R(2010)4 (Internet), p.351 - 370, 2010/11

A criticality accident alarm system (CAAS) was installed in the 1980s as part of criticality safety management at the Tokai Reprocessing Plant (TRP) to reduce the chance of workers being exposed to radiation in the rare case of a criticality accident. From a compliance point of view processing at TRP cannot take place without the criticality monitoring provided by the CAAS. This paper gives an overview of the process of the CAAS being replaced as part of aging management.

Oral presentation

Estimation of groundwater replacement by shallow water around deep underground facility based on $$^{3}$$H and CFCs concentrations

Iwatsuki, Teruki; Omori, Kazuaki; Hagiwara, Hiroki; Hasegawa, Takuma*; Nakata, Kotaro*

no journal, , 

Appricability of tritium and CFCs as an tracer of shallow water infiltration into deep was evaluated at Mizunami underground reserach laboratory. The observation results show that the infiltration of shallow water increases with time. Especially CFCs is avairable tracer for groundwater with the residence time of several tens years.

Oral presentation

CRIEPI-JAEA collaborative study "Study on hydrogeological and mass transport property of rock mass in and around the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory; Development of groundwater dating technology"

Nakata, Kotaro*; Hasegawa, Takuma*; Tomioka, Yuichi*; Tanaka, Yasuharu*; Hama, Katsuhiro; Iwatsuki, Teruki

no journal, , 

The technology development of groundwater dating has been carried out as a part of CRIEPI-JAEA collaboration. The carbon-14 in the organic matter dissolved in groundwater is used to estimate groundwater age. The estimated age is almost same as the age that estimated by the He-4 in groundwater. This suggested that the age estimation by carbon-14 in organic matter can be useful tool to enhance the reliability of the data on groundwater age.

Oral presentation

CRIEPI-JAEA collaborative study; Study on hydrogeological and mass transport property of rock mass in and around the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory

Tanaka, Yasuharu*; Nohara, Shintaro*; Hasegawa, Takuma*; Yata, Kotaro*; Hama, Katsuhiro; Iwasaki, Riyo

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Estimation of hydraulic conditions of groundwater using carbon isotope

Kato, Toshihiro; Iwatsuki, Teruki; Nakata, Kotaro*; Hasegawa, Takuma*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Comparison between the groundwater age and geological age/geological history in Horonobe region

Nakata, Kotaro*; Hasegawa, Takuma*; Oyama, Takahiro*; Hataya, Ryuta*; Sasamoto, Hiroshi; Ishii, Eiichi; Miyakawa, Kazuya

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

CRIEPI-JAEA collaboration study on mass transport by groundwater in and around the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory

Hasegawa, Takuma*; Nakata, Kotaro*; Tomioka, Yuichi*; Ota, Tomoko*; Hama, Katsuhiro; Iwatsuki, Teruki; Kato, Toshihiro*; Hayashida, Kazuki

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Groundwater dating conducted in Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory

Hasegawa, Takuma*; Nakata, Kotaro*; Tomioka, Yuichi*; Ota, Tomoko*; Hama, Katsuhiro; Iwatsuki, Teruki; Kato, Toshihiro*; Hayashida, Kazuki

no journal, , 

Groundwater dating was conducted to Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory (MIU). $$^{14}$$C age and $$^{4}$$He age were estimated about 20,000 years around MIU. The estimation of noble gas temperature is also conducted. The estimated recharge temperature is around 6$$^{circ}$$C. This temperature is about 9$$^{circ}$$C cooler than present annual average temperature, which agree with estimation of modern analog method conducted near MIU.

Oral presentation

Multiple groundwater dating conducted at Mizunami URL

Hasegawa, Takuma*; Nakata, Kotaro*; Tomioka, Yuichi*; Ota, Tomoko*; Okamoto, Shunichi*; Hama, Katsuhiro; Watanabe, Yusuke; Iwatsuki, Teruki

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Diffusive migration of chloride ion evaluated by vertical profile of concentration and stable isotope ratio

Hasegawa, Takuma*; Nakata, Kotaro*; Miyakawa, Kazuya

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

49 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)